Showing Posts For Worvast.3957:

Custom arena not working.

in PvP

Posted by: Worvast.3957


I have the same problem with my custom arena

[BUG] Guardian attack 1 of scepter fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Worvast.3957


This video of 14 seconds display the bug so obvious allowing scepter 1 atack always fail

Ideas for 8v8

in PvP

Posted by: Worvast.3957



I am looking for two things:

1. – Teams/groups of people who want to try a 8v8, come and play the 8v8 fight in an organized manner (Voice), for fun, but playing for win.

2. – Ideas which could be the best possible settings for 8v8 match.
I know there are people who think it is not viable, but hey!, test is the best way to prove.

I have two ideas for now:

  • 600 points, 15 second respawn in wave
  • 400 points, 60 second respawn individually

The reasons for both are the same: the points I have not clear why, to test any different number.
And the change in the respawn is because I think the base to make it more possible strategic (and what changes the metagame in 8v8) is the number of players in union with the respawn time thereof, and we need test this =)

My name ingame is Worvast.3957, you can put ideas, explanations about your suggestion, etc.

Thanks a lot.

[API Suggestion] sPvP API

in API Development

Posted by: Worvast.3957


I edited the title so that it is line with the others posts to give ideas, i would not want to leave the sPvP for last

OAuth API?

in API Development

Posted by: Worvast.3957


The way sites could work would be the same way a login to the trading post works: You ask to log into the site, it checks for your forum login cookie, and if one doesn’t exist, sends you to the forum login instead. No need to enter information into a 3rd party site. The problem arises in the ability to prevent that website from doing something like changing your password in the forum (this is why you are required to enter your existing password to do so). The OAuth specification would not solve this problem either.

Long story short, if a piece of information could be used maliciously by someone, I would not expect it to be available outside the game for a long time. Of course, if they implement an in-game API, the sky is the limit.

The current cookie has no information about the identifier, and also is fairly easy to fake.

They could put some kind of token in the cookie and use this token with the API, also could end up in a massive search of tokens to search identifiers, although this is less likely to occur, this options exists

So I think the best way is to work security API and provide access to such no sensitive information is the better that can happen to the game to get a lot of third party applications

OAuth API?

in API Development

Posted by: Worvast.3957


To me with a system that can verify authorship of an identifier (eg Worvast.3957) would suffice.


Authoring identifier
Create guilds on my web
User join clans


Leaderboard: Overview of the real level of a team/guild in sPvP, for server or for region. Push videos, info, ¡verify profile with real info for users and guilds!
Achievements: Visibility of activity/‘achievement seekers’ from the guilds = more visibiity for active guilds.

And if they give some kind of information to any user who is not sensitive (Server, profession, etc) could give useful information for census, WvW and sPvP

All this without being able to prove ownership of your identifier ends possibly on a false analysis or unreliable if you allow this type of information on your web from guilds or roosters.

This is only one example, verify authorship of an identifier would be quite interesting

give us OAuth tokens

in API Development

Posted by: Worvast.3957


We need try to keep the forum without repeating questions

[API Suggestion] sPvP API

in API Development

Posted by: Worvast.3957


I do not know what plans there regarding sPvP, but, ideas:

  • All information on the leaderboards
    • Information of ELO or GECKO
  • Being able to see if you/user are playing one tournament or hot join/Custom Arena, and users in this server/tournament
    • Custom Arena ID for view matchets in this CA?
    • View the result of the last or latest matches sPvP in Ranked (By User) or Custom Arena (By CA ID)
    • View points of one match in real time?
  • See wins/losses, and by profession (PvP Menu info)

(edited by Worvast.3957)

OAuth API?

in API Development

Posted by: Worvast.3957


I would ask if it will develop, now that exist API, OAuth system to develop applications using user information when they allow access

My main interest is all orientad to sPvP and organization of leagues, measuring the quality of the players, games, etc, but sure other developers now are thinking of hundreds of uses

(edited by Worvast.3957)

Custom Arenas, Available or not?

in PvP

Posted by: Worvast.3957


Custom Arenas, Available or not?

in PvP

Posted by: Worvast.3957


Nothing is mentioned in the update notes, but tickets are available in the bazaar to create custom arenas.

Are they going to come out already?
Is that your final price?

Custom Arena's today?!?! Look at Gem Store!

in PvP

Posted by: Worvast.3957


Guys, This is the time when all of us here we should expose our rejection of such high prices.

I am tired of getting HIT IN STEALTH!

in PvP

Posted by: Worvast.3957


Invisibility != Invulnerability

Of the proposals less logical than I have seen on the game


in PvP

Posted by: Worvast.3957


Why not shown our score, elo, gecko or whatever in our info pvp panel?

Not the ladder, said they would implement it ‘soon’, ok, although I seem late, but have a matchmaking system and not be able to check if your team or group have the same level, gecko, elo, etc.

Give a chance to see our level, at least, please

Video of the new map

in PvP

Posted by: Worvast.3957


You can’t take orb and use portal, Lose the orb.

The only advantage is to leave the portal in the orb altar, take the orb, walking to your base and leaving it and use portal to return for the orb altar to take it again

(Sorry for my poor english ^^u)

Mystic forge can returning nothing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Worvast.3957


Mix 2 equal weapons (Yellow, level 74 I think) another 2 equal (equal level too) I bought at the TP (for testing, my first time ) and did not return anything, Is this possible or is it a bug?

Sorry if the question is repeated or there is information out there, I have not seen anything about it.