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The rambling concerns of a hopeful fan.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


I might further add that compared to your vision that you guys at ArenaNet announced in regards to Guild Wars 2 back in it’s development. You have unfortunately fallen short. The grinding element is abundantly presaent, while not as bad as other games, it is still there. You’re guild system has also seemed to fall short. You wanted something for the casual player but guilds have become competetive in a way that contradicts your vision. You gave us the ability to be in more than one guild, yet that is all for naught when so many of the guilds that I have seen require you to represent only them, hindering your interactions or getting you kicked from other guilds who may or may not possess the same mentality. I know you guys at ArenaNet can do it. You’ve done it before, maybe you just need to take a step back or something though? I don’t know. But there is so much untapped potential that you have left open with this game. so many great things to add or expand on, but you don’t seem to be doing it. I want to visit areas that you tease about in the game but don’t grant access, I want to play the Tengu or at the least see their part of the story. There is so much more there though. You wanted us to be our characters in a way, but it feels more like watching a character than Guild Wars 1. I don’t care how per-determined my story is, but I want to have my character my way. I’m among the disappointed carry overs from Guild Wars 1. Though unlike many of them. I was expecting something different. I knew that I couldn’t have Guild Wars 1 and an open world with a living environment very easily, even though that would have been awesome. But I did expect a form of expansion on the game play. I didn’t expect, nor did I desire a completely new system when the one before it had worked so well. If you want to go down this road though, that’s fine. But if this is your true choice, can you please revitalize Guild Wars 1 for those of us who crave it. Give us what happened between Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 with it as more expansions. I’d pay for it gladly as would others. I’m not among you developers, however, I find the Guild Wars franchise holds a lot of sentimental value with me. I don’t want to see it die. I don’t want to see it fail or dry up. I wish that there was something that even I myself could do to make this game better, to make the franchise better. I want to see it grow. I want to see it level the playing field. I want to hear the term “Guild Wars clone” rather than “WoW clone” one day. But this current state that Guild Wars 2 is in is not going to achieve anything but the reverse right now. You had so many great ideas, and you still do, but you’ve drowned so many of them out with repetitive mechanics that are so easily found in other titles. Please ArenaNet, I know I am but one player, but I do not stand alone, please, show us your vision that brought us in in the first place. Let those like me, and allow yourselves, to grow this sapling into a glorious tree that will one day overshadow the rest. I know that your hands and minds are capable. I can only hope that you do as well and that you guys can pick your game back up (both literally and figuratively). Here’s to hoping.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

The rambling concerns of a hopeful fan.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


To the much adored ArenaNet and my fellow players and fans,

I may not have been around since the searing struck Ascalon or to be there when the Lich intercepted the scepter of Orr, or even to witness the malevolent and deceived Shiro Tagachi rise again with his army of The Afflicted. But I was around to play through it and witness their telling just the same. Better yet I was at least around to witness the dawning of nightfall as the Sunspears fought valiantly against the ensuing clutches of a forsaken god in order to protect the wonders of Elona and the world. I was also there to witness the emergence of the Destroyers in the Far Shiverpeaks if Tyria. And then once more I bore witness to the truce between both Human and Charr and the still ensuing battle against the Elder Dragons.

I am that player who loves a good story but also loves to be submerged in it, not alone, but with others in a multi-player setting. This is what attracted me to Guild Wars and now again Guild Wars 2. You guys at ArenaNet are excellent story tellers. I actually found myself attached to Tybalt and I cried when he was lost at Claw Island (please please please please don’t tell me I was the only one…). You’re doing such an excellent job. However I do hold concerns, not with your story, but your game play.

Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are and forever will be among my favourite stories of all time. However that is the story, not the game itself. Guild Wars 2 despairingly succeeds at feeling excessively repetitive. Most of this actually lies within the combat however. I miss the personal play style diversity that was allowed in the first Guild Wars. I had so many different ways that I could try and build, so many combos and ideas, different ways to take on a challenge. Now, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the weapon system that has been introduced with Guild Wars 2; but it gets stale and boring. I feel so limited. I don’t feel… unique in how I battle my darkest of foes. It just feels like I’m swinging my sword with style. But just swinging a sword with style doesn’t make you a sword master. It doesn’t make a Norn boastful. I wan’t a choice in HOW I swing my sword and it what style I swing it. Is my focus to cripple? or maybe all I care about is making you bleed to death? or maybe I feel like being Stabby McStab Stab for a little bit. The idea, which is still a truly fantastic idea, is now running dry and getting stale. Otherwise, I love that the Trinity system is gone, I don’t miss that sack of wet slimy Grawl pelt one bit. But I still feel governed by a commandant that says “Thou shalt not swing your hammer in an upward motion” or “Thou shalt not combo knock down spells”.

Is there any glimmer of hope that this might change?

Sincerely, a hopeful fan.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


My dear canthan revolutioners.
I’ve finished my fan-made music ! It will buff you for the pacific/lovely fight over here !


Take care !

O.o I see another musician. All the cookies sir! All the cookies. XD

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

Vote on the profession you'd like to see next

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


Instead of new professions How about adding a secondary class to the characters? or branching out the current ones in 3 or more. Exemple:

- Warrior/Ranger
- Guardian/Engineer
… and so on

or branching
……………………….. Mesmer ………………………
_______/ ……………. | ………….. \____________
(Ilusionist)……(Space Bender)………(Chaos Controler)

or even mixing both

Elementalist/Engineer —-—-> Technomage

also according to the Order you chose you had access to different things, spell’s skill’s, itens.etc…

I made a similar suggestion on another thread here. this by far I think would be the way to do it. However this is a tad different from my suggestion which was primarily founded for weapon skills.

weapon mastery quests would be fun, a series of quests to unlock new skill tree’s for weapons that then have to be mastered.

I like that actually, though I would probably introduce it as a form of sub-classing.

Warrior -> Sword Apprentice -> Sword Adept -> Sword Master

Warrior = Tier 1 Sword Skills
Sword Apprentice = Tier 2 Sword Skills
Sword Adept = Tier 3 Sword Skills
Sword Master = Tier 4 Sword Skills

I would probably make it so that mastery of each weapon is possible and reward it with a title or something, for instance, you finally mastered all of the weapons earning you the title of “Legendary Weapon Master” and maybe even grants you access to a special weapon merchant that will only deal with you if you have that title. This would also make those of us who feel under-credited when taking our level 80’s to a level 20 zone more proud of our time and effort without having to re-work the scaling.

But yes, I totally agree especially if they merged both of our concepts into one.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

(edited by VaileCearo.3819)

Additional Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


I’ve been talking about this with my brother recently. We’re both in agreement: more weapon skills would be awesome. Having two sets for each weapon is a good place to start. I think it would be best that they are positionbound as well.

I think there should be some added limits. I like the idea of unlocking them via a series of quests but i don’t think one quest chain should unlock all 5 skills, more 1 skill at a time.

I agree, though another system that might work could also be weapon proficiency experience. So as you level your character you also level your character proficiency with that weapon. As you gain proficiency levels you also gain those extra skills. or something to that effect. Though which ever way they do it I’m bound to be content with. I’d just like more customization in my combat.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

Additional Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


Regardless though, I think the game and it’s player base would benefit greatly if there were more possibilities with weapon skills.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

To "Trinity" or not to "Trinity"?

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


Whilst I primarily agree with you, and generally dislike the trinity myself; I’m not at all suggesting to redo or rebuild the system. but rather find a creative means to improve upon it. An improvement that might in some small way satiate the cravings of those who enjoy the trinity. By no mean do I want to see Guild Wars 2 fully adopt the trinity however.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

Additional Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


Awesome idea, +1

Why thank you, I have my moments, though Dasorine helped jog that one. Gotta give credit where credit is due. XD

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

To "Trinity" or not to "Trinity"?

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


Both of you raise valid points, the only reason I brought this post up was I’ve seen a lot complaints come from both ends. I was only trying to bring some food for thought forward on potentially appeasing the minds of both sides. Mainly because if Anet could accomplish such a thing, which I think they can from the wonders they’ve already given us, Guild Wars 2 could be THE top of the market MMO. Though these could also be the ambitious rambling dreams of a Guild Wars fan freak too. either way. it was all merely suggestion and speculation. ^.^

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

Additional Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


weapon mastery quests would be fun, a series of quests to unlock new skill tree’s for weapons that then have to be mastered.

I like that actually, though I would probably introduce it as a form of sub-classing.

Warrior → Sword Apprentice → Sword Adept → Sword Master

Warrior = Tier 1 Sword Skills
Sword Apprentice = Tier 2 Sword Skills
Sword Adept = Tier 3 Sword Skills
Sword Master = Tier 4 Sword Skills

I would probably make it so that mastery of each weapon is possible and reward it with a title or something, for instance, you finally mastered all of the weapons earning you the title of “Legendary Weapon Master” and maybe even grants you access to a special weapon merchant that will only deal with you if you have that title. This would also make those of us who feel under-credited when taking our level 80’s to a level 20 zone more proud of our time and effort without having to re-work the scaling.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

To "Trinity" or not to "Trinity"?

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


Alright, I’ve been noticing that there are a lot of individuals that seem to miss the Trinity system. While I myself do not miss it, I do understand some of the logic. Guild Wars 2 was released with the intention of not being like other MMO’s. Whilst I think they did a excellent job of that. in some areas it is possible that they tried to hard to be different or over-thought it. Some suggest that the lack of a Trinity system takes little to no strategy. while others suggest the contrary. Though I myself do not think that this is the case. Rather it’s two different types of strategy.

Since the dawn of it’s conception the Guild Wars franchise has stood out from other MMO’s in one sense or another. Though it could easily be so much more. Instead of completely throwing out the “Trinity System” which would traditionally consist of a Healer, Tank, and a DPS. I would suggest dissolving it into the new conceptual system currently used in Guild Wars 2. In other words, whilst not required, the trinity does still exist in some fashion. implement it not as a core mechanic but rather an optional strategy. However, don’t make it so that it is most viable either. This way, those of us who prefer the new system, can go without the trinity. and the rest can still have the trinity. Hell for those of us who like new things regardless of how long it makes a task take. make it possible for a team consisting of nothing but healers decently viable as well. Granted nothing but healers might make a 3 hour clear time out of an otherwise 30 minute mission. but some of us, not a lot of us, but some of us find doing things against all rationality and finding a way to make it work to be enjoyable.

I realize that my suggestions may seem unnecessary to some or strange to others. However with the potential I think the Guild Wars Franchise possesses, This would further open the market up for potential players. Those who love the holy trinity, could still have it, those who hate the holy trinity can go without it, and those who dare to be different, can… well… dare to be different.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

Add more places from the previous game.

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


Indeed I do feel the same. Cantha and Istan since their conception into the Guild Wars Lore have become important to the flow of the games diversity. Therefore their re-introduction should be crucial for further advancement of the title. At least in my opinion.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

I am sorry if this has been suggested already

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


All of the above.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

Vote on the profession you'd like to see next

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


I see you brought my Rune Master over here for this whole voting. o.o Honestly though I think they are all good ideas.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

Additional Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


I mean, it just get’s so repetitive after a while. It would be nice to be able to keep your favourite weapon equipped but not have to use the same skills all the time to do so.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


If it’s the mix of Asian cultures that is the problem I find it to be slightly submerged in hypocrisy. Why? Because in Thailand they actually have what is commonly called “The Sanctuary of Truth” Which is built with influence from the majority of Asian cultures as an aesthetic mix. If a mixed structure can be built in the real world, then why not in Guild Wars?

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


I like the idea of a Rune Master. Maybe they could utilize/make combo fields much more than other classes can. The combo system is a great idea and I think they need to do more with it.

That too, yes. XD

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

Additional Weapon Skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


Alright, I really do love the whole weapon skills idea. However it feels very limited in comparison with Guild Wars 1. My suggestions would be to compose at least 2 additional sets of skills for each weapon and then allow players to mix and match these skills for more of a personalized combat system.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


A Rune Master, Dervish, and Ritualist. The Rune Master is an idea I had a while back. with more runic type abilities and enchantments. Such as before say, Swinging their great sword at the foe they enchant the blade with a runic imprint that sets the blade ablaze in a toxic flare dealing additional burn damage and inflicting poison. or Create a Rune ward at target location that heals allies and damages foes over time. things like that. I realize these things can be and maybe even are used in other classes. but these would be more of a focus point for a Rune Master.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


The only reason I ever even played Guild Wars 1 was because of the Factions Campaign. That was the first installment I purchased and played. I did so because for the most part Echovold Forest, The Jade sea, Shing Jea Island, As well as some other portions of the mainland were so aesthetically pleasing. the lore of the Luxon and Kurzick factions were fascinating. as well as numerous other things. However as many say the actual mainland cities such as Kaineng City were less appealing. However there was a reason for it. it was in the lore. It was how the mainland was being affected by the plague as well as poverty. All in all though I enjoyed far more than I enjoyed Prophecies, Nightfall, or EotN. Nightfall however was my second favourite campaign. Both this lands and their cultures, lore, and society added to a more appealing sense of realism and completion to Guild Wars. It made it feel diverse and more like an epic of a story rather than something bland and closed off from a true worldly sensation.

I would love to be able to see how the land of Cantha has adapted to time and the awakening of the dragons. I see some people talking about how dis-pleasing the Canthan cities and areas looked on the main land. but that was in that time frame. just as Lions Arch has changed, I imagine that so to did the cities and populous of Cantha. Maybe for the better in terms of appealing aesthetics. or maybe even for the worst. However all things considered. I imagine that the Canthan populous is now more than Tengu and Humans. I imagine that throughout those many years before Cantha cut off travel and communication from Kryta and others; that there had been Charr, and Asurans who migrated there. and perhaps even now despite closed borders a curious adventurer or explorer or two has made journey to those shores and found a way in. As far as the Sylvari, given their nature and how they came to be. in terms of lore I find it hard to believe that Kryta was the only land they awoke in. It seems to exclusive to be true. So I at which point imagine that Elona and Cantha also have them as residents. I had actually found a book in Divinity’s Reach the other day that told some lore on the Dragons. and honestly one of the Dragons whose name eludes me right now seemed likely to be the true cause for “The Jade Wind” that some Luxons in Guild Wars 1 spoke of. with all of the possibilities these lands hold for the future of Guild Wars 2 I highly anticipate their return. I am hopeful at the least. As some of the rest of us had said, it would be a waste to let those two great lands wither away from the compendium of lore in Guild Wars.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.