Showing Posts For Virt.4203:

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Virt.4203


lol we ran into those AD guys.. 3 hammer knockdown specs 2 guards and a war or 2 wars and a guard I can’t remember. We did beat them with even numbers, but it was definitely annoying.

There were four of you throughout the entire fight. We killed your ranger almost immediately, which left a mesmer and a thief. We got the thief to low health, he then stealthed and ran away to get out of combat to heal to full and come back later in the fight. That left you. Being a mesmer you were able to stealth and port kite us until the thief and an elementalist (probably d/d – aren’t they all?) showed up. Your ranger came back from respawn towards the end of the fight.

You are all good players, but the TLDR message here is that you won basically because of mesmer and thief stealth mechanics. It must kind of suck not knowing whether you are winning fights because you are good or because of horrible game mechanics. That is why most of us in AD totally avoid the commonly used cheese builds that the best players use. When we win against superior numbers it is because we earned it.

Dynnen was using a hammer and staff (I think). He usually uses greatsword. I was playing my guardian using hammer, mace, and shield. Madra was a warrior using greatsword, axe, and warhorn.

If you were getting knocked down a lot it’s because you kept running into rings of warding (which I trapped you in at the start of the fight). Guardian hammer doesn’t have as much targetted knockdown CC as a hammer warrior.

Your thinkin of the wrong fight. I was playing my little d/d Ele. And there was no prior battle between the (3) of us running into you. It was 3v3 for the entirety.. Then we caught a couple of you separated shortly after.. Then I played around with 1 of you and like 4 other randoms leading them on a goose chase after that.

Oh you did trap me in bubble though, but I lightning flashed out of it without getting knocked down by it. I was getting KD’s mostly by the hammer warriors jumping attack.

But, about your story here. I’d like to know how mesmer+thief+ranger = 4 people in entirety.

I assumed you were an asura mesmer from TRx. Should have looked at your signature. The mistake is because I honestly don’t remember any other fights that you could be referring to. I don’t remember losing any 3v3 fights last night. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, though. Just don’t remember. I usually fraps most small scale stuff and didn’t see anything like that in my footage.

We don’t have a hammer warrior BTW. The Guardian mighty blow looks like the adrenaline warrior hammer move but it doesn’t knockdown. You probably got knocked down by something else and mistook it because of the animation.

edit: The fight I incorrectly mentioned was against a mesmer, thief, elementalist, and ranger in it’s entirety.

<……the asura Mesmer from TRx …what’s going on?

Ozzy / Corona
80 Mesmer, 80 Warrior, 80 Guardian
[TRx] – Ferg Crossing

10 man group/raid group etc. for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Virt.4203


Would be nice.. I honestly haven’t researched this or located anything on it etc..sorry if this is useless spam but it’d be nice to have the ability to do this. Kind of expected it from the beginning being a 2012 MMO release with as much WvW competitive nature that it provides.

Anyway, just a thought – happy holidays and a boring monday start of the week

Ozzy / Corona
80 Mesmer, 80 Warrior, 80 Guardian
[TRx] – Ferg Crossing

Let's Start It - WvW 5 man Roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Virt.4203


Hey everyone,

Our guild does the same, we rarely fill 2 full squads so we generally will have a 5-8 man group running, roaming and capturing the opposite side of the map that our zerg is. I agree heavily that this is so much more fun. More often than not you run into a challenge and it’s up to your small group to quickly problem solve and use the terrain to your advantage..things that a large zerg doesn’t typically worry about as frequently I’d say .

-Guild: TRx
-Server: Ferg Crossing

Ozzy / Corona
80 Mesmer, 80 Warrior, 80 Guardian
[TRx] – Ferg Crossing

11-23 Devona / Kain / Ferg

in WvW

Posted by: Virt.4203


To TRx guild:
Why did you guys leave?

Because we would rather be on the outnumbered side. Most of us already had a lot of friends on Ferg we had met when you could still get names from the report box. We are a small guild and would rather be somewhere we can stand out and make a difference.

ENVY is a lot of fun to play against and with as well. Neither ENVY or TRx specialize in large zergs and you’ll never see either of us running an “EXP Train”- That’s a space for the larger guilds where the larger # of bodies is helpful. We’re a solid, competitive smaller guild that enjoys the 5v10 fights instead. Also, we do not want to be a large zerg contributor, so to your large zergs flaunting a steamroll… break up to a 5-10 man group and run around for a new challenge..leave your shield for a bit, I promise it’s pretty fun.

While we don’t make a large battlefield difference due to the smaller numbers, we can be helpful in a few other ways! We intend to bring that into FERG and ultimately have a good time, build friendships and help contribute what we know into other guilds while learning from the ones to our left and right at the same time.

LARP – specifically speaking to Etna H & I have had a lot of fun dueling, and Kain you better hold onto these guys, they’re pretty stout. I realize we all have our “Zergs”- although unfortunately I feel Ferg’s zerg cannot mass up to the DR zerg. We’ll do our best to help even the competition on the field for the next weeks to come. So good luck, have fun, and kick some rear end :-)

Ozzy / Corona
80 Mesmer, 80 Warrior, 80 Guardian
[TRx] – Ferg Crossing

(edited by Virt.4203)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Virt.4203


Props to TRx Elementalist female who i have yet to kill. Always down to 25% and then you ride the lighting and heal.

Haha – That’s Varcona Von Tickles He’s a joy to play with.

- Ozzy – TRx

Ozzy / Corona
80 Mesmer, 80 Warrior, 80 Guardian
[TRx] – Ferg Crossing