Showing Posts For Wonderlust.9360:

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wonderlust.9360


Scout Acan bug. FIXED! for me anyway!

I believe that a fix has been attempted, though it is not fixed for me.
I glide over to him, the ‘glide over to Scout Acan’ is complete.
Next is to talk to him though he will not respond to me at all, i have tried:
Logging out,
Switching character,
Exiting Game,
Starting game back up then try to talk to him (nope).
Exiting game and attempting to glide to him again hoping its in one motion that you have to glide and speak to him at once. (nope).

A fix would be great, didnt pay dat money to be stuck in dat storyline haha.

It is addressed here:
but i know it needs further looking at.

So i quit the story line, closed game, rebooted game, continued story and he talked to me!

(edited by Wonderlust.9360)

Giganticus Lupicus needs to be nerfed...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wonderlust.9360


So i was playing this boss, how to kill him seemed understandable and fair, what was absolutely a waste of a few hours was how he would just instantly regain full health after a while. No matter how many people were in the room attacking him, got him to under 50% hp, then suddenly he would just regain all his health INSTANTLY, not REGEN, instant heal to full health. No way to kill him after hours of playing the map, no reward, no tokens, nothing…. Ive been playing the Guild Wars Series for over 6 years, and nothing was angered me more than this, it makes me want to put the game down, but i don’t really don’t want to, it has so much potential. But it seems the devs don’t even test their updates. If they did, they would see that things like that is whats driving their customers/audience to other MMOs like WoW.