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Duplicate "xxx Legend" Titles & Rewards?

in PvP

Posted by: Varron.4291


Devs, do you plan on implementing a use for duplicate titles (that someone earned from season 5 but earned again in season 6)?

Ex: This item –

Would you be able to allow us to exchange duplicate titles for a grandmaster mark or something? It’d be cool. :]

Why should i keep playing?

in PvP

Posted by: Varron.4291


@OP – MMR is soft reset on a new season, not full reset.

So I ended 1650 last season, went 8/2 in placements this season—all solo-queued—and got 1700 this season.

Sind’s new account, after his placements and skill, only got Gold-ish last season out of placements. Though you should factor in that the threshhold for plat was higher last season, but the point still stands. That is, “fresh accounts” start with lower MMR (compared to those with those with above average MMR who played in the past season).

120 games are too much

in PvP

Posted by: Varron.4291


I don’t understand your argument, OP.

Why would your friends ,who do not care enough about sPvP, care about a prestige-oriented title (that doesn’t even give gold or mats)?

Sounds to me like you just want a Smurf method (LOL SEASON 5), or your friends aren’t good enough to maintain a high rank over 120 games.

Based on your argument, I’d go with the latter. Lol.

Season 6 Conclusion is... Frustration.

in PvP

Posted by: Varron.4291


“All MMR gained/lost from a match is calculated based off of average TEAM MMR, and not personal MMR.” – I’d love that. :]

Fixing S7 Ranked [with data charts]

in PvP

Posted by: Varron.4291


Referencing a thread:

This shouldn’t happen next season. There should be a hard limit on matchmaking where if you are legendary, you can only verse people who are plat 1 as a minimum.

Honestly, throwing a gold 1/gold 2 against the #1 player, who is also duo-queueing, should never happen. If it ever did, why is it remotely fair for the gold players to lose TWELVE rating? They should’ve lost 0, or only 1 point due to the difference in skill rating.

Tl;dr – The skill difference between a legend and a gold player is too big to warrant a game ever having those two skill levels together. IMO the brackets should go as follows, hypothetically:

Legendary <→ Plat 1 | Plat 1 <→ Gold 1 | Silver 3 <→ Bronze 1

While also allowing negligible differences in mmr. For example: “Fake Bob” is 1649, which is gold 3 but only 1 point away from being plat 1. This difference is negligible, and he may verse legendary& plat players due to being close enough to the mmr threshold of being considered a plat 1 player.

Just some thoughts X D

Fixing S7 Ranked [with data charts]

in PvP

Posted by: Varron.4291


Perhaps we could look on it as a tier spread, instead? So Gold 3 can verse people +/-1 tier (Ex: Gold 3 can verse gold 2, 3, plat 1)?

+/-2 after a long queue time with no possible matches (ex: 5-10 mins), etc?

Cause the difference between a gold 3 and a gold 1 versing a plat is extremely noticeable, lol.

Fixing S7 Ranked [with data charts]

in PvP

Posted by: Varron.4291


Nice! A very simple visualization but that easily conveys the suggestion.

I like this, and would support this idea.

One concern is how would placements affect this? Especially considering how mmr is only soft-reset between season (ex: I placed 1300 s5, but placed 1600 s6). Will placement players have no restrictions?

IMO I’d prefer gold players not being in plat games. So I’d prefer Leg/plat as one bracket, with gold/silver/bronze in the other bracket. But leg/plat bracket probably doesn’t have that many players. Perhaps make it gold 2-ish and above? Idk.

Thoughts on Season S6 + Suggestions for S7

in PvP

Posted by: Varron.4291


I do not use the forums, so pardon my formatting. This thread will detail my thoughts on season 6, in the hopes that ArenaNet will implement some improvements for season 7. I hope that others will share their opinions, too.

1) Solo / Duo Queue – Everyone in higher elos/platinum+ knows that duo queue is strictly better than solo queueing. I believe that solo/duo should stay, instead of team queue, but there should be duo queue restrictions.
-People should not be able to duo queue with anyone outside of +/- 1 division. (ex: a silver player can only duo with someone who is bronze/silver/gold).
-I heavily suggest that anyone with MMR in the top 250 range should not be able to duo queue. Look at LoL—Challengers are not able to duo queue and EVERY game they play is solo queue.
—People may to circumvent this by staying at 14 games/week, hiding themselves off the leaderboard to prevent being restricted from duo queueing.
—-So we have two choices:
——A) Top 250 starts at 1600 mmr, for example. It is the end of the season and 120 games are required to appear on the leaderboard. “Fake Bob” has only played 115 games, but has 1650 mmr. He should NOT be allowed to duo queue.
——B) Just make it so anyone who is plat and up, unable to duo queue. This will prevent weird fluctuating duo queue restrictions, as detailed in option A.

2) MMR Gains (in regards to winrate) – Win rate should be a factor. We’ve seen Helseth last season have an 80% win rate, but still gain only 10 mmr per win.
-Looking at LoL, if your hidden mmr is higher than your visual mmr, you will be compensated with extra LP/mmr gains.
—Ex: “Fake Bob” has a 90% win rate at 1200mmr, and should gain 25mmr per win.
—Ex: “Fake Bill” has a 50% win rate at 1200mmr, and should gains 10mmr per win.

2.5) MMR Gains (in general) – This only happens when you’re higher up in mmr, but the system heavily punishes you for playing the game. Although this may be due to the system believing you should win a game due to a stacked team, it is extremely unfair. I have difficulty explaining this, so I will show it through examples.
-Ex: You’re roughly around 1650mmr. Every win will gain you only 6mmr or so.
—Continued: Every loss will make you lose between 10mmr-18mmr.
—-Why is this the case? Losing 1 game should not lose you 3 games (or 30 minutes) worth of progress.
——This is extremely tilting, and I know numerous players who have expressed negative views on mmr gains in general once in higher tiers.
——-This is just an assumption, but I believe it is due to you being the higher mmr player on the team and being punished for losing a game where you are versing lower mmr players. But still, gains and losses should be EQUAL. If I have to wait 30 minutes for a game where I lose the equivalent that I gain, I would wait for it.
———Some players are fearful, and camp their rating due to extreme mmr losses. ANet, why are you punishing players for playing the game? Fix the system, whether it be the mmr algorithim or just mmr losses in accordance to ‘bad’ matchmaking.

3) Queue Quality / Queue Times – Please make it so lower divisions are never in higher division games. I would gladly wait 10 minutes, or more, for a game if this was to happen. In the current state, there are non-leaderboard players being matchmade against top 100 players. This should never be the case.
-Ex: In LoL, you would NEVER see a Challenger vs anyone who is below diamond. A plat/gold/silver/bronze would never have to verse a top player.
-This will also prevent certain players from only queueing up at ‘off-hours’ (ex: midnight,1AM, etc) to ‘farm’ rating due to the lack of players online. Make it so they can’t find a game, due to the lack of players. It should be up to them to queue at primetime where they can verse a suitable enemy with similar mmr.

I apologize for the poor formatting, I hope you can understand my thoughts. :)