Showing Posts For Wolf.1905:
I would just like to know if its possible for a GM to bring back a deleted character and precious armor that I had on that character, or if he can’t and I will never be able to get the full set or orrian back.
Reason for this, is because I went testing different armor on different races and such and forgot to deposit the armor in the collectibles. Would really like to know if its possible or not, I really want to get the armor and also the weapons back!
I noticed that if u search “ranger” on guildhead or wikipedia or even the community site itself, it gives u the 3 special things for rangers :
Ok, first of all 2 of those 3, I never use in PvP. Except if I’m rolling some sort of support build with Spirits (which is rare, whats the point, they die so easily), which means that a bunch of your general utility is just for support for your teammates (meaning u lose dmg overall, u have to go 30p into the nature magic tree to get the most out of it).
Next are traps, I NEVER use traps. Never.
They just aren’t interesting compared to other utility u can get. Between spike trap and lightning reflexes, the choice is pretty darn obvious, even though lightning reflexes is just a simple skill that evades backward doing dmg and granting vigor. yet this simple skill surpasses ALL of the “ranger unique trap” skills.
I know, I have seen rangers use traps, but I never have seen one that was actually good with them (doesn’t mean he is bad, just means the traps are bad overall), correct me if I’m wrong, but the ranger using traps would be better off using other utility, even shouts.
So what does this mean for players that DON’T want to play a support build? The ones that like doing dmg but also would like to be tough to kill. Well we have 2 other types of utility (signets are out of the picture here) : Shouts and Survival.
As a ranger, I count only on these 2, if not only 1. Survival utility is the best utility because it gives us the best dmg (quickening zephyr vs. sick ‘em), aswell as some good survivability (muddy terrain, lightning reflexes). So I count mostly on survival.
Now to shouts.
Guys, we all know that our pets can be our greatest weapon, but also our downfall, they can be epic, but they can also suck sadly :/ We cannot count on our pets with this type of utility due to the fact they :
- die easily
- can’t jump 1 metre and must run 500 metres to get to the target
- laggy response when given demands, such as the F2 ability.
These happen to everyone, the third one depends more or less on the person.
The only shout utility that I use and actually like is “Protect Me”. Why? Because if u get a bear, u get a 6s of invulnerability. On a 60s CD I think. Thats better then some elite skills, even if it isn’t as reliable.
So basically, what this all means, is that I see a lot of rangers only use 1 type of utility, most likely survival. There is a lack of interest in, atleast, 65% of the ranger utility skills, not including signets. I tried builds mixing up different types of utility and it doesn’t work for rangers as it does for other classes. Its kinda sad seeing that some utility just “glow” more then others, and that all the devs did to come up with traps goes to waste. It makes me think some times if ranger was really a finished class or not, like engineers (rangers are in a way better position then engineers though xD). hope I wasn’t the only one that noticed this :P
Hey guys, I’m sorry if this is the wrong place to put this topic but I couldn’t find a good place to ask this question.
Story is, with a lot of other mmos, it is impossible for european players to go to american server and for americans to go to european servers. I’m a french european player who is at the moment playing on an american server. I’m very thankful to ArenaNet for this possibility. Why would I want to play on american servers? Because I want to play with my older brother who happens to live in the U.S.
Problem is that, today I’ve been hit by some serious annoying lag, through out the day. Strange, because I’ve never been hit by lag since I got this game (Christmas). Friends told me it’s because I’m playing on american servers. Even though I am not 100% sure, it would make sense of that happened to be the cause. Is this really the problem or is it something else or just simple bad lag? If it is that, can I get rid of it?
For me, names should depend on your class as much as your race, if not more.
My sylvari ranger is Kode Rekon
PS: Ive done it on my ranger too, just not as often because I don’t suck as much as I do on my engi, thus not always downed xD.
I feel bad for engineers atm, they suck so bad, they need buffs compared to other classes, they get destroyed so easily by warriors, thiefs, mesmers and even us xD
quick stomp for us is better then the thief’s shroud stomp, for the simple reason that thiefs don’t always have the possibilty of stealthing, and they can be interrupted by it.
IF u were to get interrupted in your quick stomp (very unlikely if done well), then u still win because u forced the downed person to use his only utility and is probably gonna die before getting his 3rd skill.
First of all, you need the right utility to face a thief, meaning Lightning Reflexes, Mass Root elite, and other stuff. Protect Me is also good if u have a bear as a pet, its basically being invulnerable for 6 secs, too many people overlook this ability.
I have axe and warhorn + shortbow for my weapons, u CANNOT have a longbow.
First I take my axe and warhorn, buff myself, I throw the birds and the chilling axe. From there, he will most likely stealth. At this point u can only lightning reflexes out or use some sort of pet utility like the wolf fear. Once he’s used his heal (don’t forget to keep poison on him)and he is out of stealth, you have to burst him down with your bow, try getting behind him for the bleeds and the stun. Against thiefs, the best heal is probably the heal-over-time. It heals for around 8000 over a duration of 10 secs. But remember that thiefs poison u, so always keep your distance.
Final suggestion and most important: NEVER EVER go into melee with a thief unless u can get out or control him somehow. If u go in with a greatsword, start hitting him, sure u might do some dmg, but how u gonna get out? Try running? He will either heartseek u or just change to pistols and unload. Simple as that…
lol u mean that skill which only works on flat groud? ye, that skill is good if it works, otherwise it makes us inferior to other classes when we are on some cliff or stairs, stuff like that.
I guess you could say that about thief’s finishing, but some classes can counter it, such as us with our aoe daze. Other classes however…
I noticed that rangers can easily flag a downed target with the flag in the face due to quickness we gain from changing pets (in BM tree, called zephyr speed).
We don’t have to use our 5s quickness or anything. Just shoot him down, change pets, and flag his face in 2 secs, easy way to get rid of some annoying down kills such as thiefs, mesmers or before a warrior gets back up.
I doubt I’m the only one that noticed but has anyone else noticed it? It’s kinda fun, hope it isn’t op.
How about fixing the bug when we’re downed, we call our pets to heal us, except they just stand next to us, staring at us like stupid useless pets. Wait… they ARE stupid useless pets —’
It’s pretty easy, call the birds on him, and use your axes to get a bunch of aoe out there. Your pet in this fight can be useful if he has an aoe ability, the wolf ability is great (aoe fear). The problem for rangers are melee classes generally, thiefs are so annoying.