(edited by Valhalla.5620)
Showing Posts For Valhalla.5620:
I am using Bifrost on my Ele and I am quite disappointed with the new “touch-ups”. The mat upgrade is hardly noticeable and so are the changes to the footprint. The new projectiles are not really impressive either.
I do not mind not having any projectile effects; I just want the effects on the bifrost itself to look more impressive.
I agree, not having any projectile effects is fine by me. They just need to make the footfall effect larger and last longer.
No offense to Dreamer owners, but in my humble opinion the small rainbow that hops in between their horse footfall should belong to Bifrost.
I know how you feel buddy, even with the 24/7 speed buff on ele (capped 33%). I still feel so slow. Anet should know since they are also developing another mmo “Blade and Soul” and you can run and roam really fast in that game.
It looks much better now, the notes are big and a lot, you basically look like a walking orchestra
Yea I know right, like I have said in the crafting thread, the footfall effect is exactly the same. Even the dreamer’s footfalls seem to last longer that you are able to leave a long trails behind
ps: Bifrost is the only 2-handed weapon who doesn’t get big shiny footfall. (envy twilight, sunrise, and eternity x_x)
(edited by Valhalla.5620)
I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t see any changes to the footfall effect (dreamer footfall seems to last longer than bifrost).
I use my bifrost every single day and if there are changes, I’ll notice it. The only noticeable change for me is the rainbow shoots in auto-attacks.
The rainbow shoots are fine to me but I wonder why shockwave becomes rainbow as well, a little bit off. I prefer to be enveloped in rainbow aura ball when using magnetic aura (earth#3) , just saying.
(edited by Valhalla.5620)
Debit card and Paypal all failed. Ticket: 130401-001382
It has been few days now and I still can’t buy your kitten gems. What’s wrong with you and the support?
Your system restricts me from purchasing gems…..again. Fix it ASAP
I am extremely SICK of your security system restricting me from purchasing gems
(edited by Valhalla.5620)
Incident: 121006-002?662
Why is “Tornado” not deflecting projectiles? It doesn’t make sense right
50%? 100%? none?
The game still needs to support 5.1 or 7.1 surround in the first place. I’m looking forward to this.
Was there a stealth patch or something? or only me experiencing this?
Yesterday I just changed to new nvidia 306.02 beta driver and my fps was literally up from 30 to constant 50+ in the big area of Kessex Hill.
I was happy and went to sleep.
Now, just logged in the same area and my fps was back to 30 again. I didn’t do anything with my computer. It is basically the same setting when I was getting 50+ fps.
I have no idea what’s happening. Is it just me or the game?
(edited by Valhalla.5620)
A staff which was trasmuted to staff x (in order to get staff x’s look) is gone and back to normal appearance. So, I try to buy another staff x. Apparently, staff x itself doesn’t appropriately show its normal look. It’s looking different from its icon itself.
I think this happens after an update, please fix this so each weapon appropriately looks like its icon
I also can’t buy gems with paypal now, few days ago was fine
just can’t proceed to paypal page
it says “type” :“stepPaypalIntro: error”
please fix =( I need gems badly