Showing Posts For Whoflung.7240:

[merged] Invasion Canceler not advancing...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


same ive done 7 different invasions and still have only 2 registered on achievement havent dc’ed ,been there from start to finish …think im just gonna give this event a miss i dont have the time to keep trying already taken time of work to try complete it …anet fix the damm thing so we can get it done

Lionguard lyns Content temporarily unavalible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


sigh silly me just re read patch notes and states she will be unavailable while restocking …srry

Lionguard lyns Content temporarily unavalible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


i hope so lol got 2 stacks of commendations be a shame to have to destroy it ..pity anet dosent tell us these thing would stop a lot of unnecessary posts being made cos we are confused at what is going on sigh but its typical they couldn’t be bothered letting the players know whats going on

Lionguard lyns Content temporarily unavalible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


not sure if its a bug or not but i can no longer purchase items from lionguard Lyns (next to what was the lion statue in lions arch keeps saying content temporarily unavailable try again later .if this is intended why can we still make captain’s commendations and what do we do with our commendation’s now?

Mouse camera control bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


sigh now since patch 7/10 times i get into combat i cant move camera with right mouse button this is so damn frustration why cant you fix it its been problem for while although it wasn’t as bad before patch but still this is making fighting so bad that its almost impossable to fight veterans and events ,dungeon bosses where moving is critical pls fix it Ive uninstalled game and reinstall it same with mouse drivers etc still have same problem ..your lack of response to this issue is unprofessional and irritating not to say the least ..i so love this game but you seem to be making a huge effort to ruin it …sigh guess this post will be ignored just like all the other mouse issue posts

Right mouse button is broken.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


having same problem its making dungeons and boss fights almost unplayable as i rely on my right mouse button to control camera …

Mouse Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


I know how you feel Ive stopped playing for a while hoping it gets fixed soon i use right mouse click to turn camera as i have in almost all games i play but camera always stops turning while im trying to fight doge etc it constantly auto targets npc’s ,party members while im trying to turn camera making boss fights veterans etc almost a total waste of time fighting, was always working fine till last patch since then its been such a pain in the (blank) that i wonder at the professionalism of the team that makes,tests and apply s patches. For every problem they do fix ,they break and cause double the amount of problems… I don’t think they test anything ..maybe they should hire professionals not school kids to do the work .. signed …..1 totally frustrated and about to give up player ….

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


attended /no loot /no mail

AC keeps resetting at last boss

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


no no one was switching ..and i was leader …we did however have some one dc during the path 3 last boss fight

AC keeps resetting at last boss

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


Forgot to mention it was on blackgate server ..

Unable to enter explorer mode..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


yea happerns all the time when we pug for ac usualy have to get everyone to switch characters then back again to fix it gets frustrating but what else can you do ….im on blackgate server just to let the devs know

AC keeps resetting at last boss

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


Did AC exp path 1,2 3,while fighting last boss in each path the whole grp was kicked from dungeon and it reset ..wasted couple hours for nothing ….sigh starting to get tired of the nonstop bugs etc every time you say you fixed somthing you break more than you fix ….
..sigh one totaly frustrated player…

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


looks like ive joind the multiple people with this issue ..ive been using paypal np since game started now as i tryed to purchase gems for halloween im getting a unable to finalise purchase error ,tryed using my credit card but get a failed erroe pls contact customer support i have put in a ticket (ticket no [Incident:121022-001287] )
here is a copy of the response i got
From: Guild Wars 2 Support
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:43 AM
To: ………………………………
Subject: Error in finalising my gem purchase [Incident:121022-001287]


Thank you for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support! You’re receiving this automated message based on information provided in your original submission indicating that the information below may resolve the issue.

Do you see 3 points in your Hall of Monuments?
Please note that some players may be seeing 3 points in the rewards calculator, however, you will not be able to use the Hall of Monuments unless you have applied Guild Wars Eye of the Northto your original Guild Warsaccount.

Missing Rewards
There are several issues that could affect your ability to gain access to your Hall of Monument rewards. The most common issues are as follows:
Your Guild Wars 2 account is not properly linked to the appropriate Guild Wars account.
Instructions on how to link your accounts can be found here:
Your Guild Wars 2 account is linked to a banned Guild Wars account.
You have not logged into Guild Wars 2 and received a Portal Stone from Scornheart who is located at Hooligan’s Route in Lion’s Arch.
You have not logged into Guild Wars 2 and talked to Kimmes.
Kimmes The Historian is an NPC located in the Hall of Monuments and you can access him by using your Portal Stone.
You have not logged into the original Guild Wars and visited the Hall of Momuments.

Make sure that you have completed all of the steps above as they are all necessary to resolve this issue.

If these suggestions do not address the issue that you’re experiencing, please reply with the following information and we’ll be happy to investigate further:
The account (login) name of your original Guild Wars account which has the desired Hall of Monuments.
The account (login) name of your Guild Wars 2 account on which you want to receive the Hall of Monuments.

Additional Information
If you were experiencing any other issues with the Hall of Monuments, we ask that you please try again as the issue should be resolved.

Additional information on the Hall of Monuments can be found here:

If none of the above information answered your particular question, please reply to this email and let us know.

Discussion Thread
Customer By Web Form (……………………………..) 10/22/2012 08:43 AM
ive been buying gems from bltp since ive started playing this game i just tryed to purchase some more and now i get error in finalising purchase can you help pls as halloween is almost here

will you pls fix this ty

Virtue of justice no longer refreshing after kill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whoflung.7240


I have 15 points in radiance ,up till today it was refreshing my virtue of justice after killing a foe np ,now it is no longer refreshing after killing a foe it only refreshes after cd ..