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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valkar.3259


That still doesn’t make it ArenaNet’s fault. You are right that people have been used to attacks for years and therefore they should be used to protecting themselves too. Knowing that AreanNet doesn’t have an authenticator system in place yet should have been one of the first clues to make a separate email address.

Protecting your account is YOUR responsibility. They don’t HAVE to do anything to help people out. They are because it would be horribly bad PR not to. My brother is one of the guys who got hacked, cause he made the ignorant mistake of using his WOW account email as well KNOWING that he had been hacked before.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valkar.3259


No offense bud, but they really haven’t done anything wrong to warrant you filing a complaint. Also, I seriously doubt ArenaNet cares one bit about the BBB.

Ultimately, account security is the responsibility of the user. If you got hacked then you did something along the way which made it possible to get hacked. Please don’t think that I am flaming you cause I am not. Even if all you did was use a previous WOW email address which the hackers already had, then it is still your responsibility for the hack. Arena Net is doing everything they can to try and help people out as fast as possible. It is only in their best interest to help people out.

The same would go for the rest out there as well. Anyone who didn’t make a new email address solely for GW2 shouldn’t be surprised when their accounts get hacked.

Please help a veteran out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valkar.3259


I am having my brother post this due to still being locked out myself.

After a matter of only a couple of days my account was hacked like everyone else’s. I am hoping on posting on this forum I can get some kind of response back to help resolve this issue because I am currently coming up on day 6 with no response other than automated ones. I understand that there are thousands of players out there who have had their accounts stolen from them and it is extremely frustrating waiting for days on end to have your account returned to you. In my position it hurts a bit more as I am stuck in my chair most of the time due to injuries I sustained fighting for my country in Iraq. Much of the time I am stuck in it because walking causes lots of pain so having something to play like Guild Wars 2 helps take my mind off of it. So you have to understand having my account stolen like this is literally being kicked while you are already down. I understand everyone is working as hard as they can to restore players accounts so any help you can give me to get this matter resolved would be very much appreciated. Thank you and Semper Fi.

Ticket # 120904-010197