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Skimpy armor for male characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VampyreSix.8316


I guess we forgot that everyone is running around shooting magic out of their hands or something? How can an armor be unrealistic in a game where people are conjuring weapons made of fire or turning completely invisible and teleporting? Maybe when we can all shoot lasers out of our greatswords in real life, we can talk about “realism” for armor.

But instead of realism, If we are going to talk about the art direction, lets at least talk about it in terms of preferences. Using realism as an argument for this kind of thing is really disingenuous.

As far as “non skimpy” armor goes, I think you might want to look at some of the wardrobe in more detail. Out of every game I have played, Guild Wars 2’s art team has been the most obvious in its desire to give a variety. I recently perused the wardrobe heavily, looking for new skins as I have been away from the game a while. There are a lot of styles of light armor.

Having “skimpy” armor on any character is fine with most of the player base, whether that is a male or female character.

More options are always better for everyone but lets at least remember, this is a game, and a fantasy game at that. If we wanted the constraints of medieval europe to affect our gameplay, none of my wonderful light armor using women would be allowed anywhere near the front lines.

I would rather have them out there slaying dragons and being heros even if it means that some people get to wear outfits I might not wear myself.

EDIT: For the record, I worked hard to get tier 3 cultural armor for my caster humanss a long time ago, and they wear it with pride now because it hearkens back to their roots in guild wars 1.

I wouldn’t accept someone telling me what I can and cannot wear everyday I wake up, it’s my body and my choice, so why should anyone tell my characters what they can and cant wear?

(edited by VampyreSix.8316)

Wings look so ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VampyreSix.8316


This thread is a reminder that not everyone can afford some gems and are mad at other peoples toys. Nothing really to see here.

An option to turn off other people’s backpacks? Why dont we just have an option that makes everyone but you into a basic npc so you can feel like a real hero.

EDIT: Also, I will make sure to wear wings all the time now.

Cursed Shore POI issues

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VampyreSix.8316


Thanks everyone for your ideas. I was able to find it by combining several of the suggestions in this topic. You all made my day! =D

Thank you community!

Cursed Shore POI issues

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VampyreSix.8316


Apparently Jofasts camp is a POI after all….. Yet I cant get it by running around the entirety of jofasts camp, is this a bug?

Cursed Shore POI issues

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VampyreSix.8316


I have no way to understand why but I am stuck at 27/28 of points of interest in cursed shore. Some sources are claiming Jofast’s camp has a POI in it, but it surely does not on my game. By region I have….

Azabe Qabar Tombs:

-Reliquary vault

Cathedral of Silence:

-Altar of Murdered Dreams
-Buried Archives

Cathedral of Verdance:

-Altar of the withered heart

Compass Plaza:

-Meddler’s summit
-Shank Anchorage
-Telmat Knoll

Craven Blight:

-Village of Ewan
-Thorn Dock

Desmina’s Hallows:

-Death’s Anthem
-The wreck of saerhimir
-Sharn’s free camp

Fields of Gold:

-Bitter Mountain
-Caer Shadowfien
-Village Sayix

Graven Cay:

-Death’s Gaze Touch
-Harbinger Torch

Harrowed Sea:

-The wreck of the golden vanity

Noose Road:

-Gallows hang
-Shelters gate

The Narthex:

-Gates of Arah

The Shipyard:

-Augur’s Touch

Winterknell Isle:

-Bakkir Sarayi
-Winterknell Labrynth

Winterknell Shore:

-Chachistic R&D
-Graveborn’s Landing
-Seachange tidepools

Game claims there are 28 waypoints, Wiki does too, and the wiki says jofax is the one I dont have, yet, unamusingly, the wiki’s own map image disagrees with the assertion that jofaxs camp is a POI.

What is going on here? its getting really annoying. Its taken days of work to get so close to world completion and then having it stolen by some broken map?

Any help would be really appreciated…..

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VampyreSix.8316


I read the first post and have one reply for you… ITs all designed to make you buy gems to convert them to gold.

Fun or Grind for (little) fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VampyreSix.8316


This game cant compete as a treadmill and it will die if it keeps going that way. Plain and simple, there is better out there and despite what the critics are saying positively about this game, empty servers and player word of mouth will be its doom.

It may turn out to be a very long painfully slow mistake (considering it took so long to make this game)

I dont play grindy f2p mmo’s from korea, i sorta felt like thats what I got but it cost me money this time.

Ghost Town of Denravi

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VampyreSix.8316


So when I started on pre release my friend said to me “lets play on henge of denravi cause that was the name of an old guild wars 1 mission”

Totally arbitrary reason. We start all our freinds there too, making sure we have all the people who would be part of our group from GW1 on there and some new faces that we had met during the decade long development of GW2.

I had fun in GW2 until the infamous blackscreen crash took over every time i tried to do any content other than quest, it was fine until some patch arbitrarily decided to break the game for me. So for a while I took a break.

Apparently all the “server hopping” for free wins crippled Henge of Denravi in WvW and caused a huge exodus from the server rather than to it, as so many hundreds had been doing previously. I logged in today and checked out lions arch, thinking i might have found a way to get past my video troubles with the black screening.

To my .. i guess you would say horror, I found that i was able to run around most of the main part of the city and find about 10 people. My friends and most of the guild all stopped playing in the chain reaction that happened from me (the GM) being unable to actually participate in any content and stop playing myself.

Now I have few options, I can transfer to another server at random, hoping there is actually a community there, but hey since my guild all quit due to a lack of being impressed with the game when out of a guild group, i dont lose any social aspect right?

Or i can wait at he world select screen for weeks trying to go somewhere like tarnished coast which apparently has RP, something that might make the game worth logging into again

Chances are I wont do either. I was potentially one who might have spent money in the gem store. Bottom Line, to the devs, You lost a customer because I have no real reason to keep playing at this point. The new patch looks only like a grind fest for tier gear for me, as a veteran of mmo’s: there are other games out there that do the tier grind much better than this one and as much as I like the combat system in GW2, it isnt irreplacebly good, I never had an issue with the standard mmo combat style in the first place.

I just want GW to be at least as fun as GW1 was for me and my friends, but this server being a complete ghost town is sortof a straw on a camels back type thing. That alone wouldnt have been crippling, Heck I played city of heroes on a server that wasnt full pop and it was a ghost town too, but it is one piece of straw too many.

Heres hoping the dev team recaptures their vision someday for GW2, I’d be happy to hear of it, but for now, I dont know what to do with the hard drive space this game occupies.