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Unable to download GW2. Connection error.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WeeriNZ.7426


Woot, i found a way around this issue!!!!

I downloaded the client until it reached 31% and stopped.

I then downloaded the free version of TunnelBear (vpn):
Once installed, I connected to the US then restarted GW2.64. The client then continues to download from 31%. I then disconnected the vpn and restarted the GW2 client and it continues to download.

So, you just need the VPN to get past 31% and then you do not need it any longer

Can confirm this method works brilliantly. Thanks for the fix.
Tunnelbear has a 500MB limit on free accounts but you just need to download about 2-5MB before you can disconnect. Once you disconnect from the VPN your download will stop but you just need to restart the GW2 launcher and it will start downloading at your normal speed.

Thanks again. Might be able to get some time in before work. =)