Showing Posts For Van Hamster.2018:

Ring of Fire - Drakkar Lake - Whiteside Ridge

in Match-ups

Posted by: Van Hamster.2018

Van Hamster.2018

nothing more to say, but hats up to TaG. bow nice condiover;)

[IF]-Van Hamster

(edited by Van Hamster.2018)

SFR / JS / Riverside [11/10]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Van Hamster.2018

Van Hamster.2018

you asked so receive it:D Pain Dw Vu holding hands together hilarious btw last night we had 3 raids on Js map Df Koa Iddq vs 1 big blob. Only Bsf from Js runned alone from enemies but got slaughtered few times seems their skll level is going down recently

what ever you want to show with this screens is, in my opinion, they suck. their quality is fare to low to see anymore then blured pixels. only thing i can say, because of the [IF]-guildtag, that in this masterpieces of digital artwork is the "riversnake"aka randomzerg.
greetz hamster

[IF]-Van Hamster

Augury Rock / Riverside / Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Van Hamster.2018

Van Hamster.2018

Oh Riverside, what are you doing?! You don’t need to blob and do golem rushes at 4 o’clock in the morning. Be free and wild…..see if you can tame that Grub! When you hopped to our undefended border after the good fights we had in SM, you missed out on further good skirmishes involving Augury Rock. We missed you guys, we would have liked for you to be there. Wxp is overrated – you don’t need it. Come and fight us instead! :-)

did you ever matched against vizu? every morning they seem to have an doctor´s appointment in one of your keeps. sadly they can´t rememder which so they just ran around and search for the right one. like pr.oak said:“it´s dangerous to walk alone” so they bring 40+ friends but walking sucks so got some nice fancy omega-golems to carry them…..the only way for us to get points against them are such golem rush in the middle of the night, at a time only ~20 vizu-ac-zombies are sitting in thier keep. i thnik after 4 weeks tier1 servers it just got a habbit of us^^

[IF]-Van Hamster