Showing Posts For Velaethia.6820:

Do you not want my money ArenaNet???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


I want to spend $5 on gems. NO MORE. For something specific I want to buy. I will NOT pay $10. You need to add an $5 option asap. Until then I need an alternate way to buy $5 worth of gems. Can I contact customer support? If you want my money you’ll help me out. But I can always spend my $5 elsewhere. Because I’m not going to be pressured to pay for $10 worth of gems when I only need something for $5 worth of gems.

Sylvari gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


I found em… to bad I have no transmute charges meh…

Sylvari gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


There are three sets of cultural armor for each armor weight; tier 1 is very cheap, tier 2 is a bit more pricey, and tier 3 is quite pricey. The vendors are in The Grove (I think on the level with the crafting stations). There is also the Twilight Arbor dungeon armor, and you buy that with Twilight Arbor tokens that you get for running explorable paths of said dungeon.

Edit: The cook’s outfit and wedding attire outfits both have a unique appearance for each race, and the Sylvari ones for both are very plant-themed. Both of those are obviously gem store items (and aren’t always available).

I can’t find that vendor

Sylvari gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


Where might I find gear with a Sylvari theme? As in the plant-clothes you see like 90% of Sylvari npcs wearing? Cloth is cool and all but the plant clothes just fit better. Anything with that theme. Preferably ones not terribly hard to get. Purchasable (with real money) might be possible in the future but not right now.

Who should I I boost?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


Mesmer was by far the most painful to level in my experience.
But when its 80, its also one of the one’s I enjoy most.

Guardian is much easier to level since its applicable in alot of places that grant XP and is a good solo class.

I’d personally avoid the growing pains that is Mesmer.

This seems like the consensus mk.

Who should I I boost?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


Try each of them out in The Silverwastes, and then make your decision.

I have multiple times still so hard to choose. Leaning on Guardian though. Or Mesmer.

Who should I I boost?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


I recommend that you boost the class that you are least likely to play, not one of the ones that you think might be fun. This allows you to play the class in all its glory, without needing to spend too much time.

Alternatively, of all the profs you mentioned, Mesmer is the most difficult to master/enjoy while at lower levels — so much of what you do depends on generating illusions and that ability is very limited until you have unlocked various traits and skills.

Guardians and rangers are beyond decent without being fully unlocked. Revenant is much more effective with its elite, but it’s also fine while leveling.

tl;dr first choice: your least likely prof; second: mesmer

You make a good point for mesmer. I do like mesmer but true its a bit awkward at lower levels I’ve noticed. Especially when I go to the level 80 zone to pvp. Think is I do really like dragonhunter elite spec, and chrono I have no interest in.

Who should I I boost?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


I know this is a personal question depending on what I want to play and all. But its such a big decision and I can’t decide. A big one is Guardian because dragon hunter seems fun and I like their over-all mystic knight feel. Another possibility is ranger just because ranger is all around fun no matter what you do though I don’t really like the idea of druid. Also Revenant. I like their elite spec okay and the over-all gameplay. Also Engineer who is over-all fun and elite spec is pretty fun. Mesmer too even though their elite spec is meh I like their gameplay over-all otherwise.

Level 80 boost.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


You can play any storylines, no matter if you are over-leveled. The episodes will probably be much easier, but some of the rewards may be less useful.

Good luck.

I just wanted to know so I didn’t miss out on my racial stories because that’d suck. Like the ones at level 10, 20, 30, 40 etc.

Level 80 boost.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


Can you go back and do your race’s storyline? Or are you forced to skip it with a boost?

Sya the transgender character.

in Lore

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


Curious: Relevance?

Are you saying Sylvari can do that? Not sure about that unless their is confirmation. Simply because that effects mostly simplistic life forms. Sylvari are anything but simplistic. However this is also a universe with magic so anything is possible.

Sya the transgender character.

in Lore

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


Well, you’re trying to work out the logic of something that is all about feelings. Those two generally don’t go hand in hand.

Anyway, unless I am mistaken, the Total Makeover Kit is lore approved. You can magically and instantly change your entire character’s physical existence, sans the actual race of your character (though is that a lore limitation or just a mechanic limitation?). It is a wonder how anyone can be trans in Tyria when you aren’t tied to the physical body you were born in, in any sense. Maybe Sya is too poor to afford the gems.

Mesmers are illusionists and hypnotists, so Sya’s form is actually an illusion. There isn’t a physical morph there. Also, last I checked, syvlari are technically aesexual, so their physical bodies are of about as much consequence as their hair color (or leaf color… something like that). Though this wouldn’t prevent a sylvari from eventually adopting the notion that lets them feel like they were born in the wrong body later in life. The total makeover kit still exists in that regard, too.

So as far as I can tell, Sya is in the game not for any sort of in-game purpose, but to win points on a socio-political scoreboard in real life.

See ya next week everybody!

Well mind you even post transition a trans person is still trans. So Tyria has trans people rich or poor. They might just not advertise it so to speak. Sya is very open about it. A lot of trans people IRL are not so it begs the idea that might be similar in Tyria. Even if they had transition tools at a young age. Transgender simply means that they identify with a gender in opposition to what they were assigned at birth.

Also as far as I know as I have been told by multiple sources the Sylvari are NOT asexual. Instead they have sex parts they just don’t reproduce sexually. But they still can have sex as their form is apparently based on humans.

(edited by Velaethia.6820)

Sya the transgender character.

in Lore

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


First of all, sorry that none of my answers are canon, just how I view the game and the lore. With that said, though…

But I’m curious can mesmer permanently shapeshift or does she only craft illusions to make her appear as her appearance has changed but has not actually?

There are a couple of hints that mesmers CAN change things physically. The best known example is the mesmer portal, which can be proven to actually move the people that use it (physical change of location). More to the point, however, there is a story segment (Order of Whispers related) where if you make the right choice, a charr winds up mesmered to look like a human. It could be just an illusion, save that the charr complains that it’s hard to walk without a tail. If it was just an illusion, there would be no such problem, so it’s an actual, physical transformation.

I’m also curious as magic is a thing in Gw2 can transgender characters in theory have magical transitional procedures, kind of how there is medical (Technological) surgeries available for transgender characters in real life?

I’d say the above answers this as well. It may take a lot of work to make such a spell stick, both repeated rituals/castings and expensive spell components, but it should be possible. In fact, I’d say the makeover kits are an actual in-lore item, and consist of limited transformation potions and such components. An expensive item, to be sure, but not an unreasonable one to have in the game. Sya being a mesmer herself, however, means she can likely do most of the work herself given time, and readjust details as needed.

Also considering Sylvari. Are all sylvari guaranteed to be born in sex that would allign with their identity since because they are “born” they simply exist as spirits in the dream? Or could they be transgender too like other races born sexually?

Due to some of the stuff in HoT, I think that a sylvari’s form is somewhat dictated by their mental state and self image. So, it would make sense that they’d be born with a shape that mostly matches their mind. However, not all sylvari start with a strong gender identity, and all of them experience new things after emerging from the Dream. It’s quite possible for their gender identity to change as they learn more and discover how the rest of the world views the gender issue, just as a young child may not care about what gender they are, but it becomes very important to them as they grow older.

I like, and am satisfied with ALL of those answers. Thanks. Not 100% canon or not you did indeed pull from various canon sources to make an educated guess based on the information at hand. I may consider RPing a transgender character maybe… I was thinking a Sylvari but eh… I think it’d be stronger in another race. Asura and Char are less sexually dimorphic than other races so it might not have an as interesting effect. Leaving me with Norn and human. and because humans are uber boring that means Norn. Which could be interesting. Norn are based off one of my favourite ancient cultures IRL.

Though TBPH Char and Asura might actually work BETTER being that they are a lot less sexually dimorphic. Hmm… Things to consider.

Sya the transgender character.

in Lore

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


Also oh crap I said transgender characters in real life on my OP >_>… #awkward

Sya the transgender character.

in Lore

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


I took the “being a mesmer makes it easier” thing to mean that she’s using a permanent illusion. I don’t think there are shapeshifting mesmers. Norn, possibly, but then you’d be stuck being a bear, so… probably not that useful in this scenario.

I’ve been wondering about the (techno-)magical transition, too. I have a headcanon that the asura have developed a process for that long ago. They just seem the type to go “this isn’t the right body – let’s get that fixed asap”. I don’t think there’s a word of god on that, but as long as someone says “nope, doesn’t work that way”, I choose to believe that this is a thing.

Well permanent shapeshifting, or shape warping could be an optional form. Like perhaps a Norn if they really want to can enter a permanent bear form. Idk. Asura are straight forward and probably throw you into some scary magi-tech chemical pod that will change your body to your desired form if you requested.

But like, what is the difference between a permanent illusion and an actual transnational shapeshift?

Sya the transgender character.

in Lore

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


There was already a big argument about that, with a mostly conclussive last post by Anet.

IMO, people who gets offended by something like this choose to feel that. Instead, we should recognize games, as an art-form, needs to reflect and express society as it changes and advance, so this NPC is a very natural, interesting and inevitable development.

Curious, did you read my post? I’m not complaining about her. I’m happy to see some more inclusive. The point of the post was lore questions about how transgender characters exist, and function in Gw2 universe.

Sya the transgender character.

in Lore

Posted by: Velaethia.6820


First off I’m not sure how friendly in general the forum community is. But if you disagree with the idea of the topic, or feel like arguing, or picking a fight or something please don’t that is not what this is for. Simply leave if you don’t like the topic. Thanks.

So Sya is a characters that appears in lion arch who is transgender which for me is a squee moment. Just because I LOVE lgbt representation and in video games transgender characters are insanely rare. (Honestly the only other one I know of is Krem on DA). Well older games have some ambiguous characters but their oft villains.

In any case I actually have a question regarding her. Not sure if it is known. But she says something about being a mesmer helps her with her transition. But I’m curious can mesmer permanently shapeshift or does she only craft illusions to make her appear as her appearance has changed but has not actually?

I’m also curious as magic is a thing in Gw2 can transgender characters in theory have magical transitional procedures, kind of how there is medical (Technological) surgeries available for transgender people in real life?

Also considering Sylvari. Are all sylvari guaranteed to be born in sex that would allign with their identity since because they are “born” they simply exist as spirits in the dream? Or could they be transgender too like other races born sexually?

Sorry I just love LGBT themes and while gay relationships are pretty self explanatory there is so many questions with transgender characters regarding the lore of a fictional universe.

(edited by Velaethia.6820)