Showing Highly Rated Posts By UrsaMaritima.8604:

Zodiac Armors Feeback

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: UrsaMaritima.8604


I highly suggest the artists look at runway fashions like this, this, this, this, these, this, or really just anything fashion related and take some inspiration time.

This, so much this. The two black dresses in that list are great – although to be fair, we’ve gotten some pretty good ones with the Phoenix, Trickster, and Viper armors.

I think this (nsfw?) male fashion might be a little more on par for the male design of Zodiac.

Seriously, if that (or anything even close to that) was a male armor set I would buy it with gems.

Zodiac Armors Feeback

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: UrsaMaritima.8604


I loved this armor set when I first saw it. I’m overjoyed there’s finally some attractive-yet-revealing sets for the boys (humanoid and otherwise). I like the effects and the design.

I do not like the “blue skin” effect. I see what the artists were trying to do and I can appreciate it – it’s supposed to be like the Zodiac weapons where the character itself is reminiscent of a constellation. The blue base, though, is very off-putting. I’d prefer to see a lower alpha on all of those areas so that my character was more ethereal than having the blue there instead.

I find the blue off-putting for several reasons. First, it’s very bright, a la Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen), Diva Plavalaguna (Fifth Element), or (I hesitate to say) the Smurfs. The result of the intensity of this color is that it appears to me like the skin is being covered by spandex, an effect that is intensified by the second reason: The blue completely covers the face. I feel as though my character is wearing a blue zentai (a kind of all-over bodysuit). Here are several examples (they are safe, don’t worry):

I know it’s a little bit cliche to complain about armor with a Charr model, but in this case I think the preview on my character truly emphasizes what I’m trying to say.

His face appears chiseled and shiny, with a similar shiny effect showing up elsewhere on the body as well. I play on the highest graphics settings possible (because this game is absolutely gorgeous) and I don’t think the armor preview renders at the same detail; however, this is my primary way of determining whether or not to buy the item.

I like the peekaboo chest and thighs, I like the gloves, and if I could see the skin/fur instead of this blueness, it would be a sure purchase (for what it’s worth, I typically trade real money for gems rather than gold). Based on some of the outraged comments above, maybe there are cultural constraints preventing this from happening. If that’s the case, and the blue can’t be removed outright, perhaps consider toning it down around the face and significantly lowering the alpha everywhere else – maybe 0.2 on the 0-1 scale. I’d be a little disappointed about not having this awesome armor “cleanly,” but it would be a major improvement and a look I could see myself using.

Hopefully this kind of feedback is something you can use – it’s a bit scary to post here!

Black Lion Trading company

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UrsaMaritima.8604


still the same nothing changed

Seeing as the build hasn’t gone live yet, this is not surprising. :P

Black Lion Trading company

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UrsaMaritima.8604


I came here to see if there was magically a fix since Friday night, but just more complaining. lol.

Haha, that’s these forums for you. Sigh.