Showing Posts For Winordie.8270:
i was haveing the same problem and was talking to gw2 via email about it and they said to update my OS and all my drivers.. i was also talking about this problem on forum and someone said i could be beacuse of the gamebooster so i uninstalled it now..
here are some links for dirvers updates:
- AMD autodetect:
- Nvidia Autodetect: (Click “Auto-Detect your GPU”)
- Intel Autodetect:
and for windows update just go to start and write in windows update..
Hope this helps
im haveing the same problem and im talking to gw2 via email about it and they said to update my OS and all my drivers.. i was also talking about this problem on forum and someone said i could be beacuse of the gamebooster so i uninstalled it now..
here are some links for dirvers updates:
- AMD autodetect:
- Nvidia Autodetect: (Click “Auto-Detect your GPU”)
- Intel Autodetect:
and for windows update just go to start and write in windows update..
Hope this helps
kitten i forgot to click on detailes! and now gw2 closes as i click pay again..
ok so i uninstalled game booster and today i got the error message again. and btw even the sound lagged
ok it let me throgh now and i will post a picture of error if it happens again.. maybe it is somehow connected with the gamebooster, with which i usually run the game..
the thing is that now, when i click play in character selection gw2 crashes, without any messages..
im running win7, but never got these kind of problems beafore
when im playing gw2 a message pops out saying: a serious error has occured and gw2.exe will stop working but gw2 still works but than 1 min later again, but gw2 shouts down..
pls help me
if you wanna duel j+you can go to obsidian sanctum (wvw) there is a new arena where ppl duel..
like in gw1*
i would love that we get more utility, elite, healing skills but for weapons just new sets of skills.. so you couldnt change each skill serpatly like in gw2 beacuse than builds would be way to good..
1.more skills
2.diffrend tipes of pvp matches (like capture the flag or whatever)
3. A viewable diffrence in ore.. less zombies more flowers etc.. to get the players the feeling that ore is cleaning
4. maybe a really hard dungeon
5. new zones
i see that the racial capital towns (groove, rata sum etc..) are really empty.. i mean no 1 really has to go there and i you see some 1 he is 80% forgein race.. and meanwhile the lions arch is overwhelmed..
so the point is i think that you guys should make that if you leave heart of the mists or wvw through portal or something you get teleported to you racial capital.
fair point all of you.. but i mostly agree on that a-net is spending to much time working on GS and not giving attantion to other weps.. (and btw i play a GS ranger :P)
i think GS is overpowerd, therefore every 1 has a GS and that doesnt look so good..
its really annoying if you have a miniature but you click deposit all collectibles and its goes straight to bank..
a 5v5 LoL like pvp map would be really cool
a pvp arena with just CC special skills
I think it would be really cool if there were some dynamic events even in the wvw, some even big as a dragon landing or something. It would be intresting to watch players from other servers doing this quests..
Translation: let’s convert WvW to PvE please.
what about no
no it would be world vs world vs world vs environment
I think it would be really cool if there were some dynamic events even in the wvw, some even big as a dragon landing or something. It would be intresting to watch players from other servers doing this quests..
Mesmer: Target foe get hallucinations for 5 seconds (no demage just that trippy effects on screen)
Mesmer elite: Target foe gets hallucination that attacks your target. The hallucination can not be seen or attacked by other foes.
Necromancer: Spawn a bone wall with 5000 hp
Please give your suggestions also
there shold be more racial amror skins beacuse they look really good..