But I am so close it scares me
Showing Posts For Voltage.8965:
But I am so close it scares me
dont know where you guys play but as warrior im normally 1st or second..:P ….. and i provide Decent control whilst the damage output is still good
But I am so close it scares me
great build especially if you have good ranged allies then you keep the enemies at bay while your teams can nuke the crap out of them
very nice
But I am so close it scares me
AMD Bulldozer 8150 3.6 OC’ed to 4.2
8 gig ddr3 1600 ram
goes down to below 10 fps in WvW O_O
any suggestions?
But I am so close it scares me
my guild all has music producers and dj’s club followers and artists quite interesting
But I am so close it scares me
although I am single this guild by far is the most unique!
But I am so close it scares me
D.N.A Destroy Negative Attitude is a casual and friendly guild based on Blacktide EU our core members have extensive knowledge of mmo’s and we have always been casual
we believe in playing games for the reasons they were made. FUN if you dont have fun then why waste your time.
If you think that you are a casual gamer and you just enjoy playing the game why not join us send me a Whisper in-game
Minimum 18 years of age ( if you are more mature then younger can still work)
Have a life. ( if you log on during the weekend and you see little members online dont complain we are probably clubbing or doing other things )
Be friendly and social ( if you dont have a sense of humour or your get aggressive for silly reasons do not join )
Plus points .
Most of our guild compiles of Dj’s , clubbing fans , Music producers and Artists so if you are into your music and can contribute to our guild chat that would really be great always looking for more convo about the things we like.
If you need more info please don’t hesitate to send me a PM or /W me ingame
Hope to see you online
But I am so close it scares me
ive been running with this since level 10 haha love the WH playstyle!!! its so unique!
But I am so close it scares me
i have fixed my issue….. install win 8 ( for my CPU ) install the 3.02 beta driver from nvidia. and disable hardware acceleration within flash i went from having 25-35 fps now im constantly running 60-100 fps
But I am so close it scares me
@ amarinth thank you so much i will give everything a try tonight
But I am so close it scares me
i play bf3 at high – ultra with constant 50-60 fps and that game seems more intense..
unless i overclock it. i have liquid cooling. why not
But I am so close it scares me
If you have an AMD that isn’t one of the old Phenom X4s, you’re not gonna have a good time. They’re just not cut out for gaming – especially the late 2012 releases and going forward.
The Bulldozer and Piledriver platforms are just woeful.
I purchased a 8150 and it runs everything Brilliantly
im only having issues with GW2
But I am so close it scares me
Thanks guys for the reply , i have been seeing that the AMD octocore really isnt meant for GW2 it gets lower performance than a duel core? what the hell:P so i hope there is a fix for that soon and ill try these nvidia settings tonight
But I am so close it scares me
If you own an nVidia GPU. GW2 is not the game for you
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Voltage.8965
I also have gtx550ti and my game does not run smooth at all, even on the beta drivers. GW2 also doesn’t put much load on my gpu, which tells me there is something seriously wrong with the engine.
Hey same here EVGA 550TI superclocked edition i can run mass effect 3 on ultra and BF3 on high- ultra even during a huge gun fight i get 50-60 fps i cannot even attempt a big event or WVW i get dropped down to below 20 fps.. to a point where i cant see whats going on
i suppose it could also be that i am using a octocore AMD
But I am so close it scares me
so i have been reading around and it seems the machine i bought is just not meant for GW2
currently running
AMD FX 8150 Zambezi at 3.9 ghz
Corsair vengeance ddr3 1600 8 gig ram
Nvidia GTX 550 ti ( i know this is the bottleneck )
but yet when i choose automatic settings or low .. or extremely high. it doesnt make a difference i get FPS drops all the way to 5 FPS i cannot do big events such as the shatterer completely laggy
now i dont know how i can play BF3 on high-ultra with constant 40-60 fps but in GW2 if i turn too fast or go into a populated place i drop down to 10 or even lower
can someone please shed some light is there a driver that works well for GW2 is there certain fixes for the AMD processor im missing
does anyone know if there are fixes on the way ?
But I am so close it scares me