(edited by WoodStatue.2563)
Showing Posts For WoodStatue.2563:
This kind of contest actually works and has been held several times before for gw1 so it would be cool to have one for gw2hot. But there were no votes though (probably better)
I have been reading the thread with interest and would like to add my suggestion to it.
It seems to me that to create the new Writ of Persistance two opposing traits were rolled into one. Both honor master choices under the current system: Writ of the Merciful, a cleric guardian trait and Writ of Persistance, a Hammer DPS trait.
(While under the old system you could, of course, have two master choices together therefore possibly have WoP as well for the support build, but under the new system you cannot have two masters so I will leave that out for now)
The conflict now is between two groups of guardians who each want to have access to new WoP without going out of their way to a trait line that doesn’t offer them much else. DPS does not want to be in Honor, Support does not want to be in Zeal. Going into a trait-line full of trash for a mandatory trait is not a good, fun or interesting build decision. (Sacrifice is good, trash is not!)
So in my opinion the best thing is to split new WoP back up. Move the extended symbol duration into the hammer trait in the form “Symbol of Protection lasts longer.” to make it pure hammer, or maybe just keep the symbol duration for all symbols as support guardians may use hammer+otherSymbolWeapon anyway. This will spice up the hammer trait which could use something more. Then new WoP can be renamed to Writ of the Merciful and can get added healing or some other extra function to improve it’s support GM status (or move it to master instead)
I’m not sure where the hammer trait should be. Virtues seems awkward. Valor Master maybe, like Glacial Heart is right now anyway? Opposing it with GS in zeal isn’t very interesting. Maybe Hammer should be zeal as it is the only symbol autoattack weapon (and would be nice in the symbol line!) and greatsword move to radiance (which has more retal?).
I’d love to hear your ideas.