Showing Posts For Vengus.1098:

Why do people fear 'power creep'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


The way I see Guild Wars 2 as it was sold to people is as something equal to communism. People were tired of the competition and the hawkishness and the race of living in a capitalist society, where the wealthy exploited the poor. Most people feel like in MMO’s they are the poor because they don’t have the capital (time) to invest in getting somewhere with their lives (characters).

Then Guild Wars 2 comes along and promises a poor (undergeared) man’s utopia where everything’s equal and a certain quality of life is assured and people can live in a levelled playing field where life is fair. Then when it’s made people discover that the lack of progress is grounding society to a halt and that a brain drain is commencing that’s taking people back into the capitalist world of competition and opportunity. I’m sure that in 1989 the Soviet Union still had a few ardent communists running around insisting that their system was perfect, but the country collapsed two years later for a reason.

I guess GW1 was the most succesful communist game ever then, 7 years of equality with millions of players.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


Galen Grey, if they wanted to keep the progression for dungeons only, they should have have kept the stats on Ascended the same as on Exotic apart from the infusion slot. That infusion slot would then be used for infusions that reduce the effect of agony, still giving a feeling of progression through the dungeon, without ever affecting anything else.

who thinks progression means higher numbers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


People aren’t over reacting, they are just making it perfectly clear to A-net what they think about this “addition”.

Maybe it wont stop this ‘ascended’ tier, but the outcry may hopefully stop any further tiers being introduced

There’s nothing to stop. They have already said:

“Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.”

There are no future tiers.

Right now legendaries are on par with exotics, there is no jump. When ascended weapons are released they will be buffed to be on par with ascended weapons, when this happens there is still no jump. They could easily release double ascended SSJ3 uber gold gear down the road if they wanted to, and buff legendaries with it.

If with gap they mean the difficulty of obtaining legendaries compared to exotics, that would mean ascended is going to be harder to get than exotic items. With exotics currently only being available for loads of karma, lots of dungeon runs or rare expensive crafting mats, you’ll get an idea of how hard it is going to be to get ascended items. This would mean that there is going to be minority out there who outperforms the majority simply because of superior gear. There is only a 5 stat difference now, but when they have released the whole ascended set it could be a 60 stat difference, equal to a full set of divinity runes. Some people say “ascended gear doesn’t have upgrade slots”, but all we’ve seen right now is the ring, and they have the stats from the upgrade baked in the baseline stats. The same logic could be used for armor pieces, by having pre-selected runes in them. Heck, they could have a random superior rune baked in, to create a big long grind.

They have said there will be other ways of obtaining ascended items, but they would still have to be very hard to get otherwise they no longer close the gap between exotic and legendary. If not, it would only give Arenanet more reasons to introduce yet another rarity to keep the treadmill going.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


I really don’t see what’s so wrong about dev hyping up their game. I mean it’s not like Anet pulled a Peter Molyneux on us and created a gear that’s grossly overpowered to the previous tier.

It integrated a kind of a community that was outside of the francishe so far, and whose needs are directly opposing the policy of the game and what we were used to and what we liked.

There isn’t a single Guild Wars player who throughout the 7 years of the game wanted vertical progression in an way, shape, or form.

The people who want this thing are the very people whose reinforcements this francise tried to stop by being different and making the difference popular.

Any move backwards, no matter how small, shows the highest ammount of wrong that we canever get in the developement: that this prime directive was thrown out in favor of more cash.

It doesn’t even matter how subtle they want to go with it (they did say that this is just the beginning). The problem is that at this point we should be already heading even farther away from this type of gameplay.

People aren’t raging because of the size of this step.
They do because it is the worst possible direction.

We should be already full-speed into the opposite direction. That was what Guild Wars was about!

Except how will we know it’s the worst possible ‘direction"?
GW1 think gear progression will ruin the game, yet games with hardcore progression like Wow still strives ( and is actually in better shape than Anet atm, I’d say, given how many of my guildies have quitted to play Panda)

It’s only the worst direction if the community doesn’t give Anet a chance to reach out to new audiences. It’s only heading in the worst direction if all the GW1 fan decided gw2 isn’t worth it because it’s not their ’perfect GW1 clone" and quit.

Whether or not this game is heading towards a bad direction or not depends entirely players and not the design itself, as none of the new designs are actually game breaking.

Long story short, have a little faith in the dev who brought you GW1. Give them some time to try new things instead of melting down whenever a change is coming.

Yes, and WoW is also the only gearbased game that lives. Every other geargrind game that was released after it died or was reduced to a skeleton crew to serve a very small playerbase of the last few remaining core players. Fact is that so far every game that tried to take WoW head-on died a painful death.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


I posted this is in an other thread and I shall post it here too.

I don’t understand where all the people are coming from who are saying that gear grind is required to keep a game alive. Almost every game that has a gear grind and was released after WoW’s release, died. In the meanwhile games like EVE Online, League of Legends, Minecraft, and other similiar games are still going strong even though none of them have a major gear grind going on. Heck, even WoW lost 3 mil subs after they focused way too much on raiding and raiding only in Cataclysm, hence why they are putting lots of “horizontal” content in WoW like the Darkmoon Faire Island, pet battles and the new brawler thing. All of these things don’t reward any progressive gear, apart from the Darkmoon decks that is.

Understanding "Gear Progression"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


I don’t understand where all the people are coming from who are saying that gear grind is required to keep a game alive. Almost every game that has a gear grind and was released after WoW’s release pretty much dwindled to the point that all they got now are very small core playerbases. In the meanwhile games like EVE Online, League of Legends, Minecraft, and other similiar games are still going strong even though none of them have a major gear grind going on. Heck, even WoW lost 3 mil subs after they focused way too much on raiding and raiding only in Cataclysm, hence why they are putting lots of “horizontal” content in WoW like the Darkmoon Faire Island, pet battles and the new brawler thing. All of these things don’t reward any progressive gear, apart from the Darkmoon decks that is.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


My God, you folks are so kitten hilarious, complaining and complaining, Anet makes the game the way they want, enjoy it and shut the hell up or LEAVE QUIETLY because, like you used to tell us (the guys that enjoy progression instead of dressing up like barbie dolls) this is not the game for you.

Take a chill pill and go play sims or buy a doll.

It was Arenanets promise that they would bring in gearbased progression, people have every right to be upset. There are plenty of games on the market with gearbased progression, I don’t see why GW2 has to go down the same path. All they are doing is moving GW2 in such a position that they are directly competing with WoW, and no game who has ever done that survived it. Atleast failed sub games could survive by going F2P, GW2 can’t even do that.

You are the one who’s wrong.

GW1 had a pretty small player base compared to other mmos out there.
Changes are always welcomed … or the game gets boring, truth is game was lacking a lot and Anet made a great move, introducing new things, while you folks overreact like you’re in a marriage and a baby is about to come. Get this mate, this baby might be a beautiful thing. If you don’t want a baby feel free to get a divorce…. see what i did there?

Edit: you edited your post.

Yes I edited because I misread your post somewhat, I thought you were saying the game wasn’t for the people who like the dress up system.

Still, if people wanted gear progression, there are many other MMOs out there who do that already. All Arenanet is doing is throwing GW2 in front of the WoW freight train. As long as companies keep copying each other, the whole MMO market will never progress. Besides, there is plenty of proof that copying WoW doesn’t work, just look at Warhammer Online, SWTOR, Rift (they claim they are fine but most of their servers are always low), etc who all pretty much died apart from their small core playerbases.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


My God, you folks are so kitten hilarious, complaining and complaining, Anet makes the game the way they want, enjoy it and shut the hell up or LEAVE QUIETLY because, like you used to tell us (the guys that enjoy progression instead of dressing up like barbie dolls) this is not the game for you.

Take a chill pill and go play sims or buy a doll.

It was Arenanets promise that they would never bring in gearbased progression, people have every right to be upset. There are plenty of games on the market with gearbased progression, I don’t see why GW2 has to go down the same path. All they are doing is moving GW2 in such a position that they are directly competing with WoW, and no game who has ever done that survived it. Atleast failed sub games could survive by going F2P, GW2 can’t even do that.

(edited by Vengus.1098)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vengus.1098


Gearbased progression, here we go. Another broken promise by Arenanet.

Attend The Party

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vengus.1098


Log in/zone into Lion’s Arch and you should get it automatically.

Rebuilding The Lion Statue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vengus.1098


Lets go one step further and turn it into an event where the players have to build it up over time. :p

Failing the Clock Tower adds to death count?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vengus.1098


On the side note, my level 22 Sylvari Guardian can’t seem to get inside the tower when I reached the top (even if I reached it over an over). Is that also a bug or does the tower have level requirements?

I had this issue for a long time on my Sylvari. Restarting my client and joining another instance of it seemed to help, supposedly some of the instances are getting bugged. I kept hitting some kind of invisible wall.

Like after the first cog and you pause. Does the animation kinda pause for a second while the clock face thing that is forming flips over? Mine did that every run I had till I restarted my client. And some people are suggesting thats a hint that the instance might be bugged for you.

I can confirm this. I had the same issue where the first part froze for a sec or so when the wall broke, and when I was at the top I would hit a hidden wall everytime I jumped. After relogging I was able to complete the puzzle just fine.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vengus.1098


Sylvari Warrior, completed it 10 min ago, no speedbuffs.

Banners are ruining the clock tower JP.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vengus.1098


all you people do is QQ this and QQ that you don’t like it leave that area and find another. simple

All abilities in the clock tower are locked for a reason, I don’t think it was ArenaNet’s intention that players could use banners to get access to swiftness. The issue the OP is raising is a valid one, because I’ve been under the effect of those swiftness buffs a few times and jumped straight over the platforms into the green stuff. The clock tower doesn’t seem to be designed with swiftness in mind.