Showing Posts For Vadar.5724:

... What happens if Shadow Shot is reflected?

in Thief

Posted by: Vadar.5724


For the first couple years, if shadow shot was reflected the reflector would teleport to the thief. This was actually pretty handy in wvw and pve. For example, the crystal guys in the Maw fractal could be teleported to you, which was quite abuseable at that time. They then changed shadow shot to be unblockable to get rid of those fun parts.

What will you miss most when you switch?

in Revenant

Posted by: Vadar.5724


Switching from thief. I’ll miss having to watch reveal constantly in case I waste a skill while it’s on and being dead after any small amount of lag. Oh wait, I won’t miss those; so probably not going to miss anything.

9/13 Maguuma vs Ehmry Bay vs Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vadar.5724


I’d also appreciate it if Maguuma would stop trebbing us from their spawn.

Treb them back.

You can’t, it’s in their spawn… We did try with a treb at the closest point from the north camp to it, but it’s too far in. They did it last night too, but they put it too close to the wall, we were able to kill that one. They stood over us invulnerable attacking our treb while we did it too.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Vadar.5724


Last night (4am-ish central) was great fun! Kurtis and TS have a great wvw community, loved tagging with you guys.

Did you leave before we made all of EB green? It was a shame a T2 server leaves EB to go to our undefended BL after getting wiped 6 times in open field combat against even numbers. In these matchups we just want some fights.

7/26 Sea of Sorrows/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vadar.5724


Really though, Anet, put Dragonbad, SoS, and CD all in a tier and let them play each other forever. Or whoever has taken CDs place as the 3rd biggest Oceanic.

Dragonbrand are SEA. They log on just after we log off. So that’s not ganna fix anything.

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vadar.5724


Thanks for the fun on eb today tc from sos. Over 600 kills in that session while commanding. I felt sorry for the 3 mag who were sitting on the cliff watching us fight while we traded ownership of their stuff. One mag even tried to run into their tower when we were taking it when it was blue. Was a god laugh on teamspeak. He just couldn’t get in.

Your zerg on sos bl at the time was massive, but was god awful and they were mostly one guild. We were very surprised as you don’t get that very often on tc. I even missed CERN.

(edited by Vadar.5724)

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vadar.5724


I enjoyed fighting the [TS] commander this morning with [CERN]. We were a bit outnumbered but that is what made it fun! Good fights, guys!

Here was the scene:

Yeah that was me commanding. After so many wipes you guys kept coming back for more. I think lots of us would of left after that, major props to you guys. Was hilarious how you kept chasing us after… This is why we’d much rather fight TC than DB or SoR. They’d both go hide in towers after one wipe.

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vadar.5724


This same commander’s idea of defending a tower against slightly superior numbers is to stack, rush out the portal, kill and get killed, rush back in, and stack again. If his zerg decreases in size, it’s his fault because he’s getting them killed.

This is standard practice in the T1-2 servers. If the numbers are relatively even (like in your example), it’s not the commanders fault if people die. Effective movement, skill usage and sticking close to the commander will help prevent death. Not being up-leveled and poorly geared helps as well

Apologies I wasn’t detailed enough. Yes stacking, running out, running back in, re-stack etc does work, but it’s a strategy that has its places. What happens is that both sides are going to take deaths, and hopefully since you’re fully stacked while they are not you kill more than they do.

It didn’t work this time because the tower we were defending (from TC) was Durios. The tower is in TC’s territory – barring a full wipe their numbers will be essentially limitless (it doesn’t help either that they held their keep and they had a waypoint in it), while ours will dwindle. The couple of times I did this with the commander we scored plenty of kills. But each time we did it, we left a few dead bodies outside that we can’t res. If we were defending Veloka, sure this kind of attrition strategy will work. With Durios, it makes far more sense to just build a few ACs, leave 10+ people to hold the tower, and then take the zerg to cap the rest of the map that TC aren’t defending. Either TC leaves Durios to hunt the zerg (and the people at Durios are ready-made eyes on the zerg), or they lose supply camps or maybe even towers. Those people defending at Durios have nothing to lose either. If worst comes to worst and it’s obvious they cannot hold the tower, they can just disengage just before the wall / gate falls, and map back to Overlook.

Stacking is certainly a powerful tool, but use it blindly and it’ll even be counterproductive. It’s something I notice TC uses way better than SoS. When TC zerg shows up with stacks, SoS gets wiped. When SoS zerg shows up with stacks, TC may suffer some deaths, but they still win overall.

A commander can only do so much… You do realise in that case it was probably due to having more fun than avoiding deaths? and not being cowards and just hiding in the tower on bloody arrow carts. Sometimes it is about fun and not saving a few silver… You’ve obviously never played in t1.

and why do I feel like you are talking about me?

(edited by Vadar.5724)

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vadar.5724


TC and SoS fighting for the privilege to give us their loot bags.
Thanks, guys! It’s sweet.

I was the commander of the sos in that. We had been fighting the tc zerg for ages south of stonemist in open field combat. Managed to wipe them a good number of times. Then when we came after you guys they proceeded to follow us around wherever we went.

On the bright side, we took your keep first.

Also, always fun fighting a CERN lead zerg in open field. Thanks guys.

5/31: FA-TC-SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vadar.5724


I just wanna share this to all.. Enjoy guys
Deep Penetrations Hard core SEA GUILD

Skills vs Numbers

I was the commander of the sos in that vid. I’m the one with the legend title. This was right at the end of our night after most of my guild and others had logged. We decided we’d humour you and try to stall you there as long as possible while we had your stuff on eb. That was also the first time all night we’d been wiped by FA while only spending our time there for about 5 hours. Why didn’t you post one of those?

What’s with the skills vs numbers title? You had many more than us and obviously more skills as evident from the video. Although, we weren’t even bothering, you can see most of us jumping around in spawn.

Was a fun night though, thank you FA and a special thanks to uA.

(edited by Vadar.5724)

No Commander Symbol Upon Book Activation

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vadar.5724


Ah thanks. I checked that at the time, but it wasn’t there. It was the first thing I did. I guess relogging actually did work. Admittingly, I should of checked it again.

Again, thank you very much.

No Commander Symbol Upon Book Activation

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vadar.5724


So I just bought the Commander’s Compendium and activated it. My character got a sparkly animation that looked like a couple pulses of light while lifitng his arm into the air, but I did not recieve the commanders symbol. The icon over my skill bar is not there. I asked people if they could join my squad but they could not. I then relogged a few times and reset the game with no success.

For reference, I purchsed the Compendium at the Sea of Sorrows Borderlands at approximately 2:30 am server time.

Given how expensive this book is and how long it took me to farm it, I am understandably not very happy. Is there anything I can do about this?

Edit: Issule solved.

(edited by Vadar.5724)