Showing Posts For Xarilith.1043:

A couple of questions on Chrono play

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xarilith.1043


So I’m running Chrono at the moment but there are a couple of things I’m not sure on, wanted to see what other people thought. (This is all PvE based btw).

Firstly, shield: While I love the new mechanics they do seem a little lackluster (personal opinion!). When running a fractal I can’t really see any reason run a shield over one of the “standard” offhands (pistol / focus assuming sword is always on). The alacrity from the warden doesn’t seem like it would make up for the increased dps on the other phantasms? That said, the 5 skill actually does some damage and has a nice stun. It just seems like a pistol would do the job better?

Wells: What are people running in group settings? The damage from calamity is okay-ish but it seems more useful from an aoe weakness pov, action and recall seem to me like the go to strongest. Is it worth running mimic for a second well of recall rather than calamity? (assuming no encounter specific mechanic requires the slots).

I know that there’s no definitive one-spec-catches-all but I was curious to seem how others felt.

Fix 5v4s. There is NO Excuse

in PvP

Posted by: Xarilith.1043


5 5v4’s tonight. I was doing well (27 wins, 23 losses) until tonight. Now I’m just mad…

Warriors' burst abilities.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xarilith.1043


I actually like just about everything a warrior has going for it….

…my problem is with the other classes being so lame in comparison.

This. I’ve mained a warrior since BWE and honestly, I’m kinda bored of it, but why play another class when I can do more damage with more sustain and less effort.
I don’t think War’s should be nerfed, I want to see some of the other classes get something tasty to make them exciting to play!

Arah path selling

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xarilith.1043


I’ve actually been thinking about doing this (as my guild doesn’t really dungeon) but I’ve been put off by the thought of getting scammed. What’s to stop someone advertising a run, taking the gold and then just disappearing?

Also, I’ve not really spent any time in Arah, will I need to go and learn the end boss before joining one of these runs? (Not a problem, I’d just rather know the score before I go in!)

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xarilith.1043


Game is pretty much unplayable from 6pm-10pm GMT. Appears to effect me on my homeworld more than anything (it’s okay-ish when guesting and about 50/50 chance of being okay in fractals).
N.B. Speed tests show an ping of 5ms, all other games are fine.

Location: UK
ISP: Sky Fibre (40Mbps)
Server: Gunnar’s Hold [EU]

Arah Vets grouping together... (EU servers)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xarilith.1043


If you guys are still running these run’s I’d love to join. I have limited experience in Arah (only done path 4) but I’m a quick learner. I have a fully exotic geared warrior and mesmer I could bring. I’m aiming to get a full set of the armour.

(edited by Xarilith.1043)