Showing Posts For Wilder Wicht.7206:
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the original Guild Wars, we’ve updated the Black Lion Weapon Specialist’s inventory.
You are celebrating without a huge celebration in – let’s say the Crown Pavillon?
I expected more
Hi all,
i am wondering if i’m the only one with this problem. After i klicked on “replay story” or whatever is written there, i replayed the story steps to get the achievements. But in the right top corner of my screen there is still the message: Disturbance in Brisbane Wildlands – Check your mail.
I don’t know if this is intended or a bug. I dont need this hint anymore because i’m done with the story and the achievements.
For me it was a fun fight, and now after around 20 attempts i managed to kill her with my Warrior.
Axe(Sigil of force)/horn(sigil of energy) and Greatsword (sigil of force+night)
Traits: 6/5/0/0/3
Full Berserker’s with scholar runes, with strength runes should work even better. I think i never got the 6th rune bonus of scholar while damaging her.
Food: Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew and Maintenance Oil
Utilities: Signet of Stamina, shake it off and i think i had signet of might
Strategy for phase 1: move quickly right-left to avoid Liadri’s auto-attack, use gs 5 to rush to orbs and kite the adds
Damage phase: try to separate her from her adds and burst her down, repeat until she dies :-)
Condi or Ranged builds weren’t an option to me, melee is more fun!