Showing Posts For Whitesoul.7853:
So, before you think I’m crazy or think it’s against the TOS – It is not.
I am looking to figure out how to run two instances of GW2 to use both of my accounts since I only have one computer; is there a way I can do this without breaking the TOS (aka using a third party program to launch another instance of GW2 , aka Multi-Wars2 etc)
I’ve done my fair share of searching and can’t seem to find anything
I will not be botting; I will be alt-tabbing playing with two characters on TWO different accounts. When I press one key- it will only happen on One character; the GW2 Rules!
Read this post before you start assuming that I will be botting or cheating in anyway.
Trashyyyy lol useless GM trait..
Yeah Anet shafts the worst class already..again
Eh 15 % in a zerg…still dead! but true only decent one
Complete Joke…My Arrows go Faster…Woop!!
Shafted “R” Us..
I still love my ranger!
No it’s just when does skill matter in WvW? it doesn’t.. it’s purely #’s…. why?
I don’t think names should even be seen in WvW….
#signed…. hurry up fix it Anet
First off, this week we are against two HUGE mega servers….and we are a normal sized server; experiencing queues once in a while not all the time.
Problem : The Number of People & Zergs…. Zergs are awesome…however the problem is small servers that are good in combat…can’t defend against a Zerg UNLESS at a Tower/Keep with Siege…
Solution : Limit the # of people in any Borderland / EB within 10 or so.
How would this actually look:
For instance let’s pick two servers. Stormbluff and Crystal Desert just for randomness. If Stormbluff has 35 people in EB, then Crystal Desert can only have 45. Thus preventing a huge Zerg and having Crystal Desert literally STEAMROLL Stormbluff.
How would this fix the problem:
Servers that can actually bust larger zergs of some sort; would actually have a chance…I.E. no 50 man zerg could honestly take a 100 man zerg.. unless the 100 man zerg is..just..lawllllllllllllllllllllll
I am just tired of being able to take a 20 vs 20 and completely own them and then their zerg of 80 comes and annihilates us..
However, always allow 20 people in each BG…so a server can’t have 0 and limit the other team to not being able to play or have a small amount of players. This would negate Zerg Bombing and allow more skill to be involved…
Yeah so this new content is kinda AWESOME
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Whitesoul.7853
Agreed; the Prime fight was well thought out..I enjoyed it..
Only if they could start raids…