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Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


no offense..but what would you do once you had all the stuff? and you reached a level where the agony was high yet they had no more items to be infused for you? would you then complain that they werent there yet?

Let’s not confuse the problem – they mentioned from the start which items would be available at this stage – the issue isn’t with what’s available but how progression items are being awarded. Which is ‘completely randomly’ regardless of any other criteria.

The problem is the reliance on an RNG system that’s directly tied to progression. Not that there’s not more loot in game yet. We knew what was available going in, I don’t think many of us (any?) were aware that progression would be randomly determined.

The fact that so many people are reporting (our group as well) situations where four people have multiple rings while the fifth has 0 shows there’s some serious disparity among people who have completed, literally, the exact same content. Why did they decide this scenario was a compliment to the rest of the games systems?

What purpose does this mechanic serve? Why is it better than a token system or a steady reward system for progression content?

Is the current system meeting that goal without causing unnecessary frustration?

I think it’s pretty clear from in game chat and the atmosphere in guild at the moment that this is not an enjoyable situation to be in and for some of us it’s starting to raise alarms concerning where this game will go in the future. It’s making an already fractured community more fractured for no apparent benefit.

If you take ‘progression’ out of the equation, most people would shrug and carry on – here, however, we have our progression being decided by a roll of the dice rather than by our successes. And that’s just ridiculous.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


You will have some of the RNG items anyways, once you collected almost 2k tokens.

And honestly, if I did not know that there are always a few people in my party dropping rings left and right while I get none, I would even be ok with farming 2k tokens.
But if I see people having 7 rings whereas they can only wear 1 …

I have 14 vials, 6 globs, 2 shards and 0 rings, while my wife had to do EIGHTY + fractals to get her first vial yet she is overflowing with rings she can’t trade me.

The problem I see is trying to progress past 20 with zero rings as pre-20, agony resist isn’t as necessary by far.

They need to step back, look at the situation (our group all have a variety of rings to choose from, 15 -25 resist all except ONE person who’s put in the exact same work they did) – how did they decide this was an intelligent idea that would enhance the fun of their game?

Keep RNG for precursors, random drops, potentially cool skins or bonus loot, that’s fine, I don’t mind that I’ve had nothing amazing drop since release in that regard as it doesn’t effect me advancing in the game.

But tying our groups progression to RNG when we’re clearly ready to move up a tier is beyond absurd.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


I wouldn’t mind spending my 1000+ remaining tokens on agony resist, ring or otherwise. I’m not sure why we have a token system while the rewards they can be used for aren’t immediately useful for the content they result from (or that useful or exciting in general).

I’m not an alarmist when it comes to MMOs, I held my tongue and waited to see how things panned out when everyone was panicking over the new ascended gear – many of us have been playing for over a decade and have seen a lot of systems implemented. I’m more baffled by such a terrible system rearing its head in a game that prided itself on doing away with this terrible crap.

It really surprised me. I’m beyond disappointed now, not enthusiastic about the future and over all annoyed.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


We just finished 20 after trying all night with 5 resist for me, finally did it – and the rich get richer. Even some people who had rings got infused rings while still nothing for me after all these dailies.

How about a response?

Just a heads up on whether we should just walk away now or is there a patch coming?

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


Why not just award a ring on completion of 10? From the drop rate (some people in my party are 6 for 6 from dailies while I’m 0 of 6) they’re obviously meant to be obtained before 20.

Why allow for such an already fractured community (the limitations of which fractal level ppl are on….) to become more segregated by RNG?

I’d rather have had 1 ring awarded at the start of each tier with the chance of obtaining future rings more rare (rare drops or rare daily rewards) than this crap that’s diminishing my desire to play a game I was loving. It’d be a bit late for me now, but something needs to change.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


Same here, 6 dailies and four of our regular group all have a variety of rings to choose from for the 5 extra resist while I have 0 rings. My wife did over 70 fractals before even getting her first vial while I have a stack of 13. Now we’re held up waiting for me to get lucky apparently? I’m actually starting to think I’m bugged because this is the opposite of an enjoyable experience for all of us involved.

Clearly we can complete this tier of content, why are you using RNG to determine if I can progress or not? Why use RNG to decide that me, of all people in our group, is not deserving? This is just really bad design.

This has ruined six nights in row for us, destroyed morale and sucked the fun out of it.

At least provide a viable way to acquire the resist beyond quivers outside the RNG system.

This will change eventually, there’s no way a system this poor will survive, it’s just unfortunate that we have to endure the waiting period in frustration.

Use RNG for rare/random drops to spice up dungeon runs, sure, but don’t use it to block progression. I didn’t expect this mistake from GW2 given the GW2 Manifesto and professed goals.

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


This game is fantastic at getting strangers playing together, horrible at evolving that relationship beyond strangers playing together.

Sure, a lot of that rests on the players shoulders, but in general the current game modes and their pacing don’t really facilitate communication or socializing.

I’d love to see game modes/dungeons added that can’t simply be distilled down to speed runs. The modes available are great (WvW, Dungeons, sPvP, PvE), but there’s room to add to that and enlarge the spectrum of available activies.

I’d love some (possibly episodic off shoots of the main story? based) 5 man copies of existing zones, altered to suit the theme, sprinkled with DEs that rewarded you more and more the longer you persist repelling waves or successfully taking back locations, with rare/random named spawns that you could hunt for and which potentially drop rare/unique to that monster skins (yeah a bit of camping) and other vanity gear. Basically a group experience with a decidedly different pace.

I could happily spend all night exploring that. Anyway, I hope additions to the current options are made as this games design leaves so many doors open in terms of potential content styles.

I desire more things to do at max level

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


While I still love the game and my wife and I play pretty much daily, I’d absolutely love a broader spectrum of game modes at 80. Anything to enhance or expand upon the already available options would be great.

GW2 does a great job of offering a variety of goals for 80s, just not many that have a method of pursuing them that would be an enjoyable/memorable experience for me personally – which leads to alts in the end. That’s OK, but, I’d really love a dungeon experience that couldn’t be distilled down to speed runs. Yeah, I’ll say it – I kind of miss a bit of camping mixed in as an option.

Give me a big 5 man zone (even a story based copy of existing zones would be fine) filled with tough mobs, basic story elements, rare & random location bosses that potentially drop rare skins unique to them and other fluff, sprinkle in some DEs that reward more and more greatly based on persistance/how many waves/what stage you manage to get it to/how long you spend working at it and I could live there. I guess it’d be something similar to GW1s missions (while I wasn’t a fan of gw1 beyond 30 HoM points, I do think their mission style would work incredibly well in GW2).

I’d love a dungeon experience that isn’t just a zerg based on hurrying up and finishing playing as soon as possible. I’d love to see a challenging alternative dungeon type that offers a different pace of gameplay for small groups (as you can get away with it in a game in which upgrades are cosmetic) that allows for socialization and shared long term goals.

Sure there are plenty of things to work towards at 80, unfortunately the method of acquiring them isn’t usually as enjoyable as the rest of the experiences this game offers.

What innovation does Guild Wars 2 bring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkaern.4763


Innovation or not isn’t as important as change is to me, and there’s no question they changed the MMO experience. I spent years slumming it in the massive tide of WoW clones, disgusted that companies apparently could not get funding unless they agreed to mimic WoW in every way possible – even if the end results were invariably cheap knock offs.

GW2 has done a great job of getting us back on track in my opinion. In 1999 during my early MMO days it was staggering to even try and imagine what these games could evolve in to over the next decade, the creative possibilities were endless. If you’d told me then that soon enough I’d have to endure a nearly 10 year drought of every professional quality game miming one specific successful model (continually resulting in sub-par clones), and any further exploration of this genres limits would be put on hold, I simply wouldn’t have believed you.

To have a game that simply plays differently, or at least feels like a different experience to me than that inescapable clone spewing touchstone of what MMOs had become is more than enough for me. By creatively altering some long standing ‘rules’ for MMOs, they gave me a fresh experience.

That’s a huge change – if not innovation.