Showing Posts For Xarilith.1043:
5 5v4’s tonight. I was doing well (27 wins, 23 losses) until tonight. Now I’m just mad…
I actually like just about everything a warrior has going for it….
…my problem is with the other classes being so lame in comparison.
This. I’ve mained a warrior since BWE and honestly, I’m kinda bored of it, but why play another class when I can do more damage with more sustain and less effort.
I don’t think War’s should be nerfed, I want to see some of the other classes get something tasty to make them exciting to play!
I’ve actually been thinking about doing this (as my guild doesn’t really dungeon) but I’ve been put off by the thought of getting scammed. What’s to stop someone advertising a run, taking the gold and then just disappearing?
Also, I’ve not really spent any time in Arah, will I need to go and learn the end boss before joining one of these runs? (Not a problem, I’d just rather know the score before I go in!)
Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Xarilith.1043
Game is pretty much unplayable from 6pm-10pm GMT. Appears to effect me on my homeworld more than anything (it’s okay-ish when guesting and about 50/50 chance of being okay in fractals).
N.B. Speed tests show an ping of 5ms, all other games are fine.
Location: UK
ISP: Sky Fibre (40Mbps)
Server: Gunnar’s Hold [EU]
If you guys are still running these run’s I’d love to join. I have limited experience in Arah (only done path 4) but I’m a quick learner. I have a fully exotic geared warrior and mesmer I could bring. I’m aiming to get a full set of the armour.
(edited by Xarilith.1043)