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Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


Bump. Any updates on this? Support said they could not offer replacement armor when i asked. Does anyone know a workaround to this issue (ie re-buying armor) or are we stuck with the red? (besides replacing said pieces)

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


Do we have any news on expected fixes for this? It’s been too long.. getting sick of black and red.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Fix this!!!!!!!!!!

The other post indicates that only the boots are broken. I mean.. if i need to re-buy my boots or chest piece and use a crystal.. I will do it at this point.. but I do not want to waste the money if the bug will still persist. The bigger issue is the chest piece. It’s bright red.. so my options are red… black.. and white… I had a perfect dye combo going with the dragon bow when it came out and then suddenly I looked like a x-mas ornament the next time I logged in. One of the biggest attractions to this game is dying your armor and creating your own unique look.. but I can’t, because I am being forced into the color red on my armor.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


The order of whispers armor is still bugged for the knife on the boots and the chest piece. A Dye slot was removed from the boots and the chest and it is stuck on red now. This has been bugged for 2 months of patches now. Can we get an official response on this?


Order of Whispers armor dye broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


Can we get an official response for at least when this is expected to be fixed? It is really bothering me that this isn’t fixed yet. It’s a fairly popular armor set.

Whispers Boots (Medium) Visual Glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


There is an issue with the chest piece as well. No ETA has been given, however its been since the dragon patch was put in place.

Top 3 dungeon classes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


Advanced Arrow Carts