Showing Posts For Tyrongr.6042:

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyrongr.6042


3 things will make the diference
1 duels is a must
2 mount so there is fun and ways to obtain a mount for hardcore players or players who love this kind of stuff
3 more gear difernce so when someone really want to focus on a character then he could have something extra from the one who just made a lvl 80 :P i mean honestly thats what keeps every one into the game

Dueling and checking out other players armor.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyrongr.6042


Duel is a must in this game in my opinion i always want to do a duel with a friend without having to go to spvp server who has 0/10 players and after 2 second someone can come and destroy our duel , i mean it will make the game so much better , the idea of the duel off battle will solve all problems