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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Waysam.6018


I am having the same issues as all of the posters above me. The only difference is that I CAN promote and demote my guild members and I CANNOT hit represent anymore. I chose to stand down from the guild that I created to see if I could just re-represent it on my main in hopes of fixing it and to no avail I am no longer representing my guild on my main. I will say that my alts are unaffected by this bug. I can still access everything the guild tab has to offer via an alt so I am not completely in the red. However, seeing as this is a bug and I felt the need to report it I can kind of breakdown the events that led up to this happening.

The day before I lost control of my guild on my main I was re-working our guild ranking system for example I was adding new ranks as well as removing old ranks and configuring what each rank could do. I was also testing a theory that me and my co-gm were trying to figure out. At the time I did not know that by hitting, “Admin. Lower Ranks” would allow other guild members to invite. So to test this theory I demoted myself (because my co-gm cannot) and asked him to re-promote me as GM after I had tested this out. All ended well we gained knowledge and everything seemed unaffected. The next day is when this issue occurred. I do not know if it has anything to do with what I just explained but hey any information on a bug issue is better than none.

Now I am just waiting on a fix A-Net. No rush. You guys will get to it eventually.

Keep up the good work. Hell of a game BTW.
