Showing Posts For XanXan.8654:

GvG and GuildHall comming to GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XanXan.8654


I know this threat is a little older now, but I was also wondering if we will get to see guildhalls this year or… ever? It would just be nice to get a little statement from the Reds how long we might have to wait or if its going to happen anytime soon.

I know there is alot going on backstage with the 11/15 Patch and probably another supermassive event for christmas, but… but.. we wants guild halls!

insert sad looking kitten here

MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: XanXan.8654


That is not correct. I have the Berserkers Spineguard currently equipped and it also holds an Exquisite Ruby Jewel.

MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: XanXan.8654


So I am not sure if this happened only to me, or if it only affects the Exquisite Ruby Gems, but I can’t seem to be able to put it into the new book. I have seen someone Post his book including an Exquisite Coral Gem, so I am quite positive it is possible to Gem the books, but it just won’t work with the ruby, even after several relogs.

I also tried using a transmutation stone (80) on the Backpieces, but they can not be combined using the stones.

Is anyone else getting that issue?

Bye Bye Ectoplasma?

in Crafting

Posted by: XanXan.8654


It was not a claim, nor was it a fingerpointing saying “IT WAS NERFED”… It was merely a speculation, that is all. I am well aware of luck when it comes to salvaging, which is why I explicitly said twice, that it may have been just a day of bad luck.

Bye Bye Ectoplasma?

in Crafting

Posted by: XanXan.8654


So, while I understand that apparently this maintenance was just that.. a maintenance, I do notice that my Ecto-salvaging has gone from about 3 ectos per 5 items to… 1 ecto per 5 items using a 50% salvaging kit. First I thought it was just bad luck but….. in the end I had crafted around 27 yellow items, always used the BL salvaging kit on it and I came out with 4 ectos… I mean.. It’s good that the prices in the Auctionhouse will go up, but I would have expected at least a little note about it… unless it wasn’t a planned change of course.

I thought I may have had just bad luck, but other guild members noticed it too. Does anyone else see that change?

Collectible Dressroom

in Suggestions

Posted by: XanXan.8654


I REALLY really like this idea. I just cleaned out my bank yesterday, because I have stored up two full slots with just bow-skins and leather cloth pieces. Now I want to start a twink which wears cloth items… so.. there needs to be space… more space!

Put the mini-pets in a different tab

in Suggestions

Posted by: XanXan.8654


Yeah, I find that a little disapointing as well. I want my little ooze gobble around with me, but it usually only lasts for the first few gathers and then it is gone back to the bank

R.I.P. Drop Rate

in Crafting

Posted by: XanXan.8654


In the past 3 days I have collected…..5…. Gaze pieces… FIVE… and I have taken apart each and every cloth drop I have gotten. 5 is not even nearly enough to make one insignia. I am all for lowering it, but while I am bombarded with butter, chocolate, bones and claws, I would just like to see some sort of balancing. I can farm ori-tree and orichalcum twice a day, but I cant get my hands on some dratted cloth!!!!

[UNOFFICIAL] FPS Performance Issues User PC Spec Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: XanXan.8654


Just because I haven’t submit a dxdiag ever since the beta, I am going to post it again with the enw drivers… One shall pray and hope that the FPS gods, give me more than 25…

May I should do some sort of “rain-dance”


New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: XanXan.8654


New Driver – old FPS issues…. party on -.-

Maybe one day I will actually get more than 25 FPS with my GTX560ti…