Showing Posts For Wazzy.5961:

Crafting, MF gear, and legendaries

in Crafting

Posted by: Wazzy.5961


I agree with Safari.
The only thing crafting Weapons is good for is Legendaries and by the time you save ALL the material list for those you would have way more than enough money to do 1-400 in 15 minutes.
It is cheaper to buy armour and weapons on the TP (sound advice I think!)

The exotic jewel sets are 10-18g per set depending on stats and I personally have gathered enough to make my own ruby and opal set with gems to spare just from playing to 80. Thus saving me around 30g to spend on other stuff and more room to make profit when I gather a few more Orichs

Server Vabbi - Temple of Grenth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wazzy.5961




NPC for Temple of Grenth is stuck at the way point just before he enters the temple.
Seeing as this is one of the biggest end game events could this be looked at before the server reset next Tuesday.

Thank you!


Magic find vs Glass cannon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wazzy.5961


Get an exotic Magic find set and look at the DPS difference between the two.. I barely notice it you just Crit a bit less often but damage wise it’s hardly any different and I’d rather have 180%+ MF (2 Exotics from event chests so far)
Stop moaning and thinking you’re great and just play the game like a normal person.