Showing Posts For WildMonkey.6927:

Launcher Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


WTF? Arenanet STILL hasn’t found a fix for us?.. This is an absolute travesty. WHY aren’t you helping us??? And why are me and tons of other people having this problem, this new update has been a real big drag. Why do WE have to change anything to make the game play? :/ I’ve done evrything recommended in all pages of this forum so far. STILL doesn’t work for me. That’s pretty bad..

Sorry if this post is so negative, but i REALLY love this game and i seriously want to try out the new patch. But i am completely locked out of this game for some odd reason.

(edited by WildMonkey.6927)

Launcher Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


Thank you for giving an eye on this issue, Arenanet Has there been any fix?

Launcher Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


I didnt even get the chance of DOWNLOADING the new patch. The game just worked perfectly yesterday, now it just acts like it is downloading the game, aaaaand…just disappears. it’s still running in taskbar, still in the background, just doing nothing….

I’ve tried everything, I’ve uninstalled any sort of trash programs from starting up with Windows, and downright deleting some others.. I also uninstalled to reinstall, and i just get the same problem without even being able to download ANYTHING. I’ve never had this problem before, is there anyone who may help me with this? I’ve tried solutions mentioned in other forum posts, which also didn’t work lol…

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


But really tho, finally I get to see the maguuma forum dwellers that i’ve heard sooo much about haha. Honestly I thought I’d get a challenge here..but nope it’s just a bunch of pride of being amazing “PvFers”, like that’s…something to brag about? lolz, hilarious.

O yea and 4 replies by Maguuma for my ONE simple comment, that’s amazing. LMFAO Honestly i think BG has the worst trolls stiill cuz theyre not just a bunch of crybabies and man, they are in blatant denial of everything they do and say JQ does it instead lol (because you know, JQ totally can do a 2v1 last week on the other servers AT THE SAME TIME as when all SoR and BG did was either 1. camp our spawn, or 2. camp bloodlust nodes 24/7). Oh and the claims of HzH hacking LOL because we can do that while an Arenanet employee was in our very zerg + TS oftentimes

There are several varieties of decaffeinated soda that are just as flavorful as the original. You should look into this. yawn well… that was easy. Not to mention ur post was all kinds of corny lol. NEXT!!!

(edited by WildMonkey.6927)

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


But really tho, finally I get to see the maguuma forum dwellers that i’ve heard sooo much about haha. Honestly I thought I’d get a challenge here..but nope it’s just a bunch of pride of being amazing “PvFers”, like that’s…something to brag about? lolz, hilarious.

O yea and 4 replies by Maguuma for my ONE simple comment, that’s amazing. LMFAO Honestly i think BG has the worst trolls stiill cuz theyre not just a bunch of crybabies and man, they are in blatant denial of everything they do and say JQ does it instead lol (because you know, JQ totally can do a 2v1 last week on the other servers AT THE SAME TIME as when all SoR and BG did was either 1. camp our spawn, or 2. camp bloodlust nodes 24/7). Oh and the claims of HzH hacking LOL because we can do that while an Arenanet employee was in our very zerg + TS oftentimes

Do you know what punctuation is?

lmao am I in high school or something? Or grammar kitten concentration camp. And btw oh yes I know wat punctuation is lolz I used some there. Get new glasses

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


But really tho, finally I get to see the maguuma forum dwellers that i’ve heard sooo much about haha. Honestly I thought I’d get a challenge here..but nope it’s just a bunch of pride of being amazing “PvFers”, like that’s…something to brag about? lolz, hilarious.

O yea and 4 replies by Maguuma for my ONE simple comment, that’s amazing. LMFAO Honestly i think BG has the worst trolls stiill cuz theyre not just a bunch of crybabies and man, they are in blatant denial of everything they do and say JQ does it instead lol (because you know, JQ totally can do a 2v1 last week on the other servers AT THE SAME TIME as when all SoR and BG did was either 1. camp our spawn, or 2. camp bloodlust nodes 24/7). Oh and the claims of HzH hacking LOL because we can do that while an Arenanet employee was in our very zerg + TS oftentimes

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


The most amusing part of this match-up is watching all of the JQ tryhards failing PvF by not understanding they are obviously getting trolled.

Not trolling.

Lol, reading all these bitter kitten comments is hilarious. Kind of expected when you pick on the little guys though.

Not bitter.

Merely amazed that JQ forced 500 lbs. of trash into a 10 lbs. bag and then thinks that makes them good players.

See below:

Hahaha are ya serious? THIS is why Magumma has such a garbage reputation in the forums. Have more people defending this precious server (WORST out of gold league, btw) in the forums than in the freakin borderlands themselves LMAO. Well u can win this precious “PvF” which really wont matter in a week from now, we will continue kicking ur kitten in WvW. YOU FAIL!!!!!!

HAHAHA omg, thanks for using my quote XD hilarious post man.

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


The most amusing part of this match-up is watching all of the JQ tryhards failing PvF by not understanding they are obviously getting trolled.

Hahaha are ya serious? THIS is why Magumma has such a garbage reputation in the forums. Have more people defending this precious server (WORST out of gold league, btw) in the forums than in the freakin borderlands themselves LMAO. Well u can win this precious “PvF” which really wont matter in a week from now, we will continue kicking ur kitten in WvW. YOU FAIL!!!!!!

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


jq tears best tears

Claiming facts like the obvious constant 2v1 throughout the entire week ain’t tears, lol. Not to mention JQ is currently best server, why else would a 2v1 against us happen XD

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


BG is as good as JQ? How did JQ beat BG last week by like 90k lmao. Face it, twist it any way u guys want, BG and SoR NEED each other to beat JQ <3 ^^

After all the flack I gave BG about taunting JQ with their 111k win……

All these new names spouting off without any knowledge of recent history. Are they transfers or PvE’ers that caught the WvW bug?

lol, do you mean me?..I’m new to the forums, but I’m NOT new to JQ bro lol. Definitely not just a PvE’er, I mean honestly I’d duel anybody here and I bet I’d give even the best of us a run for their money. But that’s my arrogance talking XD (it’s true though)

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


Been a GREAT week in WvW, kinda sucked in SoR BL ALL DAY yesterday though, SoR spawn camping us and BG waiting for us around the ruins…ugh -_-

My favorite part: Killing this one BG idiot who decided to mess with us JQers in our BL JP, and a group of WPAK members just got together and DESTROYED him. I joined in the fun ^^ and good riddance. Why is it that BG is always the one camping JPs, lol. I even seen about 10 OF THEM in the obsidian sanctum the other day. Kinda sad and desperate tbh

It took a group to kill 1 dude in the JP? Thats super impressive…kinda sad but impressive…

lol well i waypointed out after a guy said there’s a lot of them in the dark area in the JP ^^ honestly even if it was my own server doing this MASS camping, i STILL wouldn’t approve of it. What is this, call of duty now? XD

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


BG is as good as JQ? How did JQ beat BG last week by like 90k lmao.

Because we took a week off before season…. LOL. Congrats on the big win tho.

But aside from that shoutouts for the fights this week on BGBL. Long way to go in the season, lookin forward to plenty more.


Ooooh I’m sure you took a break. I mean, you guys claim that when BG loses by A LOT when a T2 server is in the matchup (who takes breaks from a video game, btw? This isn’t a job LOL), but when SoR is in the matchup bg takes THE LEAD lol. But congrats to you as well for winning this week, I mean you guys TOTALLY didn’t need help to achieve that or anything! LMFAO

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


Been a GREAT week in WvW, kinda sucked in SoR BL ALL DAY yesterday though, SoR spawn camping us and BG waiting for us around the ruins…ugh -_-

My favorite part: Killing this one BG idiot who decided to mess with us JQers in our BL JP, and a group of WPAK members just got together and DESTROYED him. I joined in the fun ^^ and good riddance. Why is it that BG is always the one camping JPs, lol. I even seen about 10 OF THEM in the obsidian sanctum the other day. Kinda sad and desperate tbh

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


Those JQ tears.

Must be a lot of JQ’s new paid transfer army in this thread who havent been in T1 for very long.

We here at BG are consistently double teamed and deal with it, now the tables have turned a little for some of this week and the tears, oh the delicious delusional tears…

The people saying BG and SoR lack the skill of JQ are the most delusional. You guys are hillarious, and to blame the PvE’ers when Blackgate is probably the one most affected… equally hillarious !!

Well done Blackgate !! Oustanding efforts this week from the commanders and their soldiers, especially after the loss of a couple of prominent guilds, we stayed strong !.

If you think BG has as good of a PvE population as JQ, it s YOU who is delusional sir haha. There’s sure a lot of BG white knights like you at OUR frostgorge sound farming, for having a supposed “better” pve population XD

BG is as good as JQ? How did JQ beat BG last week by like 90k lmao. Face it, twist it any way u guys want, BG and SoR NEED each other to beat JQ <3 ^^

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


Who in the world is commanding jq on ebg? Like kitten are you doing man, make up your mind.

LOL that must have been Molasses Muscles. hahaha he’s…an ok guy. Bet he’s a new commander or something. I dunno…

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


JQ hacking through garri outers again. SoR garri had them sending 50 man zergs appearing at inner with NO OUTER GATES DOWN (happening over and over this evening, they’re not portals either)

Specifically it appears to be the guild ,HzH dominating these hack-zergs

omg, u can LITERALLY feel the tears falling on this guy’s keyboard as he wrote this LMFAO!

Buddy, when HzH can easily stealth cap bay from SoR in JQ BL like yesterday with an actual ARENANET DEVELOPER in our TS and our zerg, WITH NO HACKS, even Arenanet can tell we’re pretty legit You can keep reaching and fabricate more stories about HzH, honestly it’s pretty funny jus’ saying

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: WildMonkey.6927


I’ll offer a another opinion here as someone who was in garrison for the whole encounter. First, as most players know there aren’t many places for a mesmer to hide on inner. Outer is fairly complicated but inner has 4 or 5 spots that are even remotely “hidden”. Listening to our TS and checking each spot along with the map blob that defended the garrison from the original golem push, I can say with 100% certainty that the mesmer from SG that was inside did so outside of normal sanctioned methods.

They may be telling you in map chat that they have a portal available to you via hiding or other normal methods for the attention, but they are not.

This is the second time in two nights a member of SG has evaded a full sweep done by the commander, last night was on hills.

Asking for video, screenshots or similar isn’t practical. We know the game has hacking programs made for it (admitted by JQ last night as they had a player flying around in a golem). A smarter player could be using the same methods but hiding them from everyone to gain notoriety.

It’s disappointing that during such a prestigious event that these kinds of things are happening, JQ doesn’t need its name dragged through the mud over the actions of a few.

My suggestion is to have a meeting between all three servers and just blatantly avoid mesmer portals into keeps and the garrisons.

I assume people will be quick to dismiss this below, I can understand that. Just know I saw it first hand, twice in two nights now and it’s starting to become quite apparent.

Umm I think you are a little crazy here. Garrison inner is actually quite viable listening to TS has nothing to do with actually being the one sweeping. Also of note SF/SG are both honorable guilds and they wouldn’t take a portal if it was even slightly sketchy.

^ QFT, I’ve run with both SF AND SG and they play completely, 100% legit. lol @ these posts claiming that JQ hacks. Look at the PROOF (keyword right there, very necessary if you’re gonna call hacks LOL) given by JQ players in recent weeks about SoR and BG hacking, you guys don’t have any room to talk lmao..