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Shiro Revealed !!

in Revenant

Posted by: Vsimere.7351


When do we learn about the trait line for this? Is it even called Devastation? I saw this posted, and removed this morning…. I hope Shiro is in the next weekend beta, but I am curious.

I missed this past event… hoping that with HoT bought now can I participate in the later weekends even though I didnt have it in time for this last one.

One less trait line than the other classes?

in Revenant

Posted by: Vsimere.7351


Yeah, I saw some screenshots around the time of the post about the Shiro legend about a 5th traitline that is baseline, called “Devestation”.

So this means baseline:
Corruption (Mallyx themed)
Retribution (Jalis)
Salvation (Ventari)
Devastation (Shiro)
Invocation (all around—>mechanic oriented as Guardian=Virtue line, Ranger=Beast line, Mesmer=Illusion, etc)

I just wish they would show more now on the trait line.

Shiro will not fix Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Vsimere.7351


Ah, okay. Either way. I think the error, if there is one, with the signet thing would be if they are tied to any legend. They would be the easiest skills to make be swappable for other utility tied to a legend.

Man we gotta get changes and more announced or the Revenant is junk. I almost worry they will be terrible at the beginning just so the Revenant wave is not like other MMOs that had mega powerful launch expansion characters just to make them cool, and then had to slap them down with nerfs.

Shiro will not fix Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Vsimere.7351


I am sorry if anyone has already “disproven” the signet heavy legend that is incoming (according to speculation), but it seems to me that the expected Shiro legend with all signets is not going to happen.

based on the feedback alone I think the likely conclusion is that the profession getting the big dump of signets is the Revenant. I think that signets will be able to be swapped for other utility skills. This means you could have dwarf legend and swap out some utility, or demon and customize it. This could help with some of the issues the Revenant has at the moment too.

I expect they will have some stun cleanse ability in these, as well as some gap closer, or activated ranged damage. There is just no way he engineer is getting the signets they will introduce and thus the Revenant will. These should not be or will not be specific to one legend, and I think that the current beta build doesn’t allow customization simply because they want feedback on the powers they have already, and none of the non legend specific powers are in the build.

Also currently if they left them not being able to switch the utility skills on legends, then Revenant becomes incapable of using any race powers either.

(edited by Vsimere.7351)

Install Issue:download runs, then nothing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vsimere.7351


I have the same issue. I have been playing the game on and off for a year. At some point in the last little while I reformatted my computer, and did it as a 32 bit install… which was dumb. Played GW2 and noticed the problem with my RAM not getting to be used since the 32 bit couldn’t utilize all 16 gig. I reformatted back to 64 bit..and now I cannot install GW2. I have the exact same experience as you from disc or the download I did of the client. Even just having the local.dat file.

I would appreciate help as well.