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Vote on the profession you'd like to see next

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talgor.9427


Hey guys, I recently created a post asking what people would like to see as the next profession, but it was eventually locked. So, in order to keep those ideas alive, I am going to compile the best ideas I saw from that thread and let you guys decide which one sounds like it should/could be the next profession!

PLEASE refrain from the following:

Saying that the devs need to fix the current professions before they make new ones. While I do agree that the current profs could use some work, this is not the thread to discuss that.

Arguing with another user about something they said that you disagree with. Please just state your own opinions about the OP.

Suggest a new system involving traits/skill points.

Suggest new profession ideas. If you wish to add to the OP list, please send me a PM with your idea, and i’ll make sure it gets on the front page.

That being said, I hope you guys will enjoy the cool ideas that have surfaced so far, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on how these professions could be implemented!


Bard/Minstrel/Skald (Talgor) – Creates music/poetry that can be used to heal/buff allies, or deal damage to enemies.

Monk (Talgor/Animag) – Specialized in unarmed/1h weapon combat, and focuses on the Vigor boon to utilize endurance to do more than just dodge. They could also go into difference stances to improve combat capabilities (like doubling endurance regeneration or block all incoming attacks by consuming endurance)

Chronomancer (xCrusadentx/redrex) – Specializes in magic that can bend and warp time to the users will. (Could possibly be the first mage class to wear heavy armor) More info here:

Samurai (Talgor) – Heavy armor fighter that could use a unique “chakra” or "energy system. Some abilities grant chakra, some consume it.

Ritualist (joneb) – Similar to GW1, the Ritualist could conjure spirits that could be used in conjunction with their spells. Ashes could also be conjured to provide a unique 1-5 skillset, and could be dropped for an effect (Area might, damage to enemies, etc)

Runemaster (VaileCearo) – Specializes in runic type abilities and enchantments. Could utilize the combo field system much more than other professions.

Spiritualist (redrex) – Utilizes orbs and spirits to create different offensive/defensive effects across the battlefield. More info here:

Inquisitor (redrex) – Specializes in domination of the mind. More info here:

Mimic (redrex) – Can take on various forms by “copying” numerios NPC’s across Tyria. More info here:

Demon Hunter (Arkham Creed) – Medium armor wearer that focuses primarily on magic. More info here:

Reaper (Duke Blackrose) – A heavy armor wearer who specializes in dark magic. More info here:

Dualist (Arkham Creed) – Master of finesse and close combat, the Dualist focuses on going toe to toe with an enemy rather than using stealth tactics like a thief. More info here:

Paragon (Hydrocity) – Able to use spears on land, possibly as ranged weapons, the paragon can utilize a variety of anthems and chants to buff their allies in ways other professions can not.

(edited by Talgor.9427)

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Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


Copypasta from my post elsewhere:

I had the idea of a 9th Class, but calling it Man-At-Arms. Men At Arms were generally professional soldiers, as opposed to the commoner jack wearers.

The concept would be mainly support, summoning weapons for others in the team to use, quick rallying and healing for self and others (as if he was inspiring his troops) and summoning minions for attack and defence.

After all, rangers have pets and thieves have Theifs Guild/Ambush, necros have minions and summonings… this would give Heavy a summoning/distraction class to match.

Your class related skill would be ‘Battle Orders’. F1 for Assault (more power, less vitality), F2 for Defence (less power, more vitality), F3 for Arquebusiers (ranged attack, weakish defence) and F4 for Field Medics (guess what…). These would control what your summoned troops would be best at.

Say you are on F3 Battle Order and you use, probably, an elite skill. The skill would drop 3 rifles for your team mates to use, to allow them ranged skills where they might not have them. If on F2, they would get a temporary vit boost… etc. See where I’m going?

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


Copypasta from my post elsewhere:

I had the idea of a 9th Class, but calling it Man-At-Arms. Men At Arms were generally professional soldiers, as opposed to the commoner jack wearers.

The concept would be mainly support, summoning weapons for others in the team to use, quick rallying and healing for self and others (as if he was inspiring his troops) and summoning minions for attack and defence.

After all, rangers have pets and thieves have Theifs Guild/Ambush, necros have minions and summonings… this would give Heavy a summoning/distraction class to match.

Your class related skill would be ‘Battle Orders’. F1 for Assault (more power, less vitality), F2 for Defence (less power, more vitality), F3 for Arquebusiers (ranged attack, weakish defence) and F4 for Field Medics (guess what…). These would control what your summoned troops would be best at.

Say you are on F3 Battle Order and you use, probably, an elite skill. The skill would drop 3 rifles for your team mates to use, to allow them ranged skills where they might not have them. If on F2, they would get a temporary vit boost… etc. See where I’m going?

Please refer to the OP. If you wish to suggest a new profession idea, inbox it to me. Thanks.

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


Edit: Added Spiritualist, Inquisitor, and Mimic.

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Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Hey talgor, I had a thread about profession suggestions that have been made. Thought you could probably use the ones I listed there aswell

I would vote for either “Inquisitor” (probably getting name change) or the “Spiritualist” by Redrex.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

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Posted by: VaileCearo.3819


I see you brought my Rune Master over here for this whole voting. o.o Honestly though I think they are all good ideas.

Creativity is my weapon of choice my good sir.

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Posted by: Ash Flamerazor.8243

Ash Flamerazor.8243

Samurai ! they can only use katana or dual sword but they can change ‘stances’ like elementalist attunements, and they have fast recharging skills and high movement capability, and they can reflect projectiles by using skills at the right timing.

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Posted by: Catisa.6507


none, there are no gaps that need filling, you’d just be hurting one of the existing ones.


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Posted by: Advent.6193


I’d say Chronomancer, especially since the basic idea was something ANet fiddled about
with. I’d honestly like to see what a “Time Mage” could throw down with. The only issue
I could see is: atm, Mesmers pack a good degree of time/space-mangling abilities. As
such, how do we differentiate Chronos?

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

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Posted by: Destai.9603


I vote for Bard or Monk. I love the idea of a shout-based character, but a martial arts style monk would be appealing too.

Samurai would have to be renamed, as that’s a very cultural title. The Chronomancer is definitely feasible, maybe they could scry the Eternal Alchemy or something?

Mimic sounds too much like a Mesmer already, so I wouldn’t vote for that one.

My vote it is:

1. Bard
2. Monk
3. Ritualist

(edited by Destai.9603)

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Posted by: Irena.1062


Sad to see Valkyrie didn’t make the list. I’d love to use spears on land.

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


EDIT: Added Demon Hunter, Dualist, and Reaper.

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Posted by: Shanna.4762


Ritualist and Monk please.

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Posted by: Hydrocity.7198


Paragon, the way all the shouts and buffs work in gw2 Paragon would be amazing!

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Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


Politician: Similar in many ways to a mesmer, the lightly-armored politician uses word spells to make friends and enemies move and act the way it wants. Watch the ledges, the poli has Backpedal on his bar!

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

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Posted by: Israfyl.9230


I Vote For the Reaper, i have always loved the Dervish, it was my main in GW1 (wish and hope its the next upcoming class to GW2 ^^)

Elonian at Heart

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


Edit: Added Paragon

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Posted by: tom.7468


Vote MONK! with proper healing skills not so wammo bs and paragon already exist its guardian.

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Posted by: Jemmi.6058


First vote = Healer class! (now that is out of the way, onto something more plausible).

+1 for Reaper

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Posted by: Dondagora.9645


I vote for:

Since I think these are the best of the bunch. Those with the asterisk are the ones I prefer the most.

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Posted by: Vick.6805


I think the Mimic is the most unique proposal, and has the most appeal to me, but it needs a better name (maybe something related to Chimaera or another mythical halfbreed).

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Posted by: locoman.1974


My vote would have been the Dervish from GW1, but since the way the Reaper is described is an evolution of the Dervishes, that one got my vote..

I just want to cut off stuff with a scythe..

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

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Posted by: matemaster.2168


since there are only 2 heavy armor classes the next one will be heavy armor class

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Posted by: adagiophoto.4512


None. I feel that adding new weapons would be a better way to add diversity and playstyles while limiting power creep and balance issues. Honestly, I think new professions would be bad in the long run.

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Posted by: wookiee.4631


I vote for Ritualist (may fave from GW 1), Spiritualist, or Reaper. I wish there was a class that specialized in summoning (more so than the necro). But I guess that’s what the Ritual/Spiritualist would do.

Guild: Northern Wolf Clan [WOLF]

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Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


I want to be able to wield a scythe
Don’t care what the profession is called or is capeable of I just want that.

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

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Posted by: Dasorine.1964


if paragon was made a ranged soldier (heavy armour) option I’d say them, a third soldier prof would be much welcome but I’d be reluctant to introduce eastern professions like samurai until they introduce stuff like cantha.

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Posted by: clay.7849


Monk – the one that heals and prots stuff and keeps people alive.

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Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


This isn’t really a vote If there was going to be a new class I would like to see Anet work its magic again like they did with the mesmer/eng breaking away from the normal archetypes. Apart of the basic classes war hunter and thief they have done very well in that respect.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

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Posted by: Gideoknight.4736


The Monk. A Class that uses endurance for something else than doging seems like a great concept, since endurance is based on points and not uses. If I remember correctly ANEt planned to use endurance for almost everything back in BWE1. I fully understand why that didn’t go through but to have one class leaning towards that would add a nice touch.

Where there is Tea, there is Hope

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


The Monk. A Class that uses endurance for something else than doging seems like a great concept, since endurance is based on points and not uses. If I remember correctly ANEt planned to use endurance for almost everything back in BWE1. I fully understand why that didn’t go through but to have one class leaning towards that would add a nice touch.

I agree, it would be an interesting mechanic to see utilized

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Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Id vote for none of these as most of these I totally either dislike as I find the concepts either boring, unfitting or just redundant (or insert words, which would be written out here now too rude) as they add nearly nothing new and unique to the game or have otherwise only features, which would be just better simple improvements for the current existing classes.

I could write here now a huge essay over all listed up concepts here, why they don’t really fit as playable own separate classes and would definetely suit better as improvements to the current classes, but I’ll just keep myself brief now and write only this for now:

  • Bards and any bardlike gameplay belongs to Mesmers
  • Mimics and any mimic like gamplay belongs to Mesmers
  • GW1 Monks will never come back
  • Dervishs will never come back
  • Dueslists and any duelistlike gameplay is part of the Mesmer and belongs to them.
  • Martial Artist of any kind belongs to Thiefs, they are already our martial artist or what the heck do you call please Death Blossom???
  • Samurai will never come, they are nothing else than warriors/guardians

However, if I had to vote for something now…

I’d vote the Chronomancer, but not under the listed concept here.
Instead under the concept of my Visionary.
The reason is simple.
A kind of time “mage” based Chronomancer concept would be way too overpowered and wouldn’t fit designwise into the game. The concept arts from Anet look way too futuristic for the game, even if they were made for GW1 basically.
A well balanced time manipiulator gameplay can be only achieved by letting time manipulation getting channeled through something, that enemy players can “stop”.
So it has something, that players can kill, because its the only way how enemies could stop the time manipulation by killing the source, that manipulates the time.
Something like Time Aspects.

The Visionary is the only capable gameplay concept, that can perfectly combine the gameplay elements of a ritualist together with the gameplay concepts of a chronomancer hitting two birds with one stone and is also able on top of that to add to the game its very own gameplay features by using Astral Magic and as class specific abilities Visions from the past and future useing tarot cards also as a kind of gambling gameplay mechanic, which would be truly unique.

Ive yet to see since 8+ years in a single MMORPG a good playable class, that enables the player to use the powers of Astral Magic and esoteric skills that Tarot Cards would offer to the player under a random gambling gameplay mechanic which can offer to the player as like to enemies always some kind of interesting surprise effect, what would it make very interestin to play such a class fortunetelling your allies/enemies future and receiving everytime a different result as skill effect …
Something like that would perfectly fit to a Cantha Add on, as Astrology plays in cantha a very great role (Closer to the Stars)
Visionaries woudl be the perfect rebranding for Ritualists, without making them look like some kind of lame boring retort class that just got only recycled.
No, instead it just uses the left over true ritualist thing – Ash Skills and combines them together with two completely new unique gameplay mechanisms, that have rarely to never been seen in a MMORPG before – the Chronomancer and the Fortuneteller

To the rest I won’t say something for now.
To say it in brief. the next class that GW2 should get with the Cantha Add on should be best the Visionary, as it would add absolutely the most best things of all missing things to the game under 1 single new class. Visionaries would be like the 3 in 1 Surprise Eggs with their mixture of ritualist, chronmancer, fortuneteller gameplay where being good for surprises is basically their name’s program, when playing with Tarot Cards

Theres absosutely no outwritten rule here that says that the next class must be a soldier class, only because alot of people are not able to stand it out, that there are currently only 2 soldier classes … not everything in a game has to be always even.
However, if there should be together with the Canthan Add on a new soldier.. the best thign Anet could add would be the Dragoon

And with that being said I end my shamelessly self promotion as my concepts stand not yet in the list here :P

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


Id vote for none of these as most of these I totally either dislike as I find the concepts either boring, unfitting or just redundant (or insert words, which would be written out here now too rude) as they add nearly nothing new and unique to the game or have otherwise only features, which would be just better simple improvements for the current existing classes.

I could write here now a huge essay over all listed up concepts here, why they don’t really fit as playable own separate classes and would definetely suit better as improvements to the current classes, but I’ll just keep myself brief now and write only this for now:

  • Bards and any bardlike gameplay belongs to Mesmers
  • Mimics and any mimic like gamplay belongs to Mesmers
  • GW1 Monks will never come back
  • Dervishs will never come back
  • Dueslists and any duelistlike gameplay is part of the Mesmer and belongs to them.
  • Martial Artist of any kind belongs to Thiefs, they are already our martial artist or what the heck do you call please Death Blossom???
  • Samurai will never come, they are nothing else than warriors/guardians

However, if I had to vote for something now…

I’d vote the Chronomancer, but not under the listed concept here.
Instead under the concept of my Visionary.
The reason is simple.
A kind of time “mage” based Chronomancer concept would be way too overpowered and wouldn’t fit designwise into the game. The concept arts from Anet look way too futuristic for the game, even if they were made for GW1 basically.
A well balanced time manipiulator gameplay can be only achieved by letting time manipulation getting channeled through something, that enemy players can “stop”.
So it has something, that players can kill, because its the only way how enemies could stop the time manipulation by killing the source, that manipulates the time.
Something like Time Aspects.

The Visionary is the only capable gameplay concept, that can perfectly combine the gameplay elements of a ritualist together with the gameplay concepts of a chronomancer hitting two birds with one stone and is also able on top of that to add to the game its very own gameplay features by using Astral Magic and as class specific abilities Visions from the past and future useing tarot cards also as a kind of gambling gameplay mechanic, which would be truly unique.

Ive yet to see since 8+ years in a single MMORPG a good playable class, that enables the player to use the powers of Astral Magic and esoteric skills that Tarot Cards would offer to the player under a random gambling gameplay mechanic which can offer to the player as like to enemies always some kind of interesting surprise effect, what would it make very interestin to play such a class fortunetelling your allies/enemies future and receiving everytime a different result as skill effect …
Something like that would perfectly fit to a Cantha Add on, as Astrology plays in cantha a very great role (Closer to the Stars)
Visionaries woudl be the perfect rebranding for Ritualists, without making them look like some kind of lame boring retort class that just got only recycled.
No, instead it just uses the left over true ritualist thing – Ash Skills and combines them together with two completely new unique gameplay mechanisms, that have rarely to never been seen in a MMORPG before – the Chronomancer and the Fortuneteller

To the rest I won’t say something for now.
To say it in brief. the next class that GW2 should get with the Cantha Add on should be best the Visionary, as it would add absolutely the most best things of all missing things to the game under 1 single new class. Visionaries would be like the 3 in 1 Surprise Eggs with their mixture of ritualist, chronmancer, fortuneteller gameplay where being good for surprises is basically their name’s program, when playing with Tarot Cards

Theres absosutely no outwritten rule here that says that the next class must be a soldier class, only because alot of people are not able to stand it out, that there are currently only 2 soldier classes … not everything in a game has to be always even.
However, if there should be together with the Canthan Add on a new soldier.. the best thign Anet could add would be the Dragoon

And with that being said I end my shamelessly self promotion as my concepts stand not yet in the list here :P

I like your ideas, but I also like many of the other ideas listed in the OP. Anet could easily do something with Bards, Monks, Samurai, or Dualists….they would just have to take an innovative approach which i’m sure they can pull off. That being said, a Fortuneteller does sound like a cool idea!

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Posted by: Galphar.3901


Here’s a post I made in the “Spears on Land” thread:

Spear and Shield reminds me of the Paragon from GW. You could make the “Javelin” usable by Warriors, Rangers, and Guardians since they all already have shouts. Then you could add in some special Skills for the shield and warhorn when wielding a spear in MH. Echos and Anthems would be a great addition to these classes.

I’d say that would be the best way to have Paragons in GW2, especially since they say the Guardian is the evolution of the Paragon.

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


Here’s a post I made in the “Spears on Land” thread:

Spear and Shield reminds me of the Paragon from GW. You could make the “Javelin” usable by Warriors, Rangers, and Guardians since they all already have shouts. Then you could add in some special Skills for the shield and warhorn when wielding a spear in MH. Echos and Anthems would be a great addition to these classes.

I’d say that would be the best way to have Paragons in GW2, especially since they say the Guardian is the evolution of the Paragon.

I think it would be cool to have Paragons reintroduced, although I think I would want them to use something other than shouts/anthems. So many professions alreay have shouts, and while they are useful, they aren’t really “cool” and visually appealing. I think a lot of the utility skills for many professions are sort of boring, and I hope whatever profession comes out next will have skills that look visually appealing as well rather than “shout these words and gain Stability.”

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Posted by: Halanna.3927


Hey guys, I recently created a post asking what people would like to see as the next profession, but it was eventually locked.

PLEASE refrain from the following:

Saying that the devs need to fix the current professions before they make new ones. While I do agree that the current profs could use some work, this is not the thread to discuss that.

Why? What is the point of posts making up fantasy professions? Yes, the current ones we already have need some TLC.

I’d rather see the Dev’s in charge of professions or skills/traits spend their time, and therefore the money to pay them – to work on what we already have and expand on the existing 8 professions instead of creating an entirely new one.

Getting to choose from 8 well rounded, balanced professions is better than getting to choose from 9 half broken, unbalanced professions.

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Posted by: danbuter.2314


I like the Bard, Monk, Ritualist, and Duelist. The Duelist could use some tweaking, but the basic concepts are nice.

Dualist?! Really?

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Posted by: opposedcrow.1874


Duelist and Monk get my votes, I’m always down for a martial arts/unarmed class and I also really like the Duelist/Swashbuckler archetype.

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


Hey guys, I recently created a post asking what people would like to see as the next profession, but it was eventually locked.

PLEASE refrain from the following:

Saying that the devs need to fix the current professions before they make new ones. While I do agree that the current profs could use some work, this is not the thread to discuss that.

Why? What is the point of posts making up fantasy professions? Yes, the current ones we already have need some TLC.

I’d rather see the Dev’s in charge of professions or skills/traits spend their time, and therefore the money to pay them – to work on what we already have and expand on the existing 8 professions instead of creating an entirely new one.

Getting to choose from 8 well rounded, balanced professions is better than getting to choose from 9 half broken, unbalanced professions.

Thanks for the input, but as you saw in the OP, shown by your quote, I made it clear that this thread IS to discuss “fantasy” professions. Not to ask for updates to the previous ones.

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Posted by: PrimalFear.4126


Ritualist (joneb) – Similar to GW1, the Ritualist could conjure spirits that could be used in conjunction with their spells. Ashes could also be conjured to provide a unique 1-5 skillset, and could be dropped for an effect (Area might, damage to enemies, etc)

We already have a Ritualist, it’s called an Engineer.

Conjured Spirits are called “Turrets”.

Conjured Ashes are called “Toolkits” that provide unique skillsets and when dropped the effect is determined by the Sigil of the wielded weapon.

Additionally the Ritualist had the ability to allocate points into “Spawning Power” to increase a Spirit’s health, likewise the Engineer can put points into “Inventions” to have the same type of effects on Spirits/Turrets by decreasing damage dealt by 30% and adding “Self Repairing Turrets”, having the same effect as a Ritualist healing Spirits.

The Engineer was specifically modeled after the Ritualist, which is why I chose it as my “Main”. There are a ton more examples of course, but I’m sure you get the idea.

So to add a second Rit/Engy to the game I think would be redundant and lame. I’m not against adding a totally new profession to the game, but I would stick with our GW roots. The two professions that are missing from GW2 are Paragon and Dervish, and I suspect that Anet has been planning on adding them at some point all along.

Basically the two GW games have evolved all the other professions:



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Posted by: Fodmunkio.8267


I wouldn’t want the devs to add a new class to the game, but rather do more with what we have! Adding a selection of new weapons an abilities would be just as good as putting in new professions! So I thought of a few things that might be pretty rad!

Land based spear, tridents, and spearguns – An example of a few things that could be done with this! A new warrior set up with skills focusing on bleeds, and jabbing single targets, or swinging your spear as an AoE! Spearguns for engineers could make the class a little more versatile on land (Granted tool kits do a good job at this already), maybe giving them some cool extra moves that they use without filling a utility slot!
The use of tridents may also give elementalists a possible melee option, with brutal close range elemental attacks! (Stay in water attunement to play as Aquaman!)

I mean really, my suggestions were probably dumb, but there’s no doubt that there are some kitten weapons out there that you’d love to play with in this game! Like cool chain flails, and crossbows, and lances!

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Posted by: Fodmunkio.8267


My spell checker is broken, could you tell?

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


I wouldn’t want the devs to add a new class to the game, but rather do more with what we have! Adding a selection of new weapons an abilities would be just as good as putting in new professions! So I thought of a few things that might be pretty rad!

Land based spear, tridents, and spearguns – An example of a few things that could be done with this! A new warrior set up with skills focusing on bleeds, and jabbing single targets, or swinging your spear as an AoE! Spearguns for engineers could make the class a little more versatile on land (Granted tool kits do a good job at this already), maybe giving them some cool extra moves that they use without filling a utility slot!
The use of tridents may also give elementalists a possible melee option, with brutal close range elemental attacks! (Stay in water attunement to play as Aquaman!)

I mean really, my suggestions were probably dumb, but there’s no doubt that there are some kitten weapons out there that you’d love to play with in this game! Like cool chain flails, and crossbows, and lances!

Please refer to the OP.

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Posted by: Fodmunkio.8267


Please refer to the OP.

I kinda misread OPs rules, but I don’t think the idea of not having a new class at all should be ignored by the devs!

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Posted by: redrex.9634


Can I vote for my own? lol

I like the duelist concept.

Honestly I think new professions could go a long way to help round out the current professions, more than we give them credit. Balancing issues would be present, ofc, but the game is less than a year old, nothing as sophisticated as GW2 has ever been perfect so early after launch.

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Posted by: sonicwylde.2906


I would love a Dervish type profession, I liked having my character spinning and slashing. It was a fun profession to play

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Posted by: Chris.6105


I miss ritualist and monk. Furthermore i have an hilarious Supporter Suggestion:

The support of this profession is not too strong, but it funtions in a special way. You will target allies like foes and all your skills have support effects (Attacks create an explosion around or bounce from your choosen allie, you dont deal damage yourself, but grant might), as profession mechanic, you can create up to 4 allies (needed for playing without real allies, may spirits, if an ritualist), but you can also choose an allie with the. The choosen ally will replace the summoneable one and the mechanic makes it able to gine a special buff to them sometimes. F1-F4: Perfect for dungeons.

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Posted by: Talgor.9427


Edit: updated chronomancer

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Posted by: RayWolf.2308


Instead of new professions How about adding a secondary class to the characters? or branching out the current ones in 3 or more. Exemple:

- Warrior/Ranger
- Guardian/Engineer
… and so on

or branching
……………………….. Mesmer ………………………
_______/ ……………. | ………….. \____________
(Ilusionist)……(Space Bender)………(Chaos Controler)

or even mixing both

Elementalist/Engineer —-—-> Technomage

also according to the Order you chose you had access to different things, spell’s skill’s, itens.etc…

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Posted by: Sirendor.1394


^This. I’ve seen similar posts and I think it would really help following things:
- “Dynamic” combat: allow for some more variety
- Original approach: everyone can technically make something unique

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain