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[TTS]Tequatl Tickle Squad[OCEANIC NOW TOO]4th

in Looking for...

Posted by: Valash.8142


Can i have an invite too please?

A suggestion for Evon Gnashblade's offer

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Valash.8142


Kiel is using lowered way point costs(for 4 weeks) as her tactics. That’s kinda low because a great majority of us use them. Therefore Evon’s offer which is lowered black lion keys cannot compare to it for 1 good reason: not everyone buys them and it makes you go out there and buy gems. You see his disadvantage?

Here’s my suggestion: Make his offer better.
My suggestion is this. Everyone uses the Trading post to sell, buy or post items. Everytime you sell or post something you have to pay some kind of listing fee which is not much but still if you use the trading post alot you know it can pile up. I suggest his offer should be lowering the listing fee for 4 weeks. That should even up the offer since most of us uses the trading post. This will make people think twice about voting.

Lower Waypoints? or Lower listing fees? make you kinda think about it.

P.S. Im not bashing on Traher- I mean Kiel. I just wanna “even up” the playing fields.

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Valash.8142


1. I agree
2. I agree 200% because of this I can’t go back to old mmos. They feel old or clunky.
3. Ehhh…..
4.I agree
5. Er…They kinda listen more to the vocal minority than the quiet majority. It feels that way imo
for example:
Vocal Minority(VM for short):
Anet: Fine…nerfs
Anet: Fine…..nerfs (well not in spvp but quickness(TW) is one of mesmers elite skills)
Anet: buffs pet HP(NOT attack)
Anet: fine…nerf
Anet: gives burning and torment to necros
Quiet Majority: silently adapts to the changes and just keeps on playing or quit or joins the vocal minority
Im sure there are good suggestions by the VM there somewhere. I kinda agree about Sky Hammer but that’s about it.

Stop the rant and grow up.

in PvP

Posted by: Valash.8142


People will almost always blame everyone and everything around them before finally admitting it’s their fault. Sadly that’s human nature :/ one way to cure it is don’t solo que and find a good bunch of people to play with. That’s why having TS/mumble/vent etc is really helpful in tpvp. it’s 100000x better for communication compared to typing

make the pvp locker the same as

in PvP

Posted by: Valash.8142


the one for mats in the bank

^ as the title says. Why?
-some people(like me) like to have more than 1 of the same skin so we won’t just “waste one” for 1 toon we are using if you are using multiple toons for pvp.
- it clears up alot of inventory space because sometimes people keep other pvp skins in there so that another one will go in their locker for other toons.
-you wont have to salvage often especially if it’s a good night in tpvp and you just keep on getting those tpvp chests(yes i know about the solo q problems im just being optimistic here)

im sure there are more points out there i just cant remember them atm…

oh while we are in the business of salvaging could you please let us salvage them like we salvage normal white gears like it doesnt have to ask us EVERY SINGLE TIME if we want to salvage it or not. It would save ALOT of time

Done with solo queue - /cry

in PvP

Posted by: Valash.8142


I blame Anet for this premade mess.
Why? Because they think that people will not adapt to the situation. I bet this whole mess started like this:
-5 people found out that they are doing good as a team, thus they started winning alot.
-people who faced this group started noticing that they(the first 5 people) are winning alot so in turn they made their own team who they have good chemistry with.
-people saw these “first” premade teams and sees it as a good idea so in order to survive they started forming teams themselves
-premade teams now outnumbers solo que’ers (which where we are now)
-new people coming into spvp will get turned off by fighting against premades and thus gets discourgaed even more so when the premades starts trashtalking the other team
-less tpvp population
-no profit

You turned PvP dailys into a chore.

in PvP

Posted by: Valash.8142


1. This thread is like…2 months old
2. Getting top stats is easy enough as it is why complain about it? Also just for the sake of argument it’s not about “letting someone die”, it’s about denying the other team from getting the kill via you reviving your teammate. There are other ways to get top stats. i.e. : killing the lord, killing forest monsters at nifheim, using the treb at kyhlo and getting an orb into a circle and many more.

The reason that pve players don't pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Valash.8142


pve players might not like spvp because of the change it brings. It’s pretty much a whole new game though if a pve player sticks with spvp and comes back to pve they will notice that they improved quite a bit in pve at least that’s how some of the people i talked to feels. It’s like they can dodge better, kill faster and handle mobs better, at least that’s how me and my friends think.