Showing Posts For Wolfen.5708:

Main-Hand Pistol negates Hidden Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


As already said, just turn your auto attack off, it should “fix” this issue.

[MOVIE] Power Necro vs Thief (balance discussion)

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


There is nothing wrong with strong 1v1 builds. There might be a problem when something is too strong at 1vNs.


It should require skill to win a 1v1 against a skilled player.

It should require skill to win a 1v2 against two good players.

It should require skill to win a 1v3 against three or more bad players.

This build damage is kinda “low” and based on conditions, on top of that, in order to apply a considerable amount of conditions you must attack from hide, which will give you the “revealed” debuff.

Now, since there still is the redering issue and people are too stupid to press tab, this build is able to do fairly well against two or more players, but you won’t kill (or better, you won’t stomp) anyone half decent in a two or three vs one, and now I will try to explain why.

Stealth stomp?
Not everyone has the tools to stop a stealth stomp and even if you do they will often be on cooldown. On the other hand all a thief needs to stealth stomp is initiative which a pistol/dagger thief will typically have in ample supply since they save their initiative for CnD.

TLDR: The frequency at which a thief can stealth stomp is greater than the frequency at which other people can stop it.

Stealth stomp won’t work against anyone half decent because the time you need to stomp someone is higher than the time his team mates needs to ress him, I explain myself better:

If I down someone in a 2v1 and his team mate instantly start to ress him, the time I need to cast stealth (giving that I don’t have the revealed debuff from the fight) and do the stomp animation is longer than the time his team mate needs to ress him.

Sure, I can always poison him in order to give me some more time, but if I switch to the shortbow then I can’t stealth stomp.
And I can’t use utilities to stealth myself because I need them in order to win a 2 or 3v1.

In a 3v1 scenario it’s totally impossible, since not even the poison would give enough time.

Yes, Anet really stuck their foot in it on this one. The cancer is deeply embedded, so I’m not sure it can be removed. But you never know, sometimes people come up with some really clever solutions to problems.

I sure hope so, but if they start blindy nerf backstab/conditions/hide without giving us anything back, then they might aswell remove our class.

[MOVIE] Power Necro vs Thief (balance discussion)

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


Dude, you are basing your nerf-opinion only on videos? You haven’t even fought such a thief? You can’t be serious. Seriously, how the hell can you start talking about balance without even having fought one? Who the hell do you think you are? You only made an “okay” necromancer vid. I’m not trying to sound rude but I honestly don’t know how to answer in a polite way.

Also the vid has a few bots in it. There was a vid of a necro killing 10+ bots so I guess nerf necro then.

Multiple videos of multiple thieves doing the same exact thing over and over and over and winning multiple 1vNs. The closest thing to this are some 1vN elementalist movies, but at least those required skill.

Some people seem to get really emotional when they think someone is going to take their candy away.

Yes, because videos totally shows the reality, specially WvW ones (where they kill lower level/undergeared people/people that can only zerg/people that can’t even see them because of the rendering issue).

Get real, they won’t be able 1vX anyone half decent simply because of the downing system.
As in, killing “good” people in a 1vX fight requires more skills than you might think.

Reworking CnD, or not allowing us to “hide on demand”, will totally make useless most of our shadow arts trait, hence your suggestion doesn’t really work, since for the most part our class is designed around CnD.

[MOVIE] Power Necro vs Thief (balance discussion)

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


Of course, it’s much easier doing that in WvW because of the critters running around to get free stealths off of. It’s a problem, IMO. I honestly can’t see how people can defend that, but whatever.

BTW, I have not fought a thief like this 1v1, so please stop with the assumptions. My concerns are based off of the movies I’ve seen.

Valid point on the DPS loss if you lose frenquency of stealth attacks. That could be balanced by improving the non-stealth attack, though.

So, just because as you already said, it’s easier to pull off in WvW because of the mobs/randoms running around it needs to be nerfed? try to PvP where there are no mobs maybe?

Now, I didn’t watched the video, but I feel like I’m playing a similiar build. It relies on the condition damage of the pistol (both auto and stealth attack) meanwhile I heal up and remove conditions when I hide.
In order to do that, I indeed need to land CnD, and this is where you need to counter. If I can’t land CnD I can’t hide, if I can’t hide I can’t heal nor remove my conditions.

Of course, there is always Shadow Refuge, but that has a CD and can be countered by AoEs.

This is by far one of our strongest 1v1 build, because as you might have noticed, once you learn to counter a backstab thief there is nothing much he can do but run away and re-try his combo (by the way, I never got killed by a backstab thief when I had my stun-break ready in a 1v1).

Now, with the already announced upcoming and totally not needed backstab/burst nerf (just because baddies complained about it), I don’t think that touching our others “competitive” builds would be fair, even because they can be countered and are not really viable in most tournaments.

(edited by Wolfen.5708)

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


no unskilled player is rewarded just because he has a pocket healer

I’m sorry, but as it stands now, GW2 is the game which rewards unskilled players the most.
In any other game you would be able to kill 3/4 unskilled players by yourself, on GW2 you can’t, simply because they keep ressing each other over and over till you get bored and leave.

In TPvP the team which is able to interupt most stomps meanwhile covering theirs wins, the “PvP ability” of a player is secondary, since it doesn’t matter if you’re the first to score a kill, like it doesn’t matter if you’re able to “kill” (let’s say down) someone in a 2v1, he will just get ressed.

“Let’s remove healers but give players the ability to ress themself over and over meanwhile they keep dying because there are no healers”, really an awesome and smart idea, I must admit.

(edited by Wolfen.5708)

Remove illusions/clones/phantasms once mesmer is downed

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


The downed arrow doesn’t disappear, meanwhile, the targeting arrow is always on your target, hence, if you change or close your target the targeting arrow changes target or disappear.

What you see on the video on the clone is not the downed arrow, it’s the targeting one, if the ele would have pressed esc then the targeting arrow would have disappeared, leaving the mesmer easy to spot.

and @Milo @theboz

Donwed state arrow over clones head. Big arrow with a skull on correct?

There are three arrows, one downed arrow on the elementalist, one targeting arrow on the clone and another downed arrow on the hidden mesmer that is about to spawn.

That downed arrow can’t be the clone’s one, since it’s far on the left from the clone’s body.

(edited by Wolfen.5708)

Remove illusions/clones/phantasms once mesmer is downed

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


The downed arrow doesn’t disappear, meanwhile, the targeting arrow is always on your target, hence, if you change or close your target the targeting arrow changes target or disappear.

What you see on the video on the clone is not the downed arrow, it’s the targeting one, if the ele would have pressed esc then the targeting arrow would have disappeared, leaving the mesmer easy to spot.

(edited by Wolfen.5708)

Remove illusions/clones/phantasms once mesmer is downed

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


Yep totally get that Wolfen, and it also shows the minor difference and easily how people can get confused.

How would you explain 7:50 on the other video though? It shows a downed state on the clone, as well as a smaller target arrow, before mesmer is spawned behind.

I guess that’s because when the clone spawns, the ele “auto targets” him, hence the targeting arrow.

Usually, i just press esc, then it’s easy to stomp the real one.

Remove illusions/clones/phantasms once mesmer is downed

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


In order to make it more clear i just tested it, there are two screens taken in the same moment, as you can see on the first screen only the real mesmer has an arrow, meanwhile on the second they both have one, that’s why when i took the second screen i was targeting the clone:

First screen:
Second screen:

There is no bug.

(edited by Wolfen.5708)

Remove illusions/clones/phantasms once mesmer is downed

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfen.5708


I can confirm that, the arrow on the clone is the targeting arrow, if the ele did just press esc (or closed his target) then you would just see the downed arrow on the real mesmer.

You can even see that he was targeting the clone from the red circle below him.