Showing Posts For Waggle.8209:

killed in 1.5 sec by a thief litterally

in PvP

Posted by: Waggle.8209


To all the thieves saying ‘get some toughness’ I run an ele build with soldiers amulet and runes of divinity. I have 18.5k hp and a lot of toughness but I do get 70% + of my hp taken down in a single backstab. When I see a thief stealth I try to throw up defences, dodge, all of that stuff but there are times where they can take you by surprise regardless. (Running up to treb, teamfights etc)

Please stop defending this clearly broken damage because it’s ruining the PvP experience for a lot of people myself included.

You just need to Dodge

in PvP

Posted by: Waggle.8209


Stun breaker doesnt remove imobilize

Yes, it does.

No, it doesn’t. I use mist form all the time which is a stun breaker and it definitely does not break immobilize.

My WvW Spec - All Glass Cannon

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waggle.8209


Arcane Power is bugged so I wouldn’t bother speccing for Arcane Retribution.

Why Thieves should not be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: Waggle.8209


All your reasons are merely arguments to keep thieves in the game, it doesn’t follow logically that it means they shouldn’t be nerfed. It’s like saying ‘lets keep one shot skills in the game because they remind people to run away’. Assassin classes in concept are fine but that doesn’t mean their damage should be out of proportion.
