Showing Posts For White N I N J A.6513:
whats your team in game @TheLargerUnit
Looking for a 5th
Current Roster:
1. Duke/ Mr Stance: Duke.9054, fishnchips.2187
2. Kpop: interpret interrupt.3824
3. Angusih/ Logic: white N I N J A.6513
4. Sanguine.1632
-Duke is a Multi-class plays alot of classes in the game at high tier, right now since patch hits we are deciding what he wants to run the most will talk more when full team comes. He played on “Exhibit” back in the day, very good team didnt last long because of fall out all GW2 pvp community had.
-Kpop mained Warrior back in the day was on the same level as java hman and a few others. played on a few teams with “Soac”. Currently playing thief and warrior as mains Leaning to thief right now.
-Anguish mains Mesmer, Shatter DPS mes. played on a few teams including Team Ultimatum, 6th man for APeX as well as sub for PZ. Yes way back when.
-Sanguine is a warrior highest of tiers, unknown player coming outa the woodwork.
-good communication
-knowledge of main class
-want to be the best
-has patience and wants to build team synergy
-We want to be competing against the best teams right now just trying to fill the empty spots if you dont want to compete or cant fit in practice schedule then please do not message.
- We plan to practice around the evening time est timezone during the weekdays.
All of us play with all the well known players and we are known in the community, we are looking for 1-2 other players not class demanding at this moment in time but we are looking for great solid players that knows the game has an understanding for the game and is knowledgeable. No RAGER’s if you do we will turn you down. If your interested message White N I N J A.6513 OR Sanguine.1632
(edited by White N I N J A.6513)
I will be creating a custom arena that will allow teams to face head to head and winner will come out with a money prize. I will be welcoming all forms of groups of 5, whether it would be a team or group of friends, to face head to head for a prize of 100g for the best out of 3. Now you may wonder where is this money going to come from? well it comes from each of the 5 in the teams. there is a 11g buy in to the player which will then lead to a prize pool of 100g and the other 10g is for maintenance of the arena. Which ever team wins they will get 20g per player on the team.
1. Teams of 5
2. 11g per player
3. Must PM me to let me know there’s a group of 5 that wants to play
4. For PW must send 11g to middleman (myself) per player to avoid trolls coming into arena.
5. Either myself or a friend will watch the games and moderate them.
-This is to create more competitive rather then just 1 tournament once a week on a Sunday or once every 6 months for decent prizes.
`imagine win 10? you will receive 200g per player or a 1,000g for the team, and you could do that instead or random ques.
-if the community wants this to succeed there needs to be a consistent stream of teams wanted to fight.
Hours i will and possible mods will be on:
Tuesday,Thursday:10 am-3am pst
Monday Wednesday: 9pm-4am pst
Friday all day will 9 PM pst
weekends vary but usually 9am-9pm pst
There will be food breaks etc…
Account name: White N I N J A.6513
Also would appreciate feedback on the idea so it would be nice to get some replies on the forum. Thanks mates
Ok so, this topic needs to be brought up again, what does the big community that LOVES SAB have to do to get it back? why hasn’t it came back? it was probably one of the greatest implementations you guys have done as a team and i genuinely think you should bring it back. I heard that it was said that the reason behind not bringing it back was because it didnt get a big enough crowd of the whole pve community but what event brought more then that one? please take it into consideration to bring that part of the game back.
Please bring back the dervish. I played Guild Wars 1 (prophecies, faction,nightfall,EOTN) and being a dervish swinging around a giant Dhuums Soul Reaper was the most bad kitten thing. Serious thought needs to be put into thought in creation of the Dervish but it definitely should be implemented in the game with a scythe as a land two handed weapon.