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Necro GW1 was high risk, high reward. GW2...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vioxis.4987


Holy f! I’ve just discovered that one trait line that was originally planned was called Blood Rituals and it dealt partly with sacrificing health (, which means that there could have been skills “powered” by sacrificing health. Why oh why was this not implemented?

It seems that it morphed into corruption skills. Instead of sacrificing HP you give yourself conditions for other benefits.
Best example is Blood is Power, which was a GW1 skill that had the user sacrifice HP to give an ally energy regeneration. (from blood magic)
Not a far cry.
The other huge part of Blood was life stealing; still implemented.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Vioxis.4987


While reading the threads about all of those commanders and wealthy players getting hacked on one server, I thought about simple security measures (some from other games, but I will not name) that could have stopped the hacker right in his tracks.

-A BANK PIN- I played a game once where if you accessed your bank a screen would pop up, and 9 blocks with 9 numbers (1-9) could be clicked. Just a 4 digit pin. The numbers were generated in random blocks each time you opened the bank, so a simple screen logger that only grabs click coordinates wouldn’t work to see someone’s pin. You could have the pin be reset if the player forgets it, but would take 3-5 days for safety.

-MAKE CHARACTER DELETION TAKE A DAY- If you make it so deleting a character wouldn’t take effect for 1 or 2 days, you don’t have to worry about hackers deleting them. I’m sure some people would disagree with this because they want to be able to delete and create ASAP, so make it optional.

Sacrificing a little comfort for security is well worth it.

Sell Back option PLEASE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vioxis.4987


Atleast for dungeon or karma gear that HASN’T been worn yet. I misclicked and bought a second CoF helmet instead of shoulders… Dudes… After trying to get a party for 1 hour X 30 min run X 3 for these shoulders I lost due to a misclick… PLEASE.

just please.

Trouble finding a group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vioxis.4987


I can’t find ANY groups for these dungeons. Not even to complete my story at Arah, it’s uncalled for A-Net.

YOU promised us we wouldn’t be standing around LFGing for an hour in this game. Well i’ve been trying to get into a dungeon for days.

Make them scale down to solo-able or something, I have nothing else to do in game besides dungeons and no one is doing them.