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New ratings system question.

in PvP

Posted by: Wordsworth.7694


Thank you for your responses! +1 to both of you. The low population theory seems to be pretty valid from my experience, as well. I’m just glad that I wasn’t missing something as far as the ratings system was concerned.

Here’s hoping that ANet can crack the code to make people feel compelled to TsPvP. If not, I suppose I’ll be okay since non-rated sPvP is still competitive for solo players and is loads of fun.

[EO]Ex Oblivione
YOU can’t join.

New ratings system question.

in PvP

Posted by: Wordsworth.7694


I have been reading a lot of very good reviews regarding the new sPvP ratings systems, however, I have had a very poor experience thus far. I was wondering where the rating system starts me off and how long it takes before it starts putting me into groups that are more in my comfort zone.

While I’m not the greatest player by any means, before the patch, I had about a 58% win percentage in non-tournament sPvP and I generally tended to win a certain amount of Free Tournaments under the old system (20 wins/ 46 matches before the patch). However, since the patch on Tuesday, I have lost 10 single matches in a row and have encountered very uneven team compositions. For example, out of the 10 matches I have encountered the following:

4 Full premade guild teams
6 Matches where my team started with 4 members, while the other had 5.

I’m fully willing to play good teams and lose. I also realize that my decision to play without a guild weighs a certain amount on my tournament wins/loses. That said, it’s very discouraging to feel like I have to grind through a LOT more tournament matches , hoping to hit a premade jackpot and not a team of people who quit when they are 10 points down.

Is this just bad luck? Will the ratings system eventually put me in an appropriate bracket? As it stands, I would gladly go back to the old system of waiting an extra 10-15 minutes if it meant playing with people who want to be there and actually having a chance to pull off that tough last-second win- something that was rather common in the past.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

[EO]Ex Oblivione
YOU can’t join.

(edited by Wordsworth.7694)

[EO] Ex Oblivione *Read Me*

in Guilds

Posted by: Wordsworth.7694


Dearest Stormbluff Isle denizens:

Have you or are you currently experiencing any of these symptoms?

- Feeling like you are just a body in your guild padding influence for a small clique of players whom you never converse with.

- Questioning whether your in-game chat is defective when you greet your guild because non of the 97 people currently online respond.

- Wondering why you have that 100-slot guild bank when nobody gets the items inside that would benefit them.

- Trying to figure out why that one guy is still an officer despite the fact that you had no say in his promotion.

- Pondering why that one guy in your guild has been hanging out in Lion’s Arch for an hour trolling general chat for attention, while meanwhile, you can’t find someone to take 5 minutes to help you.

If the answer is yes to any of these, then I present you with an alternative.

Ex Oblivione was started by myself in order to have an outlet to spend my guild influence in ways that I felt they would benefit me. While it’s nice to have a say (or all of it) as to my guild happenings, I feel like there might be other players with the same guild management ideals, while having fantastic ideas that I might not have thought of on my own. With this in mind, I decided to present my case to fellow players in hopes that I might persuade some people to bring their brilliant ideas over to my guild.

Currently, I am looking for other, highly active and motivated, players to come aboard as officers – or simply members if that is what you feel more comfortable with. I plan to make all major guild decisions (i.e. events, membership, promotions) through a majority rules, open vote consisting of all accepted and active members. I feel that this approach to running a guild, while slightly more time consuming, would allow all members to make a true contribution to the guild – which in part, makes players feel as though they are not just part of the guild, but feel like it is “their guild” as well.

In keeping with the nature of this guild, nothing is off the table for discussion or change with the exception of:

- Using a player’s gaming ability as an argument to deny membership or leadership roles. I insist on membership being based on how a player fits in with the guild personality-wise as well as their contributions.

- All guild assets must always be distributed in a democratic-socialistic manner. The exact method of implementing this is, of course, up for debate and vote. Initially, I would prefer that all Influence and guild bank expenditures be presented and voted on individually. This, of course, will not be feasible as the guild expands, however I have ideas as to how to handle the problem. Hopefully, you do to!

- For reasons that should relatively clear, I cannot be impeached of my leadership role until the guild’s membership is stable. Stable will be considered to be 25 unique accounts as voted in members. Once this goal is reached, all leaders, officers, and members can be voted out of their position(or into a new one) by a majority rules vote.

Misc. Information:

- Currently, the guild has access to a guild logo, guild armor, and a basic guild bank. There is a small reserve of guild influence for purchasing other perks, as well.

- Once the client of choice is chosen, I will be renting (or hosting myself) a guild voice chat.

Thank you for reading this, I know I have a tendency to get a little wordy. If you are interested in membership or just have general questions, please feel free to message me in-game (Barnesworth), here on the forums, or through email ( .

I hope to see you soon!

[EO]Ex Oblivione
YOU can’t join.

are non-shatter/clone builds viable? wvw/dung

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wordsworth.7694


The biggest issue that you’ll run into using a non-shatter build in dungeons is that you will lose your clones really fast- particularly in higher level fractals where you want to shatter asap to maximize damage due to the fact that illusions and clones get killed before they can even get the first attack off.

If you are just doing the easier dungeons and lower level fractals, almost any build can have advantages.

[EO]Ex Oblivione
YOU can’t join.

Are Warriors really that bad in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Wordsworth.7694


Respectfully, I don’t see what all the fuss is about Warriors. They have an attack that can do over 16,000 damage to my bunker who is specced full toughness and is wearing all toughness gear. Yes, it’s difficult to land the attack for full damage on experienced players, but if they don’t have any skills up to mitigate the damage, they have to move off the point when you use the skill- so again, you have another advantage.

[EO]Ex Oblivione
YOU can’t join.

Can't switch weapons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wordsworth.7694


I wanted to bump this post given that, over the past weekend, I have had this issue many times and have never seen it before. Initially, I had the problem a few times this weekend while running Arah exp (another member of one of my groups had the same issue). I figured that since I had never seen this before that it might have been an issue with Arah, however, after doing some SPvP this morning and having the same issue occur, I feel safe saying that this issue is far-spreading throughout every part of the game.

Hope that this gets fixed with today’s patch. However, if not, I wanted to bump this post to bring attention to the fact that this issue is still ongoing.

Side note: Dark Revan is correct in his statement regarding switching weapons through the hero screen to fix the issue when it occurs.

[EO]Ex Oblivione
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