Showing Posts For VipeNess.8472:

Logitech G19 Keyboard Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


yeah; still having the issue.

Logitech G19 Keyboard Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


k… messed up again. posting pictures. I have to discover something everytime i log off for the data to show. I am including images to show you want it is doing..

before discovering something:
after discovering something:

updated to first post.
this is with the new client that was just given also around 5:30pm pst.

Logitech G19 Keyboard Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


Just wanted to update this… when I just grabbed a vista; it updated all my data. Ill post if it messes up again.

Logitech G19 Keyboard Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472



I use the Logitech G19 keyboard to look at all my stats.

Currently, after the update today, you guys did fix the squares next to the names, but now there is another issue…

Waypoints, Points of Interest, Skill Points and Vistas are not showing any data. Currently they are 0/x number in game. Also, world completion is not totaling correctly because of it. If data was there.. i would venture to say the % would be higher.

Last night they were working perfectly.

Tasks seem to be working properly.. not sure yet.

[updated with screenshots]
before discovering something:
after discovering something:

(edited by VipeNess.8472)

Purchased DDU; Mistfire Wolf still greyed out [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


Confirmed fixed. Thank you very much!!!!

Purchased DDU; Mistfire Wolf still greyed out [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


- The Mistfire Wolf skill will now properly unlock for existing characters on an account after upgrading to Digital Deluxe.

The September 14 update will be deployed tonight at midnight Seattle time.

Purchased DDU; Mistfire Wolf still greyed out [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


Hi everyone.

We are fully aware of the issue and the dev team is working on a fix that will be applied retroactively to all your characters, but we still donĀ“t have an estimate time for it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please hurry. We paid our hard earned money for this; I bought DDU just for the wolves.

I put in a support ticket last week, and have no got a reply yet.

Suggestion: LFG system/Dungeon finder?

in Suggestions

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


signed and agree with op.

Purchased DDU; Mistfire Wolf still greyed out [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


I hope it is fixed shortly. I didn’t pay for a pre-order of a Mistfire Elite Skill; I paid to play with it when I bought it; That is what it was described as.

Plains of Ashford - Skill Point NPC Absent

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


Yeah; that area when I was there was bugged out like 4 days ago.

Purchased DDU; Other characters do not have items

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


The mistfire wolf is getting annoying not being able to use it. boo hoo to the items on the other characters.

Purchased DDU; Mistfire Wolf still greyed out [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


yes, me too!!! I really hope they fix this soon. they seem to be fixing this game very quickly with daily patches which is amazing btw.

Purchased DDU; Other characters do not have items

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


Hello; I purchased the digital deluxe upgrade yesterday. I purchased the regular version online before headstart on guild wars 2 website.

Now, I have 3 characters. (1) lvl 30 (at the time) and a lvl 4 and lvl 2 guy prior to purchasing the DDU. On my lvl 30, I purchased the DDU and got my items. I logged off to check my lvl 30 for the mistfire wolves elite skill; but could not check that… it was grayed out… alot of people on the forums are having this issue.

Now, I did get all the items on my lvl 30, but my other characters only got 1 thing to claim; and that was the golem 5 day banker guy. they didnt get the exclusive mini, etc. is that bug?

come on! where is my mistfire wolf skill?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


Deluxe Upgrade does not have same features as Pre-Purchase Upgrade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


Purchased DDU; Mistfire Wolf still greyed out [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VipeNess.8472


I am too having the same issue. I had already purchased 2 elite skills btw. Also, the other items only carried over to my main character and not my other 2 characters. My other 2 characters only received the banker item.