Showing Posts For VanishingRose.6982:

Raven's Revered crashing, missing textures

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VanishingRose.6982


Have similar problem but with norn personal story . No textures and now crushing all the time when i try to enter Echoes of Ages Past.

I’m having the same issue as well.

Guild Missions: Commendations & Treks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VanishingRose.6982


Ran guild missions last night and here’s how ours went with 5 parties. Easy Trek-1 party to each location had everyone walk in the circle at once, everyone got credit including those that were still outside the circle. Bounty went the same as normal. Medium Trek- 3 locations per party just had a couple people pair up and go in the circle together and everyone got credit. Rush- only worked when we were under our own flag and not pairing up with another guild, some people had to stand at the end for up to maybe 30 secs to get completion credit, and we all got rewards as normal. Puzzle- maybe only half got credit and we couldn’t find any rhyme or reason on how that one gave rewards.

Guild Mission - Race bug no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VanishingRose.6982


We just ran this, first time through we got a pop up that the guild was in another instance so we swapped and on completion with 15/15 with another guild there, we didn’t get personal rewards or favor. We ran a 2nd time through with our guild flag and just us and got both rewards at the end.

Guild Mission Reset Time Changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VanishingRose.6982


Thanks for the heads up Gaile! Now we’ll get to try out a raid during our normal Gmissions time when we will have the most people on

Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!

in Looking for...

Posted by: VanishingRose.6982


Our guild is Ascalon Assassins[AA] and we are primarily a PVE megaserver guild with WvW from time to time on Ehmry Bay. We are a small casual group with more emphasis on having fun and playing the way you like vs. the meta. The majority of the guild speaks English and we are a family friendly guild so things like cursing in chat, questionable adult content and disrespect towards fellow guildies will not be tolerated. Our peak times are 4-10 pm Pacific and we have guild events including pvp in guild arena, fractals, dungeons and guild missions that start 1 hour after daily reset. We love helping out newer players and we run teaching dungeons/fractals whenever someone is appropriate level for them and has intrest. We do require 100% rep unless discussed with a leader to help keep an active roster. If you have any questions or would like an invite feel free to hit me up in game- VanishingRose.6982

Warmaster Grast broken post March patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VanishingRose.6982


Have had this happen the last few runs as well, Grast seems to put up his bubble early and then it disappears when it’s actually needed.