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The Doctrinum Now recruiting(Tarnished Coast)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vixen.3471


A Brand new RP guild has sprung up on Tarnished Coast.

The Doctrinum is a primarily Asura guild which accepts any applicants with a wish to learn, research, explore, pioneer, and be the forefront of Asuran technological break throughs. An idea conceived in the Doctrinum, is destined to succeed.

Only accepting applicants of the highest intelligence, the Doctrinum is an ancient organization of some of the most intellectual minds in Tyria. Built primarily by Asuran inventors, the Doctrinum has escalated to becoming a widely renowned group of successful inventors and inventors.

Sadly after the storyline of Guild Wars 1, the Doctrinum’s members were hunted down for their intelligence and either killed, or forced into exile. Now, the Grand daughter of the former leader of the Doctrinum, Teenix, has set it to her mind to refound this once great and well respected organization.

Total Make-over Kit, Sylvari Glow [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vixen.3471


So I just tried this twice now :\ And I’d appreciate if you guys could refund me the 2nd batch of 350 diamonds as I decided to try and fix it myself, which obviously didn’t work.

So yeah, first of all I’d like my 350 diamonds back please…

Second of all, the point of the topic. The Sylvari glow is QUITE bugged if you use the Full Makeover Kit :\

I tried the first time, and I was 110% sure that I had the slider set to FULL GLOW as I had when I first created her(Literally, I never even TOUCHED the glow slider as I worked on her for her makeover, I’m totally certain of it!!!)

Once I was done I found it super odd that the eyes glowed, but her body/hair did not…

I decided to just wait it out, perhaps it was because it was daytime in the game as I did see a sun.

I waited till 6:09am EXACTLY servertime, I actually waited ALL night for this, and I’ve seen the eyes switch from dim orange, to bright glowing amber as they would overnight, but her hair and body remains completely glow free.

At 6:40~am I decided to go ahead and give it another shot as I’d seen people on the forums claim that theirs worked after trying a second time so I did the same.

This time I paid CLOSE! Attention to the glow slider, and sure enough!

1) I see the slider’s at 0(WAY to the left)
2) I move the slider to 100(WAY to the right)
3) I switched panels, and look at the face details, and I change her eyesize by just a tiny little NUDGE, just enough to get the “Make Changes” button to ungray itself, since apparently changing JUST the glow intensity does not apply as a ‘change’
4) I switch the lighting on and off after Step 3 and I notice the glow is gone again.
5) I go back to the body pattern page and AGAIN the Glow slider has automatically moved to 0(WAY to the left) again….
6) I yet again move the glow intensity slider to 100(WAY to the right), and immediately hit Make Changes
7) Glow is still not there…

Conclusion: The error you have with the glow, is that the glow itself does not appear to register in the game as a ‘change’. It’s quite obvious since the “Make Changes” key is grayed out/inactive when you have touched ABSOLUTELY NOTHING….But it REMAINS grayed out/inactive when you have touched absolutely nothing BUT the glow slider…The glow slider also seems to be stuck in a ‘default’ mode, which is as all the other races in the game? No glow, as in 0(WAY to the left).


Thank you.


Missing Glow after Makeover Kit

in Sylvari

Posted by: Vixen.3471


So I just used a total makeover kit for my Sylvari today :\ She used to be bright pink and glow pink, and I made her alittle more unique by making her dark dark green(Almost black ish green) with amber eyes, and dark dark red hair color, and when she glows, she’s meant to be bright indigo purple…

Only her eyes glow, but her body/hair does NOT GLOW, CONFIRMED, DOES NOT GLOW after a make over kit is used :\ Don’t care what people say, if you change EVERYTHING about your Sylvari? And I do mean ‘everything’ ? YOU WILL lose your glow.

I checked at 3am server time. No glow