Showing Posts For Ursu.4163:

Switching to a warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


lets play “spot the elitist troll” ?

Classism Against Ele's Anet say no!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


While I understand the arguments made on skill triumphing the drawbacks in a class there is an inherent flaw in the argument. Elementalist could be fine in a player who has mastered the intricacies being able to do fine in regular content, either pve or pvp. But the problem is that you have to master the class just to be “competent”. If you haven’t mastered the class you will die often before you even get out of your teens pve wise, pvp we might as well call cleanup after other classes get done with you.

Now take another class like say the engineer. I have gotten to 38 and definitely haven’t mastered the class quite yet. But I can still progress without to much difficulty. But here is the kicker, i’m competent NOW without having mastered the class. When I do master the class then I will inherently be ahead of the elementalist no matter what since they had to master the class just to be considered competent. Now they will lag behind the classes that have more inherent power just because they have no more to give.

If you have to master a class just to be able to survive basic low level content, which as an elementalist you do, then how exactly is that NOT underpowered? Even if you want a challenge, why beat your head against a wall for hours when you can play a more fun and accessible class? That isn’t fortitude or skill when you master a broken class it is masochism. If wanting to play a game for actual fun makes me a ‘baddie’ or ‘kitten’ then i’ll just have to live with that as I rip your avatar a new one.

A couple things. First, you don’t have to absolutely master the class with no room for improvement in order to be competent with Ele. It just takes a higher level of skill than most other classes do.
Second, the skill curves are very different. After becoming competent with most professions in this game, the effectiveness level remains relatively flat all the way to profession mastery. With elementalists, on the other hand, after competence has been reached, effectiveness shoots up at a ridiculously high speed and puts them at the same effective level as other professions.
This picture is what I’m trying to get at. What happens above the line of competence, I’m not so sure on. The curves aren’t going to be constant in the same fashion as below the line, so don’t start flaming on something dumb like that. At some point, though, the effectiveness of the elementalist begins to match that of other professions.

ahahaha, well , hello there.
aren’t you the guy that was doing soooo well on elementalist that the community actually asked for some capture of your awesome work? I guess still waiting for it.
Your post sounds like the speech of a sales manager that actually has no idea about what he’s selling and what’s the market segment he’s after. But his powerpoint presentation- and in your case, you nice graph – actually show millions or billions in profit and how the masses will flock to the product he’s trying to put on market. Want real life examples? Nokia N8, Blackberry tablet, etc.
Spitting out words without real substance, in sentences that no one can really contradict because they don’t have any real substance is something I see very often and I was actually expecting from trolls sniffing around on this forum

Switching to a warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


changed to warrior already last week, after 61 levels and almost 3 weeks of getting tired playing this stupid designed class that asks for so much to return so little.
Tried a thief and a warrior, went on to level the warrior.

Avoniel.5708 – if they nerf the GS build there will be dual swords, sword/shield, sword/axe, and a few other that will out-dps the elementalist in 99.9% of cases in PvE.

If I would have started as warrior I would have been lvl 80 a long time ago. Everything goes so slowly on the elem. Killing 2 mobs at the same time without going through 4 attunements and 8-9 skills is almost impossible. Killing 2 mobs at the same time with warrior is a question of pressing 2…maybe 3 keys if I don’t crit enough.

Elementalist currently is not a class worth spending time with in PvE. sPvP is something else, you can try build, weapons, everything is free and you can experiment. But PvE? worst choice ever as main.
WvW can be effective but behind walls of zerg or defending keeps. Even in that scenario rifle/longbow will kick yourkitten before you can do much about it.

Overall, one of the most beautiful , complex and full of potential class in GW2 is just a shadow of what it could be. Not understood properly it was nerfed beyond any common sense. Now Anet is waiting for the metagame to shift before taking action.
Really Anet, waiting for metagame to shift? How about getting your behinds off of that pile of money you’ve made selling this game and fix this class, before instead of an actual metagame shift you have a mass exodus from players playing this class

Underwater Elementalist is horrifyingly underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


@ LiuliRenai.3928 wow, really?
that’s sounds like MVP or DRG apm level to do something half decent.
Well, lemme give you this example (as 61 elem that has a lvl 19 warrior now):
On my warrior I jump in water, gather some mobs, press 5, then 2 and loot drop. About 1/4 of the time it takes for your great elementalist to kill 1 mob – while being sure you don’t aggro 2 and die – I kill about 3 or 4.
Enjoy your elementalist, I did too until I tried other classes and understood how badly/underpowered elem actually is compared to thief, warrior, guardian … it’s really, not even funny.

should i just wait for ele buff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


Why does it need to change? Why does every class have to play the same way?

nothing has to change.
but playing a certain class should not put you at a disadvantage. playing an elementalist now is like running a handicap race: everyone starts will all the goodies ahead of you and you need to play catch up blowing your keyboard out with attunement dancing and skills smashing while kissing a silver holy cross bought from Vatican hoping you won’t die before your cooldown on water is done.

Conjure Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


OP how?
to me it sounds like cabbage..
to someone else like race horse…
arguments ?
Kids learning OP…then throwing it in every forum posts they can.

The problem of the elementalist:

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


true, WvW is one place where elementalists do good and where I felt a bit at home. Problem is every time I moved out from the safety of zerg I was downed/finished in a split second. PvE leveling build doesn’t work nicely in WvW.
true, stuff changes at 80 when you spec for survival, but where the efff goes the damage then? I tried to change speccs for WvW to see what’s happening and I went from getting hit for 1/3 of my hp down to 1/4 of it. Not bad. Problem was when I tried to dish out damage…that was reduced by a good 33%… Hitting 1.2k crits down from 1.9k is way too much to get 1 extra shot of survival. And then I saw what longbow /rifle can do in WvW and I just got out of it with the tail between my legs.

This is getting old.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


it’s not that.
how hard it is to grasp the concept?
it’s not like you’re not capable of doing some nice things, it’s that you need to sacrifice everything when it comes to hp/defense and you’re just getting on par with others for doing it.
Plus, you need to rotate attunements.
Warriors to do the same damage press 2 keys..well maybe 3 if they are not lazy.
I mean, if I want to play a game that takes me 400-500 apm to be good, hell I could be a semi-pro Starcraft II player and make some money out of online tournaments/streaming.

The problem of the elementalist:

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


What do you people think? Do you agree? Or do you have workarounds to this?

what do I think? I’m rolling a warrior now, that’s what I think, killing everything I was running from as an elementalist with a greatsword pressing 2, 3. Then move to next.

I’ve been playing wizards/mages in mmo’s for 10 years now, always being happy to trade no defenses and lowest hp of all classes for by far the highest damage output of all classes. I had to know how to kite, when to engage and when to flea, how to use sparingly my cc’s ‘cause they were few and on ungodly cooldowns. But man, when I mastered my class I was feared. There were teams dedicated to take me out in GvG and even with that I was dying 3-4 times at most in 3h GvG fights. My kill to death ratio was about 10-1 after months of GvG.
I mean, if you give me a low defense class give me something else to work with. You can’t give me CC ‘cause that would make me OP , i get that. But if I spec full glass cannon I’m on par with other classes dps while they inherently have more HP and more defense. That in itself is an abomination, I’m getting nothing by totally sacrificing my defense. If I want to build up defense and spec for it I’m totally dumping my damage to a point where my opponent becomes impossible to kill.
Spec on defense and you mitigate the damage taken from 33% of your HP to 25% of your HP. That still makes you almost dead when you’re cc-d and a warrior/thief presses 2, 3.
What if I cc them first? well…first I need to think how I want to fight!!! I have to attunement dance to get to my CCs, kite, defense skills, damage skills. I have 1-2 usefull skills in each atunement, so ya, thanks Anet.Other classes swap weapons adapting from a long range to medium/melee combat. I can’t do that , cause I’m overpowered for some reason , right? Well, how about fighting long range mob/class , take him down and then a speedy melee attacks me? Well…I’m pretty much fked because I can’t adapt. I need to kite and use my subpar melee survival skills on my staff to take that melee down. PvE might be something I could deal with, but sPvP or WvW? No way, no player is as bad as an open world mob.
So what do I gain playing an elementalist? The privilege of playing a bad thought out class (well, it was nerfed when people didn’t understand the game) that’s in 90% of the cases sub par compared to any other class?
No thanks. I won’t.

should i just wait for ele buff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


I’ve been playing wizard/mages in MMOs for about…well…10 years.
Trend was always the same: highest damage output in the game with the lowest defenses. As mage/wizzard you could not afford to get hit but at the same time others could not afford to get hit by you.
The current state of elementalist in GW2 is : crap damage, crap defense, 150 apm to basically do the same thing with your class as others do with a few key presses. Not to be better, but to do the same thing.
I’ll keep playing my elementalist until 80, I’m 61, almost 62 now, with the hope that maybe, just maybe, Anet wakes up. I know they’re up to their ears in tickets that are more urgent than a class balance, so I’ll roll something else. I’ll come back to my loved elem when Anet gets back into their senses and fix the class

Common Elementalist Combos/Rotations

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


plus that zapper bug becomes really , really, really annoying. I prefer playing without sound while out PVE-ing because of that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Fire vs Air Attunement

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


it might look like that , but it’s not really.
I change attunements all the time depending on sittuation, and if the problem would be only 10% I could live with.
But it’s one thing to do 400 dmg with auto attk on fire and 130 with the water one. Or I get 3 bounces of ~200 dmg with 1st on air aggroing mobs I can’t handle, cause the stupid thing hits neutrals too.
Problem with the elementalist it’s not its versatility, it’s the fact that you’re trading too much for it and usually need to hit 10 keys and switch 3 atunements to do the job any other class does faster with a maximum of 3 key taps.

how should I gear as an Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


PvE staff is only good when you have some nuts with you that can save your behind.
Solo PvE staff is prolly the worst choice.
Dual Daggers work quite nicely, but again, depends a lot on atunement. They do amazing on fire, but you need to gear up with some toughness + vit or you won’t have a fun life.
The rest, pretty much like Anndy said: reroll something else if you want to have fun until either people figure out the elementalist or Anet is finally going to wake up and balance it at least in PvE

Common Elementalist Combos/Rotations

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


staff elementalist , 20 points in fire

water 4
fire 3-2
signed of earth
fire 3-2

if not dead:
air 3-5
fire 3-1-1-1-1-…..

Since other classes are doing it; post your highest crits here!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


61 elem, staff on fire, 1.3k on lv 60 story quest undeads today
pathetic, I know.

Fire vs Air Attunement

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ursu.4163


2-3-1 spell cast on fire atunement with staff will outdamage pretty much whatever you can do with Air. 1st air spell is stupid with the bouncing, it gets you in more trouble that it gets you out of. 2nd has waaaaay to long cast time so it’s pretty much useless. 3rd, the knockdown, is good but nothing to be proud of. 4th is good to speed up allies and NPCs in escort quests and 5th is a decent but very time limited cc that will get you in a ton of trouble specially in story quests.
Water pretty much sucks unless you want to play the healer role the whole time, but hey, you’re elementalist, you’re suppose to wreck havoc with your spells…every time I find myself attacking with 1st skill on water I smile dissapointed.
Earth is…well, very good on paper. Not so good when you try to avoid being 2 shot by a random world mob.
I’m talking here only about staff elementalist.