Showing Posts For VinceNoir.2016:

Balloon chest bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


The chest at the top of the tower near kappas corral in queensdale on northern shiverpeaks has been glitched by someone, as the chest was closed, I ran up behind another player they opened it now its permanently open, and no matter how many missions yuou do for the npc at bottom its constantly open and unable to get the achieve for the chest

Newly added 82/83 hint wont complete

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


I have completed dailies, and then spent some laurels, this new hint wont progress

Ranger with two pets out simultaneously.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


There are ways for rangers to have 3+ pets out at once.
Hyena pet + hyena skill which summons another hyena + the ogre whistle, theres another one but forget which it is.

Tears Of Itlaocol

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


yet again this is still broken on northern shiverpeaks, for starters both patterns aren’t even shown on the face, only the right side and no matter how many combinations you do showing the pattern no torches will even light up, I did this on this server before it became an achievementy and it worked perfectly but since upadtes its just broken.


Defend the Bloodsaw Mill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


Thi event on northern shiverpeaks is bugged, no mobs are attcking the mill, a few mobs appear around the outside but none cause the wave meter to alter after you kill dozens of them.


Asuras and Boots/Helms

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


Dont know if this is posted anywhere else but a lot of equip that u put on asuras often glitch cos of the the asuras ears and also cos of the asuras feet being having 2 of the toes always poking outside of the boots.

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


This event in Diessa Plains on Northern Shiverpeaks is bugged again, none of the npcs are doing anything all the events nearby have been done yet no cows are being fired, yet there is a sound going on of a ctapult being fired. I have gone to every farm nearby, and done all events that have appeared yet the catapult is still in the waiting part ready to be started yet nothing is happening.

Todays Wintersday Jump Puzzle No Reward

in Wintersday

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


Just did todays jump puzzle opened the chest and received nothing at all, did the puzzle again and the chest gave nothing again.

Smash the Town achievement bugged?

in Wintersday

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


I ended up having to solo the run, and scoured every bit and hit a invisible item and got the achieve

Smash the Town achievement bugged?

in Wintersday

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


I am a few others have spent ver 20 minutes after the trixx end and scoured every pirec of landscape and still no completion, theres a glitched piece of wall that cant be destroyed even 5 sts of diff aoes and still wont break. Nobody in the griup could finish it even though we all scoured every bit of the map

Defend the Siege Devourer in Iron Marches

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


The Siege Devourer is in a non res down state and u cant complete mission on Northern Shiverpeaks.


Missing Diving Goggles in Metrica Province

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


as the title suggests, these are still not back in the game, thought the patch last night would’ve re-added them but no, they still missing, c’mon ANET surely it isn’t that hard to put them back.

Monster invulnerable bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


Theres also land mobs that this happens to, the most annoying one is the veteran ice imp in dregdehunt cliffs that u need a key to open his room, this vet mob will still attack u whilst invulnerable, you have to run away and come back several times to try and gte the vet mob to lose the invulnerable stat, it can take ages sometimes, but still attack whilst u can do diddlysquat to it.

Missing Diving Goggles in Metrica Province

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


This has been missing on Northern Shiverpeaks aswell since the 01/11 patch, c’mon anet it really cant be that hard to put them back into the game.

Legendary treasures medal bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


think this has been pointed out before, twilight nor sunrise give the medal as they aren’t true legendaries as they both fuse via the mystic forge into the proper legendary two handed sword eternity which will give the medal

(edited by VinceNoir.2016)

Issue with rewards from Monthly achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


its 20 coins and 10 jugs, and the xp is based on ur char level I think so u cant do 99% on say a 80 char and expect a lvl 10 char to get the same exp as the 80 would from the monthly completion.

Matrix key since new update achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


Hi, this may sound trivial but since u updated the game to introduce the steam ogre as an achievement, the key has not spawned at all, I have had 4 alts each one comb the entire reactor area for hours and have not once found the key. Has anyone else found the key since the achievement update.

Iron Marches: Hellion Forest Task, Defeat Bria Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


another view showing one of the npc’s floating in mid air


Iron Marches: Hellion Forest Task, Defeat Bria Event [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


This event is still bugged no spirits appear, the 3 npcs can be spoken to, but they do nothinbg and no spiders spawn to attack them


Harathi Himterlands map not updating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


this is full map view


Harathi Himterlands map not updating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


jumped up to the top part of the map using the platforms and the game hasn’t updated the map showing I have explored the area,


Hint Completion achievement broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


I have the hint error with pressing f to kill a downed enemy I have used thisd loads in spvp and also wvw yet the hint never gets checked that I have completed it

Downleveling zones need tweaking slightly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


heres the 2nd image showing me a few metres forward with new downlevel at 25


Downleveling zones need tweaking slightly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


Hi I was gonna start my 100% brisban wildlands, I am lvl 41 so mobs should prove no problems. I started to attack a group of lvl 24 fireflies and was killed and I though how did they just kill me. I looked down and saw that my downlevel had been put at 17, yet I moved a few metres forward from my death spot and saw that the downlevel had shot up to 25. I think the downlevel zone could be a bit further back.

Heres the first image showing lvl 17
