Showing Posts For Ufel.9504:

Every Diamond I See

in PvP

Posted by: Ufel.9504


SoloQ to diamond myself.
What helped me, especially through ruby, was having about 3 classes I was competent on and swapping accordingly to help round out my team’s comp. Those classes were Tempest, Reaper and Dragonhunter. I practiced on all 3 in unranked until I felt comfortable.

Very good system 10/10

in PvP

Posted by: Ufel.9504


Same thing has happened to me repeatedly today. I wouldn’t be too concerned if I didn’t lose pips every time my team of solo ques got stomped, which today was constantly.

Food for thought for ArenaNet

in PvP

Posted by: Ufel.9504


Bump for at least an arena that does not allow randoms in to it. I personally prefer 10v10 or 15v15!

T3 New Fight Tier

in WvW

Posted by: Ufel.9504


Arius, man, it’s obvious everywhere you post that you have a not-so-secret kitten for Mag. Surprised you haven’t joined already like other haters have.

MASSIVE Server/Skill Lag in WvW since patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ufel.9504


Bump. T3 EBG specifically unplayable majority of the time during NA prime.

I noticed this became a gigantic issue after the Stability patch. Not saying the Stability change itself is the cause, but considering a number of other things were broken with that patch, why not this?

Stronghold = GvG?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ufel.9504


Well to be honest my dreams for something completely new and different with slightly bigger teams so more people could play and coordinate together were pretty much shot down today.

Pretty much this. One of the reasons I like WvW GvG is that you can collaborate and play with more of your guildies than just 5.

I was interested in Stronghold if it was 8v8, as it would foster that atmosphere even a little bit, but I will be very disappointed if it remains 5v5. I just want to play with more pals!

As it looks right now, it it just another sPvP mode.