Showing Posts For Voland.5862:

Server Lag and Client D/C

in WvW

Posted by: Voland.5862


World Vs World was never amazingly smooth and the fact that waiting lines exist on a sharded server system is rather concerning.

Ever since participation in WvW ramped up it has now become unplayable with a clear favoritism given to certain professions and types of WvW groups. This real problem completely blocks off gameplay for anybody that doesn’t use specific professions that can get around the massive lag storms.

Questions for Arena-Net

What is being done about the server problems?

(edited by Voland.5862)

The Truth about Scarlet Briar

in Living World

Posted by: Voland.5862


Scarlet Briar & Rule of Rose

Red Crayon Aristocrats = Aether-blades
Jennifer = Caithe

Jennifer is consistently said to be “dirty” or “filthy”.
The game takes place in an air craft which is very similar in structure and design to the aether-blade air craft.

I very much doubt the Scarlet story involves a childhood lesbian romance, abused young girls, and the murder of several children over said lesbian romance going wrong.

You obviously haven’t played through the new Twilight arbor path. Come to think of it you probably haven’t listened to the story mode of TA let alone seen the new path. The analogs are very explicit and obvious.

The voice and vocal mannerisms are almost exactly the same as well.

I’ve played through half of it and I’ve also personally beat Rule of Rose as well as delved into all the subtle hinting and hidden meanings of the game.

I really sincerely doubt TA has anything to do with a very obscure horror game for Playstation 2. Are you suggesting the entire dungeon is merely Caithe reliving her childhood romance with Scarlet, being taken in by a mentally unbalanced man, misinterpeting abuse she personally saw as an unmarried “mermaid” and other highly symbolic things and surviving an airship crash? Scarlet wishes to kill Caithe because she loves her but Caithe instead loves a dog?

I’m not following your logic.

No, all I am saying is SOME~ stuff is very obviously linked too or inspired by rule of rose.
I am not saying its a 1 to 1 comparison for the entire game.
I am only saying there is more than just a handful of concepts and plot devices that match up.

The Truth about Scarlet Briar

in Living World

Posted by: Voland.5862


Scarlet Briar & Rule of Rose

Red Crayon Aristocrats = Aether-blades
Jennifer = Caithe

Jennifer is consistently said to be “dirty” or “filthy”.
The game takes place in an air craft which is very similar in structure and design to the aether-blade air craft.

I very much doubt the Scarlet story involves a childhood lesbian romance, abused young girls, and the murder of several children over said lesbian romance going wrong.

You obviously haven’t played through the new Twilight arbor path. Come to think of it you probably haven’t listened to the story mode of TA let alone seen the new path. The analogs are very explicit and obvious.

The voice and vocal mannerisms are almost exactly the same as well.

The Truth about Scarlet Briar

in Living World

Posted by: Voland.5862


Scarlet Briar & Rule of Rose

Red Crayon Aristocrats = Aether-blades
Jennifer = Caithe

Jennifer is consistently said to be “dirty” or “filthy”.
The game takes place in an air craft which is very similar in structure and design to the aether-blade air craft.

Official state of skill lag and server optimizations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voland.5862


Sounds awesome!

One thing I noticed is that when the Scarlet events released I didn’t have any skill lag in the Scarlet events (WvW remained much the same). It looks like you’ve already finished with this thread; still I am interested to know whether WvW and PvE share the same server architecture and whether you have thought about capitalising on any of the improvements they have clearly been made in PvE.

Does Arena-Net have any intention of investing in upgraded (Newer/Better) Server hardware and related solutions?

Not all problems can be scaled vertically – quadratic problems like game servers are particularly poor candidates for vertical scaling. This is because, e.g. if you double your CPU speed you will only get a 50% speed improvement instead of the 100% you would expect. To compound the issue it may not even possible to get a system that is twice as fast as the current ones (because they might be close enough to the bleeding edge that only, say, a 0.3ghz jump is possible).

Not everything in WvW is quadratic, but “skill lag” is the symptom of one area that it is (everyone dropping AOEs) – so pulling out the wallet and improving the hardware would probably only make a marginal difference that us players wouldn’t really notice.

The best thing to do always is to improve the efficiency of your algorithms (or I would rather say, decrease the inefficiency). At the time you would hypothetically get more hardware you would have more bang-for-buck because of previous optimizations.

FYI, Arena-net hasen’t exactly been very transparent in terms of their infrastructure.

Worst Case Scenario: They are doing what blizzard did/still are doing. They snatched up a good deal of outdated hardware and put an MMO on it.
Best Case Scenario: The hardware is up to date enough that all they need is some serious effort into optimization and restructuring to resolve the issues full stop.

The most likely scenario
They have decent hardware but the poor choices made in terms of how the game as a whole was implemented both client and server side will be a time sink that will eat optimization efforts while only yielding minimal improvement.

Official state of skill lag and server optimizations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voland.5862


I’d like to create a central place for you all to get the current state of where we stand on optimizing the servers and relieving what most of you have come to know as “skill lag”.

Does Arena-Net have any intention of investing in upgraded (Newer/Better) Server hardware and related solutions?

One of the main reasons World of Warcraft is losing people is because they have in so many words refused to put any money at all into better infrastructure. They have instead opted to “phase” things or “optimize” pre-existing bargain bin hardware.

Any input you could provide would be much appreciated.

Clarification on some WvW Tactics

in WvW

Posted by: Voland.5862


I would prefer an official response on this matter because players are not the ones who run and govern Arena net.

Clarification on some WvW Tactics

in WvW

Posted by: Voland.5862


This may shock most people but Maguuma has no verification system for their mumble. Admin is handed out like cake and there are spies connected and listening on the regular.

Clarification on some WvW Tactics

in WvW

Posted by: Voland.5862


There needs to be some clarification on what is and is not allowed in the context of competitive WvW. Please clarify if any of the below listed tactics are legitimate or count as a violation of the terms of service.

The below can be done with 1 or 2+ people. Normally one person is the spy and the other is the beneficiary, both of them being on opposing servers.

Spending Supply needlessly so that a position is vulnerable to the enemy team.

Gathering Intel by infiltrating Coms (mumble, Teamspeak, Vent, etc)

Purposely feeding false information to people so that an enemy team has an advantage.

Using Food or Other Clickables to roadblock siege and other offensive actions by an enemy team. Example: Useless food tray or Fun Box

Putting multiple siege build sites atop one another to stall legitimate build efforts.

The Biggest Problem~

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voland.5862


Something needs to change

The purpose of this thread is to bring attention to a list of core problems that effect Everybody.

I want you to do a small experiment, have a bunch of people in a room all yelling different things at somebody. Then have the same people all yell the same thing at somebody. Which message do you think was easiest to understand? This thread is NOT about things that people want, this is a thread about things that the player-base as a whole NEEDS resolved in order to play at all.

- The ~Problems~ -

Synch Problems
Rubber Banding

[These above things are occurring in large frequency completely exclusive and independent of any client-side issues that are within the end user’s ability to fix or remedy.]

Problems occurring on the Server-Side end of the game-play experience are outside the ability of the player to resolve. It doesn’t matter what you think is important in terms of game-play when you are not consistently able to play said game in the first place. If you want Arena-Net to pay attention to these problems which literally effect everybody then post in this thread and show your support.

Constant Crashes-Issues with Settings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Voland.5862


Problem 1:

I tried reinstalling, defraging and repairing. Still if I go to certain maps with certain buffs I will crash. I send the error report every time and am hoping for an explanation.

Problem 2:
Despite the fact that I have up to date graphic drivers and I far surpass the minimum requirements I am unable to set texture resolution to anything above medium. I am also unable to check off high res textures.

I have a 560Ti, Quad Core i7 and 16 GB of ram. I should be able to run this game with high res textures but I guess the game thinks otherwise as this option is grayed out.

(edited by Moderator)

Servants of Xenu (Xenu): Recruiting on Dragonbrand

in Guilds

Posted by: Voland.5862


Home World: DragonBrand
Guild Name: Servants Of Xenu
Guild Website: Coming Soon
In-Game Contact: Oldsmeller
Focus: Fun
Quick Notes: Founded by a Psychology Grad Student/Cult Specialist, Expect many whacky guild events and gatherings.

Servants of Xenu is recruiting!
We are a casual guild with the focus on helping others advance in the game while also having fun at the same time. We are currently based in dragonbrand but will expand to other realms if the silly 500 person cap on guild size is ever lifted.

-Benefits of Membership-
Boosts for Experience/Gathering/Karma
Social Enrichment & Friendship
Free Classes on Game Concepts
Free Items/Regents for new players and members

-Responsibilities of a Member-
Help newer players and participate in events when you can
Represent the guild (if you don’t you won’t get bonuses)
Be respectful and civil at all when talking with guild members

-About the name-
In Scientology fiction, Lord Xenu is a galactic space tyrant who ruled the galaxy until he was captured in a cue and imprisoned in a mountain somewhere on earth. The reason the guild is named servants of Xenu is because I have been an activist against Scientology for years and I like the idea of having the punchline to a 300 Thousand dollar joke in my guild name. Normally to learn about Xenu you need to pay at least 300 grand in classes and auditing, thanks to the internet you can learn all about cults and their rituals for free. This guild is not in any way affiliated with or connect to Scientology it’s just a whacky name for a guild. When I operated a guild of the same name in WOW I told the members to collect gold bars to build a giant golden spaceship. Everybody had a good chuckle and started collecting gold bars. Soon all my guild bank tabs were stacked with gold bars.

-The Future of SOX (Servants of Xenu)-
The main focus of this guild is and will always be to help players have fun and advance in the game. The secondary and tertiary goals are to expand in power and influence. This will be achieved by collecting stockpiles of gold bars and using them to influence the market with the intention of massive profits. These profits will then be used to fund a program that provides newer players with crafting ingredients for free.

(edited by Voland.5862)