Showing Posts For Woot im a warrior.1563:

Cannot login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

That is correct.

Cannot login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

The game client keeps telling me I have the wrong username/password but I am putting the exact same info as I did to log on here to make this post.

Edit: It gives me Error Code: 11:1001:8008:190 if it matters.

My Opinion After Today's Pro League

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

Maybe the balancing team is very good at their jobs, but the person they answer to is the problem.

I know that was the biggest issue with balance in GW1 and I don’t see why it wouldn’t still be true for GW2.

StrongHold plyrs Unchecked Box?

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

3rd & finally- they should of check out WoW, & all dease other MMO’S pvp maps, & check out what works & what does not. & inspire themselves from does to make there own new maps.

None of them work. Go ahead and name 1 successful e-sport MMO. You can’t because it doesn’t exist.

You may love those game modes, and they may be a lot of fun to play, but they will never work as e-sports.

(edited by Woot im a warrior.1563)

PvP balance is fine, l2p is the issue

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

There is a really easy way to tell if the elite specs are overpowered. Just ask yourself if you would actually run the base class over the elite specs.

The only 3 classes I can see running the base class over the elites are Ele, Thief, and Warrior.

Out of all of the elite specs only Berserker is actually weaker than the base class. Tempest and Daredevil simply provide other options. (Daredevil is almost forced on Thief at this point due to the amount of reveal.)

The argument that the only reason people are playing the elite specs is because they are different and new doesn’t really make sense. PvP players tend to play what is strongest and gives the highest chance of winning. Losing isn’t fun even if the build you are playing is.

EDIT: It should be mentioned that they only thing keeping Revenant viable is their elite spec. They really need buffs for their other legends if they were to nerf Herald.

(edited by Woot im a warrior.1563)

StrongHold plyrs Unchecked Box?

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

You would think a company that’s pushing e-sports would at least bring one new pvp map to the table that’s tournament worthy. Stronghold will probably never be played in a tournament of any kind, so pvp got only some new specs with an entire expansion…

They really should make 1-2 new pvp maps that will be played in the e-sports they are trying to push.

They currently don’t have any tournament worthy maps. The only reason conquest even has tournaments is because anet is forcing them themselves.

Conquest will never work as an e-sport because it is boring to watch. Stronghold was an attempt at making an e-sport worthy game mode and while the basic idea is solid, the execution was really bad.

StrongHold plyrs Unchecked Box?

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

Stronghold is just terrible for the reasons DiogoSilva said above.

You want to know an easy way to make a superior Stronghold map? Remove the cap points from Foefire and change the win condition to killing the lord.

You can even spice it up a bit and keep the mid point but have it spawn a hero for the team that holds it for x amount of time. While we are adding stuff, just put archers on the walls by the gates.

With the above changes we basically have the GW2 version of GW1 GvG.

Obviously some tweaks would have to be made to prevent just zerging to lord down at the start but you get the general idea.

(edited by Woot im a warrior.1563)

List of "Mats" that need storage spot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

Patches for insignias.

Rev counterplay?

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

Is there an easy way to tell which stance a Revenant is in or do you have to wait for them to use a heal/utility?

Idea for complete amulet overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

1 shotting is just as bad as crazy bunkers and builds with no weaknesses.

Idea for complete amulet overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

1) All amulets are limited to 3 stats
2) No amulet can have both Vitality and Toughness

What about

1) All amulets are limited to 3 stats
2) No amulet can have both Power and Precision

I guess it would be better to say that every amulet must have at least 1 offensive stat to prevent crazy bunker builds that make matches extremely boring.

Idea for complete amulet overhaul

in PvP

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

It seems to me like a lot of the balance issues in PvP come from some amulets providing too much. The trait overhaul caused a lot of issues, but the biggest problems right now are builds being able to remove almost any weakness because of 4+ stat amulets.

I propose that the entire PvP amulet system gets a major overhaul that would make it a lot easier to balance the game. My idea basically just has 2 rules.

1) All amulets are limited to 3 stats
2) No amulet can have both Vitality and Toughness
Amulets must have at least 1 offensive stat

This change should make it easier to balance the classes and it should cause builds to have natural weaknesses that would have to be overcome with utilities and/or traits.

Making a change this drastic is sure to cause some short-term issues, but overall I feel like it would make the game a lot healthier.

(I must confess that I only recently got back into the game so I could way off with my judgement. Please tell me why I am wrong if you feel I am so I can learn.)

(edited by Woot im a warrior.1563)

Minor change to the trait system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Woot im a warrior.1563

Woot im a warrior.1563

Allow any major trait to be used in any trait line, keep the tiers. I think this very simple change would add a lot more fun to the game by allowing more build possibilities.