Showing Posts For Vyrngrutt.8962:

TP Empty/Not loading

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


Well polish my nuts and serve me a milkshake, that did it! thank you so much

TP Empty/Not loading

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


Ok, so for the last 15hours or so, TP has been bugging out for me. Everytime I try to open up the panel or activate it through one of those NPCs it just opens the tab but nothing loads. I just keep getting an empty screen.

I’ve restarted the client numerous times, restarted the PC and yet this keeps happening.

Am I the only one? ;____;


Tournament chests and transferring between server regions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


This is still very much a problem.

I moved from Aurora Glade to Sanctum of Rall a few months ago, actually gave up on tpvp for a while due to this. It’s not even about the items for me but the extra rank points you miss out on!

This is just absolutely ridiculous! this has been going on since launch, you guys have known about this for over a year and still nothing has happened!!

The users affected by this are just left to either move back(Spending own gems, which by the way, is absolutely unheard of! This is your bug, your problem, why must we pay for it?!?!?!) or stick it out and grind the same amount of wins, which wouldn’t be a problem if you only had 10, well what if you have over 500 wins? what are you supposed to do? just bend over, take it and say thank you?

This forum post has been bumped numerous times, yet for months on end, we haven’t received any word from ANet on this. I, myself, have logged numerous incidents(tickets) with them only to receive a standardized response saying they are currently on it. Well I’m sorry but this has been going on since launch and patch after patch no word about it whatsoever.

Personally I think you guys should warn people when switching worlds and for those that did not receive the warning, they should be able to move back to their home worlds FREE OF CHARGE!

but hey, who am I kidding?! Like that will ever happen…

(edited by Vyrngrutt.8962)

AFKers in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


I’m sure I’m not the only one that has had it up to here with AFKers in your team.

Unfortunately for us, there is no way to do anything about it. We just have to sit there, take it and say “thanks” afterwards.

I’m tired of this and I think it’s time ANet did something about it. Like Vote to kick or give us a way to report these players and after an x amount of reports they get banned from tpvp for a period of time.

Maybe that’s somewhat harsh but tpvp is all about your team and if there’s one bad apple in there…you can be the greatest player around but with a man short or sometimes even 2, there’s no way you can win.

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


Well, since you use inappropriate language all the time, perhaps you accidentally spoke in /say, or /guild or /party. Not sure.
The suspension will probably be nearly over by the time there is a definitive answer.

nope i do watch what i say and where i say it. and that’s what makes me mad though. the fact that I’ve been suspended for 72 hours with no good reason and the fact that i’m just supposed to sit here and take it.

(edited by Vyrngrutt.8962)

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


It sure is surprising that several people reported you for inappropriate language at the very time you used such language privately. What a lucky guess they made. I am sure Support will investigate and the outcome will be only what is deserved. Good luck. =)

No, it’s not surprising at all to me, i curse a lot but all my friends do it too so naturally there will be some eyebrow raising convos between us. so at any given time any random person can report me and i’ll get suspended because i say stuff in private to my friends.. this is not how the system should work.

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


Still no reply on this matter, i have sent them yet another email in hope of a response..

Ticket: [Incident: 130525-002303]

Sounds like you just put in the ticket today.

Give them at least 24 hours to respond, and if no response happens after 72 hours from their last contact of you (or if no contact, when you first submitted the ticket) you can post a request in the “Tickets 3 days or older Review” request thread at the top of this forum.

yeah, only that totally conflicts with the matter at hand doesn’t it? My account was suspended for 72 hours, to wait 72 hours for a response from them would be pretty pointless..

Don’t get me wrong, I get where you’re coming from and I appreciate the help, but it’s kind of pointless to wait 72 hours. Actually it’s pretty pointless waiting 24 hours, especially since all the proof they have given is from private chats with friends only. which makes the initial subject (the suspension) obsolete. Shouldn’t have been suspended in the first place xD

(edited by Vyrngrutt.8962)

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


there is one more indeed but same as the first one which was also in a private whisper to that same friend (not in any racist or harrassing context) but it was a bit embarrassing especially if you take it out of context lol (which was the reason we were whispering in the first place) . and I took out the GM name ^^

Are you 100% positive none of the lines got mis-typed into a more public channel?

Yes, I’m pretty sure about that, what probably happened is that some tpvp party prolly got their buttocks handed to them in a match and they decided to report me since im that “annoying thief” ANet ofcourse then ran a scan on my chat logs, and sure enough found a ton of naughty words since i use them alot with my friends. But I can assure you i don’t go trash talking on map chat or general chat (/say) What really grinds my gears is that they used a private chat between me and a friend that didn’t report me. so basically they had no business looking there in the first place. if i were to whisper someone and curse at them or whatever than sure, match the player that reported me with the whisper session and suspend me, i totally agree. but don’t go through all my private chats looking for stuff.. especially since if they were peaking in the first place they would see that the chat in general would only be between friends. it’s quite easy to pick lines and quotes from a conversation and turn it into harassment and vulgarity..

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


Still no reply on this matter, i have sent them yet another email in hope of a response..

Ticket: [Incident: 130525-002303]

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


Well I never talk in map chat and if I use the /say option i make sure to hold my tongue on the curse words and whatnot. I just think it’s really weird for them to check a private chat between me and someone when that someone didn’t even report me. Just puts me off from even saying anything anymore to my friends in GW2. rather open up a private ts3 server and to it there where i know at least no one is watching what i say or do.

And action causes reaction. I feel that the reason they suspended me was injust and given the quoted excerpts the GM gave me just made me a bit mad about the whole matter since this was a private talk between me and my friend i trully feel they have no business looking into that if the person im whispering with did not report me. but that’s just how i feel and im sure most of you will not agree.

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


there is one more indeed but same as the first one which was also in a private whisper to that same friend (not in any racist or harrassing context) but it was a bit embarrassing especially if you take it out of context lol (which was the reason we were whispering in the first place) . and I took out the GM name ^^

(edited by Vyrngrutt.8962)

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


Well i asked them what the exact reason was and this is the response i got:

As you are aware, your Guild Wars 2 account was suspended due to inappropriate chat. Below are some quoted excerpts from your game logs:

" i would eat breakfast off of that * xD "

This kind of chat is unacceptable, and it was reported by multiple players. In the future, please take care to observe the Rules of Conduct, the User Agreement, and the Naming Policies, all of which can be found on our legal pages here: On that same page you will find an explanatory document called Conduct Breaches and Outcomes that clearly explains our processes.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.


GM —-————

The quoted line in question was in a whisper to a friend after sending me a link of a picture. so first off this was a whisper between me and a friend and that friend did not report me. So.. ANet?

Ticket: [Incident: 130525-002303]

(edited by Vyrngrutt.8962)

Account got suspended, but check this out..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vyrngrutt.8962


Apparently ANet feels the need to poke into your private msgs between you and your friends to find an excuse to justify a suspension of your account because you got reported by someone while playing pvp.. Really ANet?

If the person in question (where you got the quoted excerpts from) was to report me, then fine. I agree completely. But for some random group on pvp to report me just because they got owned and for you as a company to poke into private msgs with friends to find some curse word to justify the suspension is absolutely appalling and I am shocked to learn that this is how you handle the privacy of your customers.

I really want to know how we’ll go on from here since your mail support is absolutely useless at this point, as i get more standardized mails back than actual answers + it takes ages to get a mail response in the first place!

Like; what if I’m playing with family members or my gf or whatever and i just happen to whisper someone private info like i don’t know.. creditcard number or my phone number or the access code to my e-mail or whatnot, not saying i’m actually doing it but it’s a possibility. I find it quite disturbing that you guys have access to that info just like that.

If I were to go apemode on map chat and call ppl names or whatnot, ok. granted.
But if i whisper a friend something we both know is for laugh and giggles then i don’t see a reason to suspend me, especially if the person im whispering isn’t the one reporting me.. really..

looking forward to feedback from you guys at ANet

(edited by Vyrngrutt.8962)