Showing Posts For Whitworth.7259:

Dear Anet. Please buff hammers? <3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Engis do a pretty good job with hammers.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Mystic or Master Kits to salvage Blue or Green gear

Yeah that’s why I said it makes no difference because you get the same basic mats either way.
Green sigils could gain to rise a bit in price because they’re worth jacks- at the moment. And it’s not like PoF will be the only content ever to exist now, plenty of people will still be doing the HoT map metas and world bosses and whatnot. Regular greens and blues will still be abundant.

If Anet planned this to solve the inventory problem, which I seriously doubt as it does not, it will go live in the entire game, not just PoF otherwise what would be the point? Not only green sigils and rune will rise, all of the materials that I mentioned will escalate. UND gear is just blue until identified.

It’s the “best of both worlds” because it solves inventory issues while out playing the game, meaning you only need to deal with your loot once per play session. Green sigils and runes are worthless atm, none of the materials will go up in cost since the supply is going to increase dramatically. Unid gear is NOTHING at all, until you id it, the loot does not exist until you get it ID’d which is essentially trading in your green unid tickets for loot.

+money and time. Don’t forget those. And that’s what’s the crux of all this. It’s the same as before, but costs.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


I struggle to see how anyone thinks risking a salvage of a precursor or exotic is a good thing. The only way this can work, if they truly introduced it to try and save inventory space, is for the unidentified gear to show its rarity and have one stack for each rarity type. Even the system in GW1 gave us the privilege of knowing what we were salvaging before we ID’d it.
Just seeing this in the preview has stopped me from pre ordering PoF. It’s one thing that really irks me. I’d rather have all the clutter than have to deal with this, it isn’t convenient in the slightest. I personally wouldn’t risk salvaging unidentified gear and miss out on rarer items so it’d be a case of IDing everything and then salvaging everytime, adding yet another stupid step and cost to a system as fundamental as an MMO’s loot system.

Please get rid.

PoF Class Icons

in PvP

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


So when HoT released the elite specs gave players new class icons. These were kept out of sPvP so we didn’t know if a player was running vanilla or elite. With meta builds and such it’s usually quite apparent what your opposition will be running just by seeing their prof icon.

When PoF hits and the new elite spec icons are released will these be added to PvP? There will be more options for viable builds (hopefully) and it’d be beneficial to know what you’re going to be up against when prepping. For example if you see an ele on the opposite team now it’s pretty obvious they’re running auramancer, but when the Weaver spec is released, it won’t be so obvious.

Or does not knowing just add a bit of spice, I dunno.

Which sword skin?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Fiery Dragon Sword

How to get the amorsmith station at pvp map?

in PvP

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Access to this area is only permitted with the use of a special pass, the Champion’s Rest Pass, rewarded to the top 4 teams of the Monthly Automated Tournament or in the top 25 of a PvP League season.

Could we have these Bandanas back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Seconded on bringing this to GW2. Was one of my fave headgears back in GW1 and would look good on basically any character.

Even him


Make Elixir S not cancel skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


This sucks especially with the condi meta. Self-regulating defenses is a good trait, but when you’ve got condi stacked and you try to heal/remove and elixir s triggers, cancels your heal and then you just kite for 3 seconds while the condis finish you off.
Yet other profs like eles have obs flesh can still use skills whilst they’re invulnerable.

Rank 38 NA, Solo Queue Only Burn Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


You literally got it in reverse, we were all on our mains, and when we saw a random pug team we all swapped to alt classes/meme builds. Hence the bunker guardian. Bunker guard isn’t actually good at anything, I just use it to meme.


PvP appreciation thread

in PvP

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


I agree. These forums are full of ragey tryhards. So many come here to rant because they’re easily offended or their feelings get hurt in game.
The pedastals are a welcome lark and there has been a lot of little changes that make the whole pvp experience more enjoyable.
Welcome back to Pvp, may your teammates be chilled.

Had my first REALLY good one of the season

in PvP

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Lol you didn’t even get top kills. No wonder your team lost.

Tried PvP for the first time today

in PvP

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


And i love to drag 2-3 enemies over the mp for a while with ele ….. If they are so stupid to chase me my team can do as they please…. Unfortunately sometime the team is just bad and i wonder why i did fight 2 minutes 1:3 before going down and we got 100 behind :-(.

This everytime.

I started playing pvp for the first time just before season 6 and ele was my prof of choice too. Still my favourite now. Personally I do prefer D/F auramancer for the heal. Feel so much more useful playing a powerful support role.

[Suggestion] Rabbit mini?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Just type /rank and y’all got one.

On a serious note, a mini rabbit would be cool. Was my favourite mini in GW1

Question about 2nd elite spec.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


No way to know at the moment. Personally I believe the fact that they’re called ‘elite’ means we’ll only be using them one at a time, as has been the case throughout the guild wars history.

Can we ever get decent build options ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


As a long time GW1 fan I was super disappointed when GW2 released with attacks bound to weapons with only certain professions being able to only use certain weapons. But as I played more I came to realise when playing GW1 the majority of players would use the same weapons and the same skills over and over anyway. Simply because some were more useful than others and the top skills were always on the skill bar.

With GW2 now there’s almost more variation available and still be viable (certain profs excluded). So I see no need to change how this game operates in that department.

Straying a little off topic, I’m just hoping the next set of elite specs don’t outshine the ones we have now, if there’s a definite reason to swap from one to another depending on scenarios then we will have a real ‘build system’ to please the pickiest of players.

[Ele] Official Ele Forum Guild

in Elementalist

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


- Name: Counterbroach
- Role: Tester/Student
- Game mode(s): sPvP/PvE
- Realm: Desolation
- Other info
Been playing GW2 since pre HoT and back then I mained engie. Mained ele since HoT and haven’t looked back. Play a mixture of sPvP and PvE (basically play sPvP until I get frustrated and go back to PvE for some chill.)

I’m by no means brilliant at the class, but I do enjoy it. I’d like to know more and had no idea a guild like this existed. I’m happy to help new players and have already assisted a few new people and pointed them in the right direction.

Nuhoch Warbler

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Try talking to Tizlak over in Thistlevine Ravine in Verdant Brink. He can be found on the extreme right of the area (the edge of the T-shaped zone on this map where the path bends to run North-South).

If he gives you another one, could you let us know so that the wiki can be updated?

This worked perfectly. There’s even an amusing little chat apologising for losing it. Thanks for the help!

Nuhoch Warbler

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


So I cleared out some stuff from my inventory and without realising it, deleted my nuhoch warbler. I’d put the Hot storyline on hold but now want to continue it, only to realise I still needed the warbler.

Is there any way to get another one? I’m aware I got it from Tizlak originally but I have no idea where to find him now, let alone whether I’d get another.

Should ANet change the Floppy Fish?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


I think the next mini should be a nice block of cheese to go with all this whine.

is hot planned to go on sale anytime soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Local stores ftw. Purchased my copy of HoT for £15. Bargain.

... How old are you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitworth.7259


Started playing GW1 at the fragile age of 18. 10 years well spent?