Co-Leader of [DDLG]
I also want a rematch with an ET Mesmer from SOL, I think it was SOL, but not 100% on that. We had a good 1v1 near SS camp in IoJ BL. I lagged out at the end of the battle and reconnected to you bowing over my corpse
Hope to see you at fight night whomever you are!
If the mesmer is from SOL, I’ll find out who is it and inform you want a rematch.
Also, thanks DDLG, warrior and thief, for the brief duel we had yesterday near Champs bridge in ET border. Unfortunately WoS decided to end our duels, but I’m looking forward to find you guys on the field again.
Good Game all!
NP at all, thank you for the good duels as well. You are one tanky SOB…
There’s haters in every forum I guess. Here’s a minute from last night, more to come. Maybe you weren’t leading this group? This is the third time GoM came back. When you still had FC’s keep with a waypoint, you can see the orange swords at the keep still on the map so you were probably over there if you’re a commander.
Full queue on a map running in one place, using no combat tactics aside from strength in numbers and trebbing from a distance. That’s the zerging meta the game just naturally encourages, strength in numbers, it’ll change though once organized groups start running through pug groups every day. Don’t take it as an insult our server does it too.
Gif was inspiration for the song, thanks guy from “Hamburger” guild as our TS calls it.
I cant help but watch my health bar in this video…. never gets below 85%….
oh look at that we’re stuck with GoM for another week how swell…..time to be in second place again…. we can’t keep castle for a long time to even get upgrades. once we take castle what happens? it gets taken the next 5mins (dr)
This is our problem on DR… the amount of man power it takes to take SM and hold it is a waste. You could put the same people on a BL and get much higher PPT. I don’t understand our server’s obsession with that 35 pts
I wonder why it didn’t help us get our lead back? I guess because you are so incredibly awesome at smashing your face into doors all night. We made up about 3-3.5k points during primetime, while crushing your zergs and maneuvering around multiple maps. I understand your need to come on the forums and assert your ‘achievements’ when you actually do have enemies to fight before you night cap. It must be rough to PvDoor all night and no one gets to see your awesum skillz. I completely understand that PvD is a a part of the game and that someone has to do it, but don’t come to the forums trying to make a guild look bad just because you jumped off of a wall and clicked a button. Kinda makes you look like a moron.
Achievements? What achievements? I didn’t achieve a kitten thing. I was laughing at a failure that I found a bit of humor in. Also what awesome skills? I kittening suck at PvP, that made it funnier. I rotate between night crew and day crew depending on what shift I’m on at work. I get a taste of all timezones. Majority of my play time is between 1PM and 10PM CST.
Jumped off a wall? Didn’t know there were walls at that camp.
Oh, sorry. I guess I didn’t make it clear enough: I think your post was ridiculous.
Imagine if everyone posted on the forums as soon as they downed a few people in a large group with Churning Earth. The weight of the internet would definitely multiply.
I guess I didn’t make myself clear enough either, they focused the trebs so intently I was able to -walk- into the middle of their group, start channeling CE, get it off(no teleport), down 4 or 5 people, and walk away. Shortly after they wiped without taking down a single treb.
I’m sorry, but thats bad.
Again, I ask…. GvG? Please?
To the [DDLG] group who tried twice to kill our trebs north Hills last night in GoM BL and wiped -hard- each time
You had enough to wipe all the GoM pugs there, yet you focused the trebs so intently you let a DPS oriented ele get a churning earth off right in the middle of you. I had a pretty good laugh seeing how many people I downed.
To all the people bickering about who is better, WvW is all about who has the bigger zerg and the better coverage.
GvG? Please?
DDLG have been improving, i could’ve sworn i saw a might stack!
Haha, might stack, that’s routine. Lets have a GvG and show you what we can really do…
hey hey… not all forum warriors are complete trolls… I speak from experience..
Ive seen good fights… big and small for a reset weekend I couldnt be happier.
True, true. There isn’t quite a forum war yet. We shall see who lights the fire.
GoM needs a haircut and SF doesn’t wear clean underwear… and… GO!
We in DDLG used a different strategy last night on BP’s BL. We took our typical 25-30 man prime-time group and split them up into 5 small mans, each with its own commander. We stayed in communication with each other to form merge groups when needed for larger objectives. In the beginning, the BP zerg would wipe one small man group while the 4 others were capping stuff. This strategy worked very well for quite some time. Eventually, BP split up into larger versions of our small mans, and still had a massive zerg to take larger objectives. The numbers finally overcame us, but we sure had a lot of fun, and made our mark on BP. Hope you BP guys enjoyed it as much as we did.
Good match so far, looks like we may have some fun this week.
ROFL… [HARD] demolished [DDLG]? That made me laugh almost as much as when I saw the level 80 [HARD] member die to a solo sentry… [HARD] has been one of the worst guild groups we have ever faced. Once you get up to the level of some of the better guild groups we have faced like [Os] then come and give us a REAL challenge.
Lol are you always this delusional? any HARD WvW event i have been apart of has wiped DDLG minus 2 occasion’s i can think of… Forum warrior’s are funny lol.. Last time i posted a video ppl got hurt feeling’s…I dont recall us going to any teamspeak/vent to apologise… Clown type dude’s in here talking big LMAO… I may not be the only guy who record’s footage, but i bet im the guy with the most =).
Not quite sure what imaginary world you live in, but NO DDLG WvW event I have ever been part of has been wiped by HARD… in fact, we were utterly disappointed with HARD’s lack of skill. You claim to have all these videos of you wiping us, but the only one I saw was when you were wiped over and over by us, and posted a video of 30 of you wiping 15 DDLG after most of our group had logged off for the night….
Delusional Lies… so funny.. im done with this match-up next please! Just 10 page’s of blah blah blah,excuses,lie’s,and flat out crap.
Yes delusional lies is all you post. I requested to see these videos of you guys wiping DDLG… where are they? … oh that’s right… they don’t exist.
ROFL… [HARD] demolished [DDLG]? That made me laugh almost as much as when I saw the level 80 [HARD] member die to a solo sentry… [HARD] has been one of the worst guild groups we have ever faced. Once you get up to the level of some of the better guild groups we have faced like [Os] then come and give us a REAL challenge.
Lol are you always this delusional? any HARD WvW event i have been apart of has wiped DDLG minus 2 occasion’s i can think of… Forum warrior’s are funny lol.. Last time i posted a video ppl got hurt feeling’s…I dont recall us going to any teamspeak/vent to apologise… Clown type dude’s in here talking big LMAO… I may not be the only guy who record’s footage, but i bet im the guy with the most =).
Not quite sure what imaginary world you live in, but NO DDLG WvW event I have ever been part of has been wiped by HARD… in fact, we were utterly disappointed with HARD’s lack of skill. You claim to have all these videos of you wiping us, but the only one I saw was when you were wiped over and over by us, and posted a video of 30 of you wiping 15 DDLG after most of our group had logged off for the night….
ROFL… [HARD] demolished [DDLG]? That made me laugh almost as much as when I saw the level 80 [HARD] member die to a solo sentry… [HARD] has been one of the worst guild groups we have ever faced. Once you get up to the level of some of the better guild groups we have faced like [Os] then come and give us a REAL challenge.
So, I was told about this “zerging” thing. Rolled through EB last night, got a bunch of kills. This is how you zerg my friends.
Watch out, DDLG stepped it up a bit.Quote of the night: “1 on the way in, F on the way out”
If you’re on DR and this style of fighting appeals to you, whisper me about more information on joining DDLG!
Credits to Bluevalle for the video.
I got to 7 minutes and thought that is odd, I don’t think I have seen them fight anyone who wasn’t already fighting someone else. They also don’t really seem to be doing anything.
I mean I’m sure you had some sort of plan or goal for the night that wasn’t just sneak up on people fighting someone else?
Well, everything in the video took place in about 40 minutes of EB. It started out as a training session, teaching DDLG the same small roaming tactics, just applying it to a larger group. We were looking for fights, and my mindset being hit and run. You should never go head on into a Zerg with a Zerg, that’s a potentially long fight. However if you can surprise them on the first hit, or come in when they’re at disadvantage it can greatly change the outcome of the fight. Both sides had even, if not more numbers, therefore we’d hit the stronger group, pull out, re rally and flank the stronger force, which is usually pushing over the downed group we just hit. We wanted the guildies to get used to that type of movement, because as shown in the video it really works when done properly.
I’m just upset that he edited out my corny jokes…
Just watched “the video”. Omg.. that has video of the year written all over it. Circle of shame .. I laughed. Great stuff.
Tots did you watch it ? If you did then Lmao. If that was me I would hang my head very low. That’s about as poor as you can play as a mesmer.
I have to wonder where oozo fits into all of this. Seems like he’s not even happy your in AD. Just my thoughts.
Yes I did. If you look at the hits he does on me you’ll see he does very low damage for a glass cannon thief. I was messing around with a super tanky support build used for larger groups that focuses on reflecting projectiles and retaliation uptime, definitely not a 1v1 spec build. He got me that time, everyone loses now and then. :P
Also, reading his description I’m starting to come to this conclusion: SPCA have been disrespecting ADQQSTY on the forums because I tea bagged Tievospy.
He’s saying everything was started because I teabagged him, classy. Pretty ridiculous don’t you think?
Troll successful, he took the time to make a video just for me
according to this video teivo does very LOW damage video. The best part is how low Tots hps are each time he is downed, showing he was already downed and ressed at least once.
Its sad how obsessed this guy is with “Tots”… And he should be very proud to be able to 1 vs 1 with a thief… I’ve heard that is hard to do…
did you even watch the videos? they are primarily 2v1, tots doesn’t 1v1 he needs advantages
Yes, I watched the videos, and I have played with “Tots” a good bit. He is not an elitist kitten that thinks he needs to run solo, record himself, and post videos of his wins to make himself feel worth-while. I feel bad for those that do…
Just watched “the video”. Omg.. that has video of the year written all over it. Circle of shame .. I laughed. Great stuff.
Tots did you watch it ? If you did then Lmao. If that was me I would hang my head very low. That’s about as poor as you can play as a mesmer.
I have to wonder where oozo fits into all of this. Seems like he’s not even happy your in AD. Just my thoughts.
Yes I did. If you look at the hits he does on me you’ll see he does very low damage for a glass cannon thief. I was messing around with a super tanky support build used for larger groups that focuses on reflecting projectiles and retaliation uptime, definitely not a 1v1 spec build. He got me that time, everyone loses now and then. :P
Also, reading his description I’m starting to come to this conclusion: SPCA have been disrespecting ADQQSTY on the forums because I tea bagged Tievospy.
He’s saying everything was started because I teabagged him, classy. Pretty ridiculous don’t you think?
Troll successful, he took the time to make a video just for me
according to this video teivo does very LOW damage video. The best part is how low Tots hps are each time he is downed, showing he was already downed and ressed at least once.
Its sad how obsessed this guy is with “Tots”… And he should be very proud to be able to 1 vs 1 with a thief… I’ve heard that is hard to do…
You mean those things they removed months ago, because people were cheating to get them?
Score really reflects all that superior gameplay, doesn’t it?
Obviously not. Score reflects the ~20h per day when hardly anyone is playing.
Yeah, know that feeling….they took our garry during one of those times.
If his guys took the garry in NA prime…now that would be an accomplishment to crow about.
But braggin about taking a virtually unmanned garrison? Everyone has coverage issues and those holes are good chances at points. But its not like its a real accomplishment.
We took your Garrison at around 9 pm Eastern… apparently that is not NA prime time?
Apparently our doors were too much for DR to handle… They had to bring a ram zerg with their zerg >.>
(Yeah, I crapped my pants seeing all that)
Yeah, this started as a joke in TS “Drop 10 rams!” and when 5 were dropped, we decided to keep it going… I think I dropped at least 5 by myself…
They offer counting lessons at the same store u can pick up ur DDLG trashbag
Thats funny… I went to that store looking for DDLG trash bags, but could only find the off-brand XOXO and SPCA trash bags… everyone knows you don’t buy off brand trash bags!
Generalizing an entire guild of 400+, showing pics of you dieing to less than 10, and saying you wiped 12-15… sounds pretty off-brand to me.
…and they call GoM “cry-babies”? Speak for yourselves.
Please go back and re-read my post… if you can make it past the first couple of lines, you may realize it was a joke…
This forum needs a kick-start! NSP are no-skill zerglings, and GoM are cry-babies!!!
In all seriousness… this is the best match-up we have had on DR … ever?…
I love to see the skill, and mostly even numbers on all sides… and appreciate the fun fights I have had.
I have had fun in all forms so far… 1 vs 1, small man vs small man, and zerg vs zerg. Keep it up guys… lets have some fun!
Man DH, This is the resort of after getting wiped by DR.
Nice superior tactics and skills.
First AC zoom bug, and a invulnerable catapult built at your spawn.
That was us that built that catapult, but as far as I know it can be destroyed there. None of you came over to hit it while I was there though, so I can’t confirm.
If you look at the picture you will see that he has the catapult targeted, and it shows that it is immune to damage.
Ok, time to straighten a few things out.
[RED] is one of the oldest and largest guilds on DR. It is a guild of over 400 active players. We do have a strict rule against cheating of any kind for any reason. If you see any of our players using any kind of hacks, please report them and get the account name to us so we can kick them from the guild. When you have a large guild like ours, sometimes you have a few bad apples.
We do run xp/karma trains from time to time. We also have very active PvE, PvP, and WvW core groups. You will mostly see our true WvW action on Friday nights (We run xp trains to get levels on alts and new players more often lately, since this isn’t a very close match-up)
Also, the guy that got in the tower “Way before the gate was down”, I was commanding that group, when he lagged out and ended up stuck in the top of the gate. It wouldn’t let him jump down, and when he tried to dodge roll, he ended up on the inside just seconds before the gate went down. It had no effect on the tower being taken by our group after rezzing him on the inside.
(edited by Vex.9426)
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