Showing Posts For Ultio.8015:

The Battle of Claw Island Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ultio.8015


Yeah, I was holding and charging it. It’s like the shot was bouncing off something and hitting the ground. I tried it again tonight after work, and it worked. I guess not an issue that’s permanent.

Thanks guys.

The Battle of Claw Island Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ultio.8015


So I’m playing through the battle for Claw Island on my mesmer. I’ve reached the part where I’m supposed to attack the ship with the trebuchets. However, every time I fire them, the blast hits the wall literally right in front of the trebuchet, rather than firing out into the ocean or at the ship. I’ve tried leaving the vehicle and getting back in, changing the angle I’m firing at, etc. Nothing changes the fact that the ordinance hits the area directly in front of the trebuchet.

So… how do I continue with the storyline if I can’t sink the ship?

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ultio.8015


Thanks for the responses all. Appreciate the feedback, and I will use it to hopefully improve my playing. I was VERY frustrated last night. I’m feeling better about it today after processing all the info I’m gonna incorporate. I’ll be sure to pass it on in game as well, as many of the people in the groups I’ve found are very much glass cannons (even the ones that are more tanky inherently because of armor type).

Can Human Warrior class own / have pets?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ultio.8015


Pets you are seeing for sale on the AH are probably “vanity” pets, which anyone can use. They don’t do anything except follow you around, though. They are there just for looks. And I believe Snaple meant that necromancers get minions, not warlocks. There are no warlocks in the game.

Question/Request Regarding Skill Points

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ultio.8015


Nope. Traits can be reset. Skill points cannot. You will, unfortunately, need to go around and collect some more skill points. That’s kinda the point in the long run, though: you get all the skill points, allowing you to unlock more and more skills.

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ultio.8015


Ok, so I have been watching videos and reading stuff from ANet for a long time as GW2 was being developed. One of the ideas I liked best was that they were trying to get away from the so called “holy trinity” of MMO’s (ie. tank, healer, dps). So I’m leveling away, enjoying my ranger, my guardian, etc, and then I hit the level where I can enter Ascalonian Catacombs. I have now had 4 groups in which the group was dedicated to getting through the instance, they were patient, they were planning stuff out ahead of time, they were communicating, and they all were willing to stay through wipes and wipes and wipes and wipes and….

So I ask my guild, what is going on? And I get the response “well the tank needs to do… whatever.” So, what? Did ANet move away from the idea that we weren’t supposed to require a tank? Several times on their site, even to this day, after they’ve changed the site so much, they still talk about how it shouldn’t matter who’s present in the battlefield, that everyone should be able to contribute and with good communication and planning, be able to win an encounter.

So if I get into a group where no one is able to switch to “tank gear” and “tank spec” (because ANet has been busy assuring people its not needed) how on earth are we supposed to beat some of these encounters? If tanks are required, then fine, tanks are required for this game. But don’t go telling people that you don’t want dedicated tanks and then build encounters where you have to have them!

I just spent the last 3 hours working with this group, who for all their passion, could not get past Vassar and Ralena. And this is the 4th time I’ve spent about that much time to only have everyone finally give up. Am I just stupid for assuming that ANet meant exactly what they said?