Showing Posts For Wedge.3126:

strange lines on floors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wedge.3126


I can confirm that the 13.4 drivers fixed this for me on my 7950 as well. They also thankfully didn’t carry over the screenshot crashing bug from the 13.3 beta drivers. Makes me feel like my bug reporting actually mattered.

Weirdly I can see all the seams where the textures tile really easily now (in Rata Sum), but I think that’s just how the graphics are, and I only notice it because that’s what the funky shadow lines used to show up along.

Soooo seems like these should be the best drivers yet for AMD users.

Buy gifts for a friend from the Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wedge.3126


Seems to have been posted about alot, but one more post that this should be done. Just have it work like Steam where you have an option to buy an item as a gift, instead of for yourself. I live with my girlfriend, so I’ll just sneak a present onto her account when she’s not around, but having this system in place would make that a lot more practical for most people.

Engineer Turret Movement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wedge.3126


Having to wait for the huge cooldown time on turrets after you finish a fight where you were using them is a huge pain. It really discourages you from using them in-case you suddenly really need to deploy one. While nerfing the cooldown time itself wouldn’t work, because destroying them would be meaningless, I don’t understand why picking them up manually does not reduce the cooldown time. When you pick one up, the cooldown time should be set based on the formula:

CooldownTime = MaxCooldownTime – (MaxCooldownTime * CurrentTurretHealthPercent) + TurretRefireTime

Having the turret’s refire time as a minimum cooldown would be an easy way to prevent exploiting dropping and picking up and redropping a turret to get it to fire faster. Unless the balance intent is to keep the engineer from using their turrets at all too often (which is dumb), I don’t know why this doesn’t already work like this.

Official xbox controller support

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wedge.3126


There’s a mish-mash of third party support and scripts out there, but they are somewhat limited and can require a lot of tweaking and fanagling to get right. It’d be much nicer to not have to deal with any of that stuff. Having controller support that lets you play in third person with aim-based targeting or auto/manual target selection depending on your class/needs would be awesome. Since the game already has a third person camera and jumping and a dodge move, it all feels very natural.

Any arguments over whether it can play at the highest level of a kb/m totally miss the point. Using a controller is about comfort, convenience, and options.